The hospital whistleblower, known only as “Zoe,” revealed that doctors have been euthanizing patients due to the severity of the side effects from the injections.

By Frank Bergman April 25, 2024

A medical industry whistleblower has come forward with explosive allegations to warn the public that Covid mRNA shots are causing people to “die so horrifically” and “so quickly” after they received the injections.

The hospital whistleblower, known only as “Zoe,” revealed that doctors have been euthanizing patients due to the severity of the side effects from the injections.

Zoe, a hospital medical coder, said the health issues caused by the Covid shots were so “horrific” that the Covid-vaccinated patients “kinda had to be put down” by doctors.

In a whistleblowing interview with the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense (CHD), Zoe revealed that hospitals and medical professionals were simply not prepared for the wave of sudden deaths, heart attacks, organ failure, and now cancers among the vaccinated population that followed since the Covid shots were rolled out to the public in early 2021.

As a medical coder, Zoe transfers the information included in patient medical records into a database for insurance purposes.

“I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections,” Zoe revealed.

“It was insane, I’ve never seen anything like that.

“The worst of them, they called it sepsis, but it was like instant multi-organ failure.

“Like, within hours patients would die of liver, lung, kidney… failure [all at once]…”

“Some of the records…[from the] emergency crew that found them [the injection victims], it’s like their body tried to reject everything,” she added.

“[In] some of these cases, their family would be there 30 minutes before, and then within an hour they’re dead.”


from lionessofjudah.substack

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  1. "… medical professionals were simply not prepared…"?! Who administered those deadly jabs if not "medical professionals" who should have been aware of the risks and potential side effects more than anyone else?
    All those who administered the jabs are fully responsible for the consequences, whether they were aware of what they were doing, actually committing a mass murder for money or other advantages, or they were not aware because they blindly "trusted the science", or they had doubts but were simply too lazy to check out the facts, or they couldn't resist the peer pressure to do what they were told, even if they had been warned by many of us all the time.
    After the Nuremberg trials, where "medical professionals" and journalists were also hanged for crimes against humanity, the excuse "I only did what I was told" won't work anymore, especially in the case of those who had to take the Hippocratic oath, which says "do no harm"!
    And now, realizing what they have done, these "medical professionals" are trying to cover up their tracks by euthanizing the same people they jabbed to death?
    In any case, they are accountable for what they have done, and they will have to take responsibility, one way or another, sooner or later! Their karma will catch up with them eventually, and this time they can't get away with the unprecedented genocide and crimes against humanity, which couldn't have been carried out without their cooperation, if they had simply said NO! Their evil deeds won't be forgotten, nor forgiven!


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