This is the first of a series of articles on shortages purposely engineered for political and economic reasons, as the New World Order tries to put the squeeze on people like you and me.

Two years ago, when I predicted the shutdown, and identified the coronavirus as a bioweapon engineered at Fort Detrick, and released at the Wuhan Military Games, I predicted the virus would be used to drive people away from the use of cash.

The War on Cash is something I wrote about four years ago, in my article on Sweden, as the New World Order attempts to drive us to cashless transactions—not only so they can track us every second but so they have the power to shut us out of our accounts as they did with Julian Assange.

Now, for two years, we have been seeing it happen.

Businesses claim there is a shortage of coins, on which the coronavirus is said, possibly, to adhere.

Here is a warning attributed to the World Health Organization, from which it later backed away.
And here is another version of the same warning, as it appeared in a paper controlled by MI-7.
The World Health Organization managed to spread fear in the false flag attack, through disinformation it later denied, but then it abandoned its original position.

So, the conspirators went with Plan B: an engineered shortage of coins.

Still, that didn’t stop states like New Jersey from issuing continuing warnings about the use of cash.
Do you really think a shortage of coins just happened by itself?

Or do you think the Federal Reserve is playing its usual games, as an international cabal of bankers prints money from thin air, and charges the taxpayers interest, causing inflation, as it works to drive us to one world government?

The coin shortage, like the other shortages addressed in this series, has been purposely created for specific political reasons.

Part of the New Normal, and the Great Reset, is to drive us to increased use of computers, so the conspirators can control flesh and blood people through the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The engineered coin shortage, like the engineered virus, is only one part of the attack.
They want us to use credit cards, to drive us into debt, or at least bank cards, so they can track all our purchases; but, most of all, they want us to use smartphones—not only for everything else but to buy things.

Don’t fall for it.
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