From SGT Report, watch here:

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  1. Excellent view, Details of much are expressed by these heroic individuals as is the SGTreport chap that shares with these two hearts.

    A second within the SGT playlist with Dr Lenard Horitz expresses also the mRNA as MOD'd RNA not messengerRNA that our DNA and content makeup to which by birth circulates throughout the body.

    Along with additional 'Blank-DNA' (or is it actually programmed awaiting further build instruction) within the Mod-RNA and stainless steel inoculations an continuing module 6+ per yr programs.

    This is part of the Trojan_Horse mechanisms that is program loaded, it may appear Blank DNA. Serves purpose onto the nanoTech builder tech within now in addition, other components of the jab(s).
    Tiny nano is billionths of inch scalar technologies DNA can apparently be even down to the 1-billionths of inch scale. features of 'Crisper tech' and its likes is the tech mechanics providing the tools to perform this level of our mastering Technology age of the now. About to enter with AI the mechanical sages of time future pray it doesn't age to roll. We've already stepped into the poison-ivy of it with evil AI as its programmed to foil with our current awareness of its use. ! ???. Wait for the day it too shall be changed to reconstruct absolute Order by the ones connected with it all. Red Lights are current green just wait. (i-Robot).
    The super structures will build all the constructs within the blood and body to "Create-New" DNA and Program it by exposure to these Tera-frequencies via the 5/6/7g frequency spectrums. Set to activate the modular components as each is injected in place, to provide all building blocks to create a 3rd strand in our dbl-helix strand we operate on. Thus the new programming shall re-Write our DNA to a purpose of Utter-Slavery-submissive warrant. 12-strand assy shall never happen within or by GODs design. Breaking away from all GODS masterful designed_creations.

    So 5+ age now too shall never be as they are designed to be. No more intuitive Scientists/Dr's/Generals/Presidents/smart human_peoples ever again, all generations of now shall become auto-programmed-slaves to the AI-commanders – locally and off world AI-god of evil-control.
    Think to see what it will become too as these same now recreated DNA offspring out of Birthing pods shall create. More BORG like humanoids/Android by the wicked design its stem designed for. DemonTechnologies to oppose all Spirit of Light!.

    Think in the term of the now and just past microsecond of thought let alone eyes in reading this. No one forward will be the same know whom they are/where "That/the You-me will all be Erased". Per uval-hurtme-us-all-monster.
    We 1st can say no – we 2nd can say no more! EVER, 3rd we can stop the nonsense now and break these monsters down to their own corrupted mind. The power of the ALL Worlds Peoples Opposing Hands/Minds its now full scale war. They will soon clear from no more power no more energy. Very nice starting speech found at by a very brave German MP.

    Lovely Start to a new Step forward. "we shall bring you down" time to we All-Unit and embrace this as our new forward to regain and recover our almost fallen state of humanity by these all monsters.

    4th immediately we should stop this fire-starter and all nano-component poisons and other deceit being poured into our skies as it befalls upon all our door step, enters our houses each door swing/window open, and STOP THIS CHEMICAL WARFARE BEING DROP-BOMBED, AN AIRWAY DISPERSED INTO BY THESE AIR-POUNDING-WARS AND ALL EARTH SYSTEMS FROM THE SKIES. most Cruel Chem Trailing. Wake UP its your breath too.
    Not just mine or the few animals let now extinct, its designed to kill "slowly".

    This now AFFECTS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US and we still fail to see why we die early foggy head thinking etc etc and ditto up the scale of lunch menu list beyond reading. Right now Everyone has far plus 40% of aluminum oxide floating in our grey matter already!. WAKE UP.

    The hope to controlling mechanism is the all you and me. Lets think the Light of GOD into our eye's mind and core, our souls and every moment thinking. His plan knows of this all. An doing this we may accelerate this change into the Light. Start right now. Loving Source? Please Fill me with your light, lead guide and protect me of all things I do step and say with my fellow love ones. And All Peoples Protect them from this Evil.!
    Simple start. Amen.


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