From our friend
Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome.
You are informally invited to join me, to explore the ever growing world of digital currencies. Whether you are familiar with the markets or not, this article aims to cast some light on the history of Bitcoin and the blockchain technology, as well as the alt. coin market and potential mainstream adoption. With so many coins out there to invest in, trade, stake and leverage it may seem overwhelming, to know which to buy and what to do with them. Then you have the exchanges, wallets and different blockchain networks to familiarize yourself with.
In the initial phases of adopting these app and platforms it is going to be a little alien, like anything else you do for the first time. As someone who had many blocks in my life with making changes or implementing new habits, I can relate to those who have considered investing in crypto but backed out because of a lack of knowledge or confidence in something so alien.
I hope in some way, this article provides a better picture, for those who are ready to embrace the changing times.. if i can learn to speculate on these expanding markets then im sure most of you can do it too.
I will also reveal some details into one of the coins/platforms that looks to be underpinning the new financial system. There is a lot to unpack.
Now a quick acknowledgement of how all this got started…
On October 31st 2008, a link to a paper was released to a cryptography mailing list, titled – BITCOIN: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System authored by Satoshi Nakamoto. On the 3rd January 2009 the Bitcoin network was created when Nakamoto mined the starting block of the chain, known as the Genesis Block.
Hal Finney, part of the Cypherpunk collective was the first person to receive Bitcoins from Nakamoto on 12th January, after downloading the software on its released date and in 2010 the first commercial transaction was made when Laszio Hanyecz bought two Papa John’s pizzas for 10,000BTC. To give you some context, 1 BTC (Bitcoin) is currently valued around $50,000.
What has made it so valuable is the fact, there were only nineteen million BTC created to counteract the current system of printing infinite amounts of cash. Now BTC has become recognized not only as a store of value, but its also provided a financial platform for millions of people who have been frozen out of the current banking institutions. We will look at this more a bit later in relation to the current climate of BTC and the whole digital market.

Since its launch in 2009, BTC, the pioneer of crypto, soon became the go-to trading currency for illicit products on the dark web, due to its claimed encryption process and peer to peer trading. Embraced by the likes of Silk Road, bitcoin became the paypal for the criminal underworld. As far as I know, Monero is now the main token of choice on the dark web, Which has greatly increased its adoption and value due to its encryption algorithms.
Once Bitcoin had blazed its trail, many other blockchains and tokens began appearing. In recent times BTC has rolled out the Lightning Network to speed up transactions and has been adopted by El Salvador as a national currency, which may protect the asset as a recognized global currency despite potential regulations . One of the biggest arguments against Bitcoin is its scalability to be adopted as a/the global currency, not with the suggested astronomical energy consumption it is already taking for the mining process.
The most notable front-runner in the evolving space has been Ethereum. Created by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, with the network going live in 2015, Ethereum has become a serious player in the crypto currency market. It is known, as with many of the latter developed platforms, as one of the Alt Coins. Ethereum being the leading Alt coin in today’s market. Ethereum is too a decentralized, open-source blockchain with smart contract functionality. Ether (ETH) is the native token of the platform.
Ethereum has designed a platform where permanent and immutable decentralized applications can be deployed onto it, which users can interact with. It also allows for the creation and exchange of NFT’s, which are non-interchangeable tokens connected to digital works of art or other real-world items and sold as unique digital property. Furthermore, Ethereum has recently launched Ethereum 2.0, that includes proof of stake and faster transactions using sharding..
Do not be concerned if there are many technical words you do not understand. Speculating to make short term profits or trading requires little need to know much about the coin and platform, only if you’re considering investing long term is it essential to know what you’re investing in.. i.e. Use cases.
What makes crypto currencies so enticing is the huge volatility in the market. Whereas the DXY Dollar market may move up as little as 1% a day, the digital currencies have massive swings, anything from 1% to 100-200% potentially. In 2017 if somebody had invested in Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ripple for one year, they would have 1,318% increase in profits from BTC, Litecoin 5,046% and Ripple an astonishing 36,018% increase. In one year! Now before you jump straight in and buy up a bunch of Ripple for example, you have to consider that for however much they tend to go up, they have an equal chance to plummet 5, 10, 20, 50, 100% in a day as well (in the extremes).

