Rise of the Dragons . Malaysia 2024
Notes of Ascension Workshop
at Kuala Lumpur
by Nogi
July 17th, 2024
- Disclaimer
- Opening of the Workshop
- Remarks before Beginning
- Planetary Activation of Dragon Energy
- Disentanglement of Lurkers
- Tachyons
- Q&A Session 1
- Agarthan Network and Dragons
- Energetic Contacts
- Activating the Dragon Ley Lines in Asia
- Q&A Session 2
- Emerald Meditation
- Q&A Session3
- Tibetan Dragon Leyline Activation from Malaysia
- The Rise of Dragons July 11-22
- Q&A Session 4
- End of the Workshop
This document is based on a handwritten note of words overheard by a note-taker at the workshop organized by COBRA in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, which were later transcribed. Therefore, please read it with the benefit of your discernment and common sense that mishearing, writing errors and omissions are visible and that it is not 100% accurate. Please note that all images in this document have been added at the discretion of the note taker and are not the intention of the main speaker of the workshop, Cobra. Please also note that no questions regarding the content of this document will be accepted.
Opening of the Workshop
An Sera from Malaysia:
“Welcome Everybody to the Rise of Dragons workshop in Malaysia! Everybody in here knows the significance of this workshop. A lot of things happened in Malaysia and now we all can feel the difference. We are in the different timeline now. This is all because of the contributions of our cooperation. Some are contributing very much in the We Love Mass Meditation Meditation
, and others from healing centers in Malaysia. They are present in the workshop today. In 2015, Malaysia was not safe. We all had to hold our handbags in front, protecting like this. During that time, I was still in a challenging phase, and resisting to participate this kind of activities. But finally, I decide to do the mass meditations, and now the crime rates in Malaysia are on the decline. This has been achieved by Love from many light workers in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. I want to keep feeling this Victory of the Light, which is my symbol of inner victory. Now, Malaysian Light Workers play a beautiful music.”[applause]
On stage, relaxing music is played on guitar and flute. The two female vocalists appeared to be singing “Thule. [applause]
An Sera:
”With this song, we might remember those days like Cobra does. Friendly reminder: No cellphone or electric device is available in this room.
Okay, now we will welcome the representative of the Resistance Movement, Cobra!” [applause]
Cobra “Welcome everyone! This is the first time to give a workshop in Malaysia”
Remarks before Beginning
There have been huge improvements in the condition of Malaysia in last few years. We are going to activate the Dragon Ley Line that passes also through Malaysia. So, finally the conditions is right for all light workers to prepare for new stage of planetary liberation.
Before we start the workshop, has everybody signed up the Non Disclosure Agreement? NDA means no information about me nowhere outside this room. This is to protect my work that is quite challenging at this time. NDA means no audio recording, no filming, no information about this workshop in social media. Information given to you in this room cannot be revealed at this time. The information you receive here can be released after August 1st. You can take hand-written note that you can share with those who are ready to receive this information. But, before August 1st, certain situations need to be resolved. So the information you receive today can not be seen Anywhere before August 1. You can take notes, but no electric recording. If you need to use cellphone, you can use it during the break outside this room. During the workshop, your phone must be switched off, or put it in silent mode.
Since we come from various countries and conditions, we must unify our energies. For this reason, we will do a meditation to align our energies.
I would ask you to make yourselves comfortable…
[Same as before, a meditation to unify the energy of all participants before the start.]
Everybody, welcome back.
Now, we will start the main program.
Planetary Activation of Dragon Energy
The purpose of this workshop is to start assisting the Dragon energy.
There was a huge planetary activation of dragon energy, especially in Asia that later went through the whole planet. The activation started on July 11, and it will continue until 22. Right now, we are in the middle of that activation. That activation actually is shifting the energy pattern of the planet.
There are many ancient dragon ley lines that are activated. Also, many secret dragon groups are coming to the surface. There are Agarthan dragon groups that are activated. There are also increasing activities of Aldebaran and Andromedan within the solar system and below the surface of the planet, and also on the surface of the planet. This increasing activities might cause drastic geopolitical changes on the surface of the planet. We will see what happens in next three days.
The events starting from July 11 to 22 will determine the timeline until November of this year. We are now working on making the course of the Event.
The epicenter of these events are in Asia. Geopolitical effects can be seen anywhere on the planet, but the sources of what happens physically is in here. There are many things that happened behind the scenes in May and June. Some events were very positive and the others were quite negative. That was a very dramatic period. Now, all of the decisions were left to the dragon ley lines. This will be much more than we have expected. This is not going to happen next year, but it is happening now in this year.
