From Sisterhood of the Rose:
In this month of January 2023, it will be 5 years since Isis Astara left for the spiritual plane.
Isis was a High Priestess of the Goddess, and a great spiritual force behind the work of the Sisterhood of the Rose here on Earth. Her dedication, her Love and her guidance were essential for the Sisterhood of the Rose to be reactivated on the surface of the planet.
Isis and CoBra were soul mates, and they worked together for the liberation of the planet. We miss her Presence here with us, but we know she will always be in our hearts. She certainly continues to support and guide us from the other side of the veil, and we can connect with her Presence whenever we wish, through music, prayers, meditation, dance or however we feel guided to do so.
Isis used to accompany CoBra at Ascension Conferences held around the planet, bringing information about the Goddess Energy and sharing that energy with all those present. During the conferences, Isis would say that one of her tasks here on Earth was to help people learn to connect with the Energy of the Divine Feminine and to feel the Presence of the Goddess within themselves and in their Hearts. Isis has helped many people learn to surrender to the Divine Feminine Energy, and under her guidance many have reconnected with that energy, allowing the Goddess Energy to flow through their Being once more.
Over the years, Isis has shared with us many teachings and much Divine Feminine wisdom. Some of these teachings are available through the Ascension Conferences notes (which are texts written by Lightworkers who participated in these conferences, and which were later read and approved by the speaker, thus becoming official notes of these events). I leave here two links with information that was shared during the Ascension Conference in Konstanz, in 2015, and in Taipei, in year 2014.
These texts provide a wealth of information about Goddess Energy, the Sisterhood of the Rose, and the planetary transition / planetary liberation process as a whole. They are beautiful teachings that Isis shared and that are available to all of us, and I highly recommend reading them.
In these notes from the 2014 Taipei Ascension Conference, Isis shares some of her history, her experiences with dance and moments of connection with Goddess energy. It is a beautiful text that shares with us the energy of Isis and preserves the memory of her experiences here on Earth
Gratitude to our beloved Isis Astara for her teachings, her loving energy and her work on behalf of the Divine Feminine and planetary liberation. And gratitude to the lightworkers who organized these notes and shared them, allowing this information to reach all of us.
And to finish this article I leave a beautiful video made in honor of Isis Astara:
Gratitude to all. Much Love and Light to all of us,
Daniela Ferron Carneiro

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