What we have been witnessing is a rise of a new technology that is slowly, yet very rapidly gaining adoption throughout the world. It is said that Vietnam holds the largest percentage of a populace to hold crypto, at 40%, with India at 30% adoption. In the coming years we will see an entirely new financial system, trade and most importantly wealth shift, with the rise of these currencies.
Realistically, there are coins that have been chosen to facilitate the retail market, financial market as well as gaming industry, once full adoption is rolled out. At the moment however there are thousands of coins flooding the market, many of which have little to know use case to them. This is a very important thing to consider when investing., that is, if you are investing.
If you are trading the daily charts, it will not bother anyone in the slightest what coin they are selling at a profit. There is so much potential in these markets as an investor and trader to make huge gains.. The ones that make the most are those that are impartial to the coin they are trading in and out of or those that hold for the long term 5-10 year investment on coins with global adoptable use cases.
The thing about holding or trading is can you remove your emotional attachment to money when you lose 30-70-90% when the market goes through corrections? This game has consequences and we must take responsibility for how we play this game. I do belive the trick is to see it as something to play with.. The more you play and enjoy the experience, the more playful it can become. It is as reflective as any other experience you have in this life. I see the relativity between the cycles and waves in the markets and the cycles and waves of nature.. For me, I am learning to enjoy playing this game, having experienced a lot over these last 9 months. I’ll take this opportunity to share my journey, in cryptocurrency, with you.
I’d first heard about Bitcoin in 2012-2013 and chose not to invest, it was still pretty early in its life and i was put off by the technicalities. It wasn’t until 2018 when i was living with some friends in Mexico that i got a full explanation and opportunity to watch some trading and hear about the huge volatility. Fast forward to the beginning of December 2020. Id just got back to Mexico to reconnect with my family and friends. I am highly encouraged, by the same friend, to buy into BTC “Its about to pump”. With some extra cash in the account, i bought £200 worth @ $19,990.678, i belive it’s all-time high. Within the space of 2months, I doubled my money and by March, i had x3 my investment, with my first trade!
Of course i trusted, that my friend had enough experience to act on his excitement. From that, i began pouring what money i could into BTC and other emerging tokens, like Cardano (ADA) and Ripple (XRP). Things however took a turn for the downside, as with all of these markets eventually. With Coins at all-time highs, BTC and the alt market began falling, 20, 30, 40%. Once the market had made its full correction, i was down about 60% of the new money i had invested after the initial BTC surge.
It was a painful experience. At some point i had to surrender to the situation, facing a lot of fear over security, especially as i did/don´t have a paid job or work as such here in Mexico. To compound the loss, upon selling some BTC on a BTC exchange site, that allows you to trade peer 2 peer with people directly via bank transfers. The site has a verification process and i knew it’s was a workable way to receive money from cyrpto sales into my account. So having sold as the market was dropping, a few days later i saw that two transactions had been refunded without my authorization. So ensued a month-long process of account suspensions, more verifications and hours on calls, to eventually have my bank account closed for fraudulent activity.
There can be some pitfalls one must be aware of when starting your crypto journey.. some of which are losing the secure key passwords that lock coins into wallets and sending coins to wallets that are on different blockchains and networks. Take time to secure your key codes and passwords, if you lose them, you will not be able to access your funds.
After the merciless pullback, i began to research youtube crypto analysts and news vlogs on the markets and certain coins to get a better understanding of what was going on, what i was investing in and how possible it was to make a decent profit from my trades. What fascinated me was the movements of the cycles. Without melting your brain, as a newcomer to the digital markets, i will simply share, there is a Fibonacci indicator that when used correctly, by knowing where to set the indicators, shows perfect retracement levels to these Fibonacci markers. It seems the markets, whether it be DXY, DOWJONES or Crypto the movement follows these support and resistance levels. When you acknowledge the percentages of the gaps between these fib. Levels, there is great opportunities to invest with some confidence that (given some time) the market will meet those retracement levels to sell and buy. It is not a guarantee but there are movements that look to test certain levels in the flux of differing waves. You don’t even need to be good at math, if you buy it lower and sell it higher, you will very likely make a profit. Only in very small percentage gains can you still come out at a loss due to the small transaction fees. To note, im not a financial advisor or analyst so do not buy or sell anything off the information im sharing.