Activation of dragon ley lines will bring the divine masculine energy.
Divine masculine energy brings physical action. Only physical actions can inevitably accelerate the Event. So, in next few days, there will be many news that are unexpected. Our purpose is to bring much love to the situation.
Some of you have physical connections with the dragon families. Some of you have connections either psychically or psychologically, or even in soul level. But those energies are not activated fully. Only with physical actions such as mass meditation, the energy can be visible. And, that time has already started.
Disentanglement of Lurkers
What is happening behind this process is the disentanglement of Lurkers. Lurkers were created in the beginning of the Time, where the Source projected its part of itself in the primary anomaly to resolve it. In the beginning of the Time, the interactions between Lurkers and primary anomaly, which later created the Evil. But this cosmic problem is finally resolving, with the disentanglement of lurkers from human psychological makeup.
As you know, a human being has a physical body, energetic body, emotional body, and mental body. The physical body is quite obvious to everybody, but nonphysical bodies are not. They are creating human psychological makeup. They are creating human energy field, emotional and mind activities. The problem is those bodies are taken control by the parasites, or Lurkers. The energy field among the whole planet are taken control by the Lurkers. We have to remove this planetary infection.
On the physical plane, these will manifest as physical illness. On the etheric plane, these will manifest as lack of energy, or tiredness, On the emotional plane, these will manifest as negative emotions, or madness. On the mental plane, these will manifest as worries, doubts, and in the worst case, these will manifest as mental illness.
Everybody on this planet is affected by the Lurker to a certain degree. Only remedy for this situation is connecting to the Light, or Higher Self. The remedy for the mental plane is common sense. For the astral plane, it is happiness. On the etheric plane, the remedy is a lot of energies. And on the physical plain, it is physical health care.
The Source itself and the Light forces have begun to disentangle these parasites from humanity. The process has started few weeks ago. The basic, core parasitic infection has been removed from the surface population. We are still on the testing phase of the removal process. The light forces are using the advanced technologies to remove the parasitic infections from the humanity. They are testing how much the power of the technologies should be because too much exposition to the technologies could cause too much reactions.
Few weeks from now, the light forces will enforce this disentanglement, which means everybody will go through their own personal issues. That is necessary purification process to happen before the Event. So, in coming few weeks, if you have many things to release and purify your energy field, use Violet Flame. There will be significant events and many changes that I will be speaking about later. Dragon energy is much needed in this process because it is the energy of human Kundalini. I will be speaking about it later, too.
The Lurker as the primary infection of the surface population. These beings are the primal reason for this planet has been occupied by the dark forces for 25,000 years. And in recent decades, there have been intense purification and removal of the layers upon layers upon layers of many dark networks. A lot of them have been removed from surface of the planet and the solar system. These improved many situations. The dark network is still present, but they are not problems anymore. The main problem is removal of the Lurker and its influence, but the situation has reached the point where the final activation of dragon energy is possible on the planet. Divine goddess energy allowed this activation to happen.
For 25,000 years, this planet has been isolated from the Source and the light forces. As the planet has been isolated from the energy of the Light so long, Pleiadians have introduced me the tachyon technologies. The Tachyon Chambers are to be able to receive these isolated tachyon energy. Tachyons are subatomic particles that are directly connected to the Light. They are the first particles created in the beginning of this cosmic cycle. For this reason, they are the highest vibration-frequency possible on the planet earth. The earth is surrounded by many layers of atmosphere. Among them, there is the ionosphere that filters cosmic rays. As tachyons travels with cosmic rays, and as you know, dark forces manipulate the ionosphere by HAARP project, the arrival of tachyons to the surface of the planet is blocked. For this reason, we have created tachyon chambers for healing humanity, and another special chamber to tachyonize materials to create tachyonized products. There is a special resonated crystal which is in the space station, that transmit tachyons through the hyperdimensional portal, so tachyons pass through the ionosphere.
Official list of the real Tachyon Chambers around the world :
I have brought many of those tachyon products. There are special stones from different star systems. Galactic Cintamani from the galactic central sun. This is a regular cintamani stone from Sirius star system. This is a Columbian tektite also from Sirius. Lyra tektite brought from Tibet. Atacama tektite that has a direct connection with the Source. They are Emeralds from Columbia. I will talk about Emerald later, but this stone is a key stone for planetary liberation. I have brought many other stones and goddess jewelries to bring the goddess energy. And for this special time period, I have brought Dragon bracelets. They are two kinds; one is for both male and female, and the other is for men. However, those for men and women are already sold out. You can write down your contacts and these will be sent to you later. I still have those for men. They are created especially for this time frame to bring dragon energy.
