by CWR,

Welcome to the purge…

L.A. County, California has now ruled that cops will no longer be allowed to arrest people for “minor” non-violent crimes like battery, robbery, etc. Furthermore, those currently imprisoned for committing these offenses will be released from jail without having to pay bail, awaiting their arraignment date.

See also  Judge strikes down California law mandating LGBT, racial quotas on company boards

How does battery qualify as a non-violent crime? Hmm.

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  1. California has lost it's way completely now the satanists are at the helm. It is not surprising that people are fleeing from that city. Until the army decides to sort that out – I would get out of there if you can. Deeply concerning there is no law and order and the immoral are calling the shots.

  2. Dear God…I hate living here in S CA…it has become a cesspool of degradation. As a Native I have seen plenty but how do these people get away with instituting insanity and not one person stands up for justice and human rights. This is Newsoms State..corrupt is corrupt … and he’s running for President?!?! And you’ll all be stupid enough to vote him in…oh that’s right the voting in America is corrupt too…then we all become apathetic and hope to God none of this comes to get us…CA needs to be gutted and the whole government in this State needs to burn to clean it out. Sorry state of affairs…🤓☹️


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