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Yearly Archives: 2022

‘His Advice Turned Out Very Badly’: Anthony Fauci Quits

From washingtonstand.com:Shortly after Dr. Anthony Fauci gave his final public statement as a government official, one of the doctors Fauci tried to drive from...

New Thinking on ‘Mass Formation’ (Psychosis)

From brownstone.org: s individuals slowly emerge from the fog that descended on them in March 2020, the sense of disorientation and anxiety is palpable. Some...

New York Has Started Erecting Thousands Of Giant Gray 5G Towers

According to a New York Times report, New York has started erecting thousands of giant grey 5G towers.New York City is starting to be...

Thanksgiving Dinner Cost Soars 20% From 2021

While spending time with family and friends at Thanksgiving remains important for many Americans, the cost of that indulgence has never been higher, up a...

WHO pandemic treaty in FINAL stages, would unleash GLOBAL medical DICTATORSHIP

Watch Here: https://www.brighteon.com/f6c011ae-e0a1-4693-be9b-60e0ca13ddf5

Denying Life-Saving Organ Transplant to Unvaccinated Woman Breaks Every Ethics Rule

From theepochtimes.com: An extreme pessimist would say that the only thing one learns from history is that one learns nothing from history. In support of...

Enlightened World Leadership Does Not Exist

Dr Marcus Sircus, View of downtown Stockholm. (Wikimedia Commons/Arid Vagen) In our present world of politics, we have the makings of hell on Earth because our...

Suddenly changed? Personality-changes after mRNA-Injection

In the first session Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi and his wife Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss reported about new findings concerning the effects of the...

The COVID Catalyst: How Pandemic Response Made the World Sicker Than...

From lc.org:Fear infected the world on March 11, 2020, when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a “global pandemic.”  From that moment, authorities scrambled...

Dark Moon Reading 23 Nov 22: Metamorphosis

SkyView Astrology:Dark Moon 23 Nov 22: Diving into a MetamorphosisBy Katharina BlessThis is a reading with the real star constellations.This is a reading with...

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