Tideo taken from a small boat includes wave sounds, continual changes in focus and direction and cannot be duplicated with game software.

Nuclear sub gives up its position, fires missile while submerged in vain attempt to save the ‘Ike’ (Video)

Second Attack

Navy to scrap the ‘Ike’ after it receives hits from dozens of missiles and drones while on station protecting supply ships for ISIS terrorists (Truth Bomb)

First Attack

Despite fake videos, and a well orchestrated coverup across social media orchestrated by the comedy team of Musk and Zuskstein, the truth is out, the USS Eisenhower is still under float but leaving the region under serious damage now to be scrapped (Truth Bomb)

Chinese Sat photo of missile explosion on the deck of the USS Eisenhower:

Stills from Attack 2


Missile approaches from the right

Explosion on deck as F-18 Super Hornets burn and crew are killed

A missile explodes destroying the catapult system

Source: https://www.theinteldrop.org

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