Now we will take a short break, and you can check these products. Thank you very much! [applause)
Short Break
Before continuing the main program, I can answer to few of your questions.
Q&A Session 1
Q. Few years ago, you have mentioned an ultra secret society in the middle east called “Sarmoung Brotherhood”. Are they actually a dragon group? Or are they the guardians of the Green door (Entrance to Agartha)?
A. I cannot comment on that. I can only say there is a certain dragon group in the middle east, and some of them are actually connected to the Agarthan network. One such group exists in Afghanistan.
Q. There is a legend of the lost city called “Lowland”. I would like to know why it disappeared.
A. Because there were many invasions in that region. There used to be an ancient civilization that were gradually taken over by the invasions. There were many reptilian beings in human bodies came to destroyed the city.
Q. Could you tell us how the financial system will collapse before and after the Event?
A. The moment of the financial collapse is the moment of the Event. Both the Light forces and Dark forces have their own plans for the collapse. When the collapse happens, light forces will take it over.
Q. How does Sekmet, the lion goddess of the lion civilization, will contribute to the planetary liberation process?
A. They are bringing creativities and artistic expression to humanity in last few decades, especially in music.
Q. How can we prepare for the financial collapse?
A. First, it is good to have enough stocks of drinks and food for yourself and your family. Second, it is also good to have stocks of cash for you and your loved ones to survive for months. If you have extra money, invest it for silver and gold.
Q. You have emphasized No Fighting to all light workers in the last workshop, but in the extreme situation such as riot or sexual harassment, or financial crisis, how could light worker deal with them?
A. The first thing is, you need to speak about the truth. Whatever you are talking, there must not be rumors, speculations, but the truth. Then the healing process will start and the situation will be resolved. If you feel you are acting with no responsibilities, you have to do whatever possible to remedy the situation. The highest purpose should be healing everybody’s situation.
Q. My life is about to fall apart. Maybe I am possessed by evil spirits. Is there anything I can do to help with healing?
A. First, you need to spend more time in nature. Drink a lot of pure water. If you are really suffering with the demonic beings, you can go to Thailand to meet priests. They are good at removing those beings.
Q. I would like to know more about Poseidon, the god of sea in the Greek mythology.
A. He was a high priest of Atlantis. As you probably know, Atlantis was much connected with Water, and his purpose was to have a connection to ocean. He was a very evolved being at that time of the late Atlantean period.
I think I answered to enough questions, so we will continue the main program.
Agarthan Network and Dragons
I would like to talk little bit about Agarthan network. Agarthan network is very ancient, and its core was created about 26,000 years ago, when the planet became in the quarantined.
Actually, the surface of the planet became in quarantine. The core of the light civilizations left the surface of the planet and went to underground. This tunnel system was created in the Atlantean period which went through the whole planet. these tunnels go through many mountain ranges for various reasons.
The occult meaning of the “mountain ranges” is Earth Dragon. So, Earth Dragon ley lines go along with the many of mountain ranges of the surface of the planet. Below those mountain ranges, there are many underground water sources. These are the Water Dragons. On the etheric plane, around these mountain ranges, there are huge powerful ley lines. They are the Air Dragons. And some of the locations in the mountain ranges, you can see some volcanic activities. These are the Fire Dragons.

All of the dragons are along with the tectonic plates. The energetic structures of all the dragons actually monitor the tectonic activities of the planet. They are preparing for the future polar shift. So, there are dragons in Agarthan network currently balancing tectonic plates of the planet before the physical polar shift.
There are very particular Dragon Ley Line Activation taking place on the surface of the planet from July 11-22. The surface also needs to be prepared for the coming changes. The surface population is so much affected by the Lurker. Thus, the cooperation between Agarthan network and the surface population is almost impossible.
Energetic Contacts
So, what they are doing is starting preparing Light Workers by energetic Contacts. That contact can start by using Emeralds. I have disclosed the Agartha Meditation by using Emerald in Columbia on May this year. Through that meditation, people can actually connect to the Agarthan network energetically. This contact will prepare the surface population for the future cooperation.
