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UK Mandates in Question?
Devon it has nothing to do with party politics these people are puppets for the globalist elite who are perpetrating an orchestrated agenda against the populations of the world for power control and profit. No matter who you vote for they will be in the pay of these people we have a fake democracy. Yes you are correct the British people are completely brainwashed by the media lies and are too ready to believe the government the NHS and the media which is repeating lies on a loop to create fear and manipulate actions they ant to occur but many are awakening to it. I do not think we are safe anywhere in the world until we deal with these people and all learn to handle the truth and take responsibility. It is very frustrating that too many people are not but avoiding the unpalatable truth is not a good tactic for progress and survival. It is certainly not the answer to dealing with these criminals who want to kill and control us all. You cannot run away from this we all need to play our part in getting this sorted out to get back on the right toad that lads to peace and freedom for us all.
Boris Johnson and other members of the government plus the top medical mob bosses and the CEO's of the vaccine companies and more have charges laid down against them filed by Hannah Rose the attorney representing the victims the people of UK for crimes against humanity & genocide dated 6/12/21. They have broken several principle laws of the Nuremberg Code Regards this alleged pandemic and these experimental treatments they are calling a vaccine, which you can read about if you type into your browser :-
International Criminal Court Filing By The Netherlands Download
Gates, Fauci, Daszak, Boris Johnson, And Eleven Others Charged with Genocide in Court Filing. The sooner people switch off their televisions and start looking at what is actually going on the better. The answer is mass non-compliance to these fascist unreasonable and unnecessary mandates and dictates. They have zero power unless the people lay down to them. it is a must that the censorship of the suffering of people caused by this treatment is stopped people need to know the truth that is the law. Mandates are not a law!
Thank you, Derek, I'm extremely pleased to have made the decision to leave Britain on March 11th 2020, returning to my home country. The fickle nature of the Tory government may show up with either neglect of those who don't belong to the upper class elite, or arguments that all should take the vaccines in order to live free, with a vaccine passport. Save lives… take the vaccine.. that's the slogan.
The British population is enormously dumbed down, therefore, I expect a huge rise in fully vaccinated Britons. In fear of the Omicron variant. The death-rate right, now, is higher than it ever was before. Brrrrr…. I'm better off where I am now. Said with caution….. for we're still under the rule of the EU 😉