The other thing that caught my attention, as i followed my intuitive nose researching the market, was the underlying stories i was hearing, that correlated to many other narratives id heard about global events, financial reset, global shift etc.
For some years now, i’ve been aware that there is a plan to replace/crash the old banking system (create a problem) with a new digital economy (present a solution). Likely by cyberattack. This switch to a fully adopted digital economy, will mark a pivotal and unique moment in history. An inevitable one. The banking system is out-dated in its functionality in relation to the speed to the internet of things these days. This alone requires a major recalibration in speed and value.
It is this specific market that Ripple (XRP) is looking to improve. Ripple is a Financial-Technology company (Fin-Tec) from the U.S that has created a decentralized leger that can facilitate international payments using a service called On Demand Liquidity (ODL). Using the XRP coin, banks can send large transactions, in the millions, billions and trillions, as they do, almost instantaneously for fractions of a percent per transaction. Again, currently, for Baron Rothschild, who reportedly owns 9% of all XRP coins, to send a few billion across to some institution, he must wait up to a week for the transaction to be completed. There are also large fees associated with international transfers that can be rather mind boggling if you’re dealing with financial giants. Ultimately, they want a faster, cheaper service for their own money. It is a catch 22 for the banks, because they do not want to lose control of their financial system which is very profitable the way it is, yet there are these emerging new technologies that are potentially bypassing the need for banks anymore. They have an old system that they are pulling down and there is a huge opportunity to cash in on this wealth shift as these digital currencies find exponential price levels. Again, i must share that i am not a financial advisor and i am writing this article out of the sheer desire to share my experience and offer a perspective that comes from a great deal of investigating, that has uncovered some astonishing clues linking XRP with a new financial system.

Take Rosie Rios, former treasurer of the Federal Reserve, who´s name is signed on the $20 bill, has been appointed on the board of directors of Ripple. The woman who´s name is on the $20 dollar bill is part of this company, who´s coin is currently valued at $1.17 at the time of writing. This is a clear indication that Ripple is positioning themselves politically to step into the arena, to provide the liquidity framework for the financial system with their leger and XRP token. I also took some time to search through, Cobra’s intel blog, for any references to XRP/Ripple and i did find a significant sentence that specifically mentions Ripple. Paraphrasing, it said something like.. There is a specific plan for Ripple at the time of The Event. Very interesting indeed.
Through my research i have heard of other coins that will support the global network, including XLM, ALGO and some notable others.. Don’t take my word for it.. do your research and see if what im sharing correlates.
Now, as i mentioned earlier, there is a great deal of rivalry and dislike for certain coins. For example, many die hard Bitcoin investors despise Ripple and XRP whilst many vocal people in the XRP community believe Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other coins will be regulated out of business. At the moment, retail are being sold BTC & ETH, which to me, suggests they are red herrings.
It seems that there are powers at play that want to control the people through the economy and im sure they are going to try to squash anything that prevents them from economic domination and manipulate the people to shake them out of markets. They are playing chess, in a sense, positioning & orchestrating events for this switch to take place, through the media, Elon Musk and other “puppets”.
So, there is definitely market manipulation and puppet-masters controlling the strings, however, do not be surprised, every major industry is dictated to, by those in positions of control and power.
The shady past of BTC and other coins, including stable coin tether, is still not clear and could potentially come under heavy scrutiny and regulations by the authorities, which would be fatal for any coin in such a competitive market.. For those who’ve made the right investments, will soon see generational wealth and begin to shift power back into the youth that have adopted these currencies, just like a computer game. There is an incredible opportunity here that we are on the cusp of. On the other side of the switch, the value of these coins that have passed regulations, will most definitely be reset to a new standard. It is something that one needs to be in prior to the chain of events that, according to Claus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, is going to make this plandemic look like a walk in the park.. Now imagine what that really means.
