Jeffrey Long is a medical doctor specializing in the practice of radiation oncology, using radiation to treat cancer. Jeff has conducted the world’s largest study of Near-Death experiences (NDEs) which includes over 4,000 experiencers.


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  1. Missed an important Point! Those whom have just passed and those of companion family lines with one lost. Fear not fair not for they are for dire truth to share. THEY ARE NOT GONE, they now are most likely on a craft quite alive and being re-oriented and still have full memory of the jump and their process and yes of all thing earth memory holdings of us all just as we love them. this is a true Love Bond for all so do not cry for them and know they too are now actually more Safe. And Very very much still in of real conscious life "Alive" You Cannot deplete Spirit of Energy. You cannot destroy nor smother Energy. It like in physics of so many a thing Only displace its current form to exchange to another form and many times it is more Enriched with feature "Transformed" This again is phobia we are bread and buttered with. Going thru the experience and here is the truth back again to share these words. In my form it is a privilege to sharing such yet getting rejection or empty blank stared at, is for us who have "all part of the new addition to task duty".
    Use to such response to testimony.! So Fair to Care. This is that chip of illusion until learned of its truth shall be coined off by earth holdings.
    When we all meet up at the next level. Thy'n eye's shall be opened.

    PS: You still do not believe, when you dress on the shoes and go out to the track and run its course then it will be less than a huff and a puff. I do love this experience and am blessed its carried me all this additional time yet odd tickle asks Do it again.
    for the now its one day at a time and gratitude for still able to be present. Life is wonderful and blessed. to repeat. Cheers. Namestay! Yatahey!

    Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! Direct from Lord Sananda. Thought be a nice end in such share. Taken from

  2. Add one! I posted my experience crossing the border Gate. Here as even as others have even tried to express, this life we are playing out in these skin like costumes. " This Time Around " and so many others we do not know of but apparently our own akashic shares how many and how long to what end points reached for each journey sequence.

    The system is built by gravity and eprom erase upon entrance to this life. As those many call this an Illusion. Hmm yes no maybe. Really you do get one real good chance at this time around and make something if not to really learning lessons always along the ways whilst breathing this now polluted deadly air systems. (Slowly being cleared an cleansed since approx May 1st 2024 this year). It might be hard to believe yet little is showing so.
    we in form already are living eternal life, yet the earth dogma of religion plays into the psyche of all who listen to its fine tuned expressions of mass mind meld. We can Fly We can jump planets light travel. Why in form yes that is true. Astral Project. Apparently each and every dream like real is at the holo-deck. out of body!

    trick part in this is "You have to Die an off the cliff step" to get into the turnstyle and enter the star gate 1 trip out for a return time unknown to be picked for the next family and life style acceptable to jump back into the board game. It is a prison planet for a purpose. As some other post "All shall be revealed."

    Yet for those whom have all the same NDE or BDE and happen to be actually told " Hey How did you get here " Then told Ah sorry there youngster your going back you have far greater things yet to accomplish" surely the gate keeper shares that to many Kryon makes some claim to being so for many at least sharing Seer to all whom come and go out of this establishment we all Earth. duty cast to watch over these things. I like Kryon. Bashar similar both hearts of Gold. yes the many, Abraham was my 1st find to learn by. Many do share some similar tips around the wayward jump being similar odd points of similar.
    Yet anyone still hung in their cloths of skin. Do not believe a whiff of it. Any by testimony. So all one can toss in to share. Wait your Turn. oh but it might be similar unique usually to each own. You won't get the instant come back to share such experience how far or how little one might cruise off the bed or operating table or even possibly abductee table of displacement. cliffs edge or brick wall make splat at 120 mile o hr.
    Yet those similar to my own trip to the fair will also share over time greater understandings even tweaks to their consciousness and hold, ie: acting persona. Not to be disrespectful it really was a grand infusion of spiritual Tweaking all for the inner guidance in correction to wandering off such duty given path. Things do become more clear in many areas of life forward. Expert or not he too shall share his own 'time permitting'. 4000 and missed one. case. Dr Steven Greer also shared similar. We are not scared nor fearful. might get shaken and stirred as still being human experienced.
    But can he This Observer come back and express it all detail by detail. Maybe maybe even this next time for all now will be a completely different path to flow thru. An End yet possibly The Grand Halls for all Souls. And the life masters shall now present yes we're all going to go back but to a whole new different arrangement. So this my friends could be that old end to an all new beginning.

    For it is time this planet is changed ( or as some might call Liberated ) the game play shall be different and all those who pony up for it shall be divided maybe and those who simply won't let go to the now, shall continue yet again under different supervision .n. guidance Schemes. Pray this is so soon yet sooner. Even Jesus shared by his rebirth to Light seen in many place he established as The future I will return to you all sages and express new words for telling my return. Estimated 2000 yrs of your earth time. Well anything can happen seems more of 2400 yrs of our time. Yet he is true to word. He is here now "In his Stature" watching awaiting with Ashtar and many others he Loving Guides an shares all with. The Right moment he shall decide when to present.
    Thinking to revelations he might not be white robes and sandals led by his great arm fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee finishing the shadows and bringing Light to every corner and cranny.
    The big boo factor is – Trade coats back to your own Light Body and jump back into a whole new Crystal body of endurance and no set age factor to depreciation. It will be like jumping all into a new Complete flexible issue.
    actually in a factor of eleven. for the Now! some have us to live 129 or 300-500 yrs with another slip indicating 17-1800 yrs long before exchange for a refresh. do it all over again. time will tell and reveal of such truths to be newly learned.

    Yet 77-88 yrs current drug induced poisoned flesh deliberate has us caught in such now!. Even my word is much inner voice and churn to thinking. Just a person as you are.
    So illusion or 1 good chance of it all playing actor to part divine. even if we have bottle bottom glass vision everything is blurry now. When it clears all shall be anew.
    Like to cling to that of within certain hints tips a Queues are showing their curled edge and whats under the rainbow and wrapped box might enlighten even Timothy Leery. and many others still caught in disbelief.
    When your eye's open.


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