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How Bad Are Things in Israel?
Incompetence?! Mass murderers are not incompetent, they exactly know what they are doing: they are earning fortunes from selling a brainwashed, totally controlled and brutally subjugated population to Big Pharma's human experiments while carrying out the depopulation agenda.
Dr. Mengele would be proud of them as his best disciples.
Was WWI worse than that? At least during World War people had a chance to fight the enemy by joining the army, with weapons in their hands. No one had it "too easy", both sides had to fight a physical war for their cause. And now what? One side has armed forces, money, and lawmakers on their side and it's almost way too easy for them to proceed. It's like Hitler attacked and everyone just gave up and comply. I guess, even Hitler himself would have been perplexed by that.
Yeah, we have a mass awakening to an extent, people finally see the daddy government is not their friend, people are waking up, mass non-compliance is rising, that's all fine and good. Another side still has it 'too easy'. There's no possible balance in this fight unless something significant like divine intervention happens and FAST. Wait a bit longer and there would be no side to fight for.
At this point, I'm not waiting for people or even 'pos1t1ve ET' to do something, but for God himself to intervene, nothing less would work.
Prayer and meditation are action and I find them effective. I hope you will continue the practice and gather with like minded groups.