Now add to the mix, the current bull run (High rising cycle) the markets are in, which is predicted, will last about 30days after the leading coin reaches its top retracement, on the fib. indicators (By December?). We are in the eye of the storm. The global economy is on its knees, crops are being burnt and shipping is grinding to a halt with rising costs. What does all this mean?
I belive that those who have pure intentions to use this potential wealth shift in crypto, will, with a strategy and a bit of luck, come out of this shift, in positions to fulfill their missions, to support and awaken humanity, for the benefit of All.
To this day 25th August 2021 Satohi Nakamoto remains anonymous. There is speculation David Schwarz, the creator of the XRP leger, who patented a design for a type of blockchain back in 1988 and at some point worked for the NSA. 1988 was the year The Economist predicted the new world digital standard. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, maybe there is more going on than people are allowed to say.. soon we will find out.
If you would like to know more, email me for details of courses designed to get you up to speed with setting up a wallet, buying coins and also more technical courses being created to guide you through trading strategies and chart analysis.
If you feel ready to get started, you can download Binance exchange app of your phone via this referal link –
Bitrue exchange here –
(Download Bitrue App and sign up. Open the package and you will have a chance to win 60,000 XRP!)
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
As they say, silver and gold are God's money. Cryptos are literally backed by nothing – gold, silver, you can hold in your hand, there's something backing them, they're a real tangible asset, like a car, a house, etc. The potential of creating a one-world currency like Bitcoin, will land us in the same place we are headed into right now, a NWO of banking, social credit scores, employment, etc. I'm all for crypto, provided they're not going to become another fiat that's been usurped by the elites – I can assure you, the grandma down the street in her village of Ukraine does not hold crypto – what about the rest of the world?
And by the way, XRP/Ripple is a bankers wet dream – it's owned by bankers and is promoted by the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab, the same asswhole peddling NWO and Vaxx mandates. If you're going to promote cryptos, make sure you know what you're pushing.
Interesting article.
Thank you.
Although virtual money and currencies, digital traffic of non-existent money, only defined when it's about "a deal" may interest others, to me it's a subject very far from my bed, as we say in The Netherlands. I'm the kind of person who loves money in coins, and I wish we had our silver guilders, and even older coins like ducates, silverlings, gold coins, coins with holes in it, to wear on a rope.
In short… solid "good as gold" physical money. Tested by biting it, like they used to do in "the old days". Besides, no pathogens exist on gold, silver and copper!
Another issue is the spending of money, that will cause the financial machinery to grind to a standstill.
Yesterday I spoke with a host of the holiday home where I stayed, and he told me that the present council members of joined villages in the countryside, hire advocates, accountants, and other external services, in order to accomplish their tasks. Motivation, and working- ethics have flown out of the window.
The world is topsy turvy, we need to walk on our hands, and think with our guts, in sync with those living by instincts alone, in service to self.
No knowledge and expertise is present in brains that are supposed to be trained, gaining insight by experience and study both, and these costs of external services are very high, paid by the villagers. From their tax-money etc. That's as far as spending money is concerned. There's a tipping point in the making, by those who are desperate to enjoy their daily dive in the pool with ducates, remember? Uncle Dagobert Duck's favourite hobby?
To me, non physical money is non-existent, and I 'm pretty sure that it will (factually) end up as such, or, in a dark humorous twist, every object, product, and service will be free to give and exchange, bartered with, or just moving around, owned, without any strings attached like credit or debit, loan, debt or stealing.
The airy fairy world of virtual money, wasn't it the cause of the 2008 banking crash? The juggling with making money with the making of money…. with the making money on that same making of money?
It 's the ancient Ouroborous biting its own tail, as I perceive and foresee its fata morgana future: pooff… gone.
What day, when the Dagobert Ducks fall down in an empty basin, flat on their noses.