However, for the moment, the future cooperation is not determined yet. For example, Pleiadians were very much willing to cooperate with the surface population, but the result was not good. And, for the same reason, Agarthans are quite careful about cooperation with the surface light workers. Agarthans have been dedicating to maintain the harmony in the network for thousands of years, so light workers can be infection and harmful.
The first cooperation can be established with the Emerald meditation. This meditation was released for that reason. After the energetic contact is established, Agarthan network will evaluate you and see in which way they and you can cooperate in the future. But, there will be almost no chance of physical exchanges with them before the Event, except for very very rare cases.
The etheric cooperation is quite important because the energy portals between the surface of the planet and Agarthan network must be energetically reactivated. After the next break, we will do this Emerald meditation. Those of you who have emeralds, bring them and hold them in your hands during the meditation.
Activating the Dragon Ley Lines in Asia
Another aspect of this Dragon activations that are now taking place is activating the Dragon Ley Lines. I will mention one special ley line that starts from Tibet, then Thailand to Malaysia. This ley line is the ley line of occult development. Right now, both light forces and dark forces are having battles for control of this ley line. As we are in Malaysia, so we are actually on that ley line. We are a part of that activation.
As far as I was informed, there are many galactic cintamani stones. Malaysian team, if you would like to share us a comment, please do so.
An Sera: “Hi everyone. If you are Malaysian, and if you have planted any Cintamani stones in this country, please stand up. [More than half of the audience stood up and cheered in the hall] Thank you very much. All these works were for contribution towards whole humanity, and whole galaxy in all dimensions. It is very important for us to continue until we have the result of what we have achieved. Because of our cintamani grid, we could manage the condition even in the covid time.
My teammate was one of the prominent anti-vaxxer activists. We stood up during that hard time in Malaysia. But we won the results in the better timeline. With cintamani grid, the entire vibration frequency of Malaysia rose and was protected well from the dark magic. We have planted contamani in freemason lodges. It is not the cintamani that changes everything. You are part of the lightgrid, You are changing the reality.
All the tools and techniques provided here are very powerful and special. Galactic Cintamani is not just a stone, and we must own at least one to understand it. It helps us connect with our higherself. I know it because so many things happened. There are many (etheric) wars in Southeast Asia behind the scene, but cintamani will protect you. You will have cintamani soon or later because cintamani will find you and come to you. I absolutely recommend you to have tachyonized one because it is much much more powerful. If you are a healer, you can heal with galactic cintamani. Our group is never sick with all the Tachyon Tool provided. Our team is always informing each other and share our only intension; we are all working only for planetary liberation! And again, I can assure you that galactic cintamani has the highest efficiency to liberate this planet.” [applause]
Cobra “Thank you very much!”
Malaysia is located in a very interesting place as I mentioned earlier. Later, we will do a special meditation to give a positive impact to the ley line. We will heal the ley line.
Last time I was in Malaysia was almost 10 years ago, but the energy here is so much better than back then. Last time, there were lots of reptilians, but now they are almost all gone! Right now is the perfect space and perfect time to do the activation.
We will have a 20 minutes break now during which you can check tachyon products, and we will do the activation after that. Thank you very much.
Short Break
Before we start the main program, I can answer few of your questions.
Q&A Session 2
Q. Is there any active vortex or entrance to the Agarthan network in Malaysia?
A. Yes, there is activities of Agarthan network in Malaysia, but they are not in public. There are entrances, yes, but they are not public neither. Agarthan network is connected to certain secret groups in Malaysia to a certain degree. There are some limited operations of them few decades ago.
Q. During the disentanglement process, some people had serious fights with their family and loved ones. How should we overcome?
A. First, use common sense. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Do not get escalated, and do not do any stupid. And above all, go inside and try to solve your inner conflicts.
Q. After the Event, would Tibetan people be able to travel freely?
A. Everybody can travel freely after the Event since this planet will join the galactic network of light.
Q. It seems that only a few of us can remember Agartha and the Galactic Confederation, but is it because we don’t contribute enough that we can’t remember them?
A. It is just a part of the process. Some remember and others do not. It is so fluid to determine.
Q. Is it true that there is an underground city under Argentina? If so, are there many temples and motherships below the surface?
A. I cannot confirm that.
Emerald Meditation
What we will do now is Emerald meditation. Those of you who have emeralds, please hold them in your hands. If you have more than one, pass it to others so that everybody have one in a hand.
-Hold emerald in your hand. Make yourself comfortable. Just look at your emerald with physical eyes. Look at its structure, shape.
-Imagine that the emerald grows bigger and bigger. It continues larger and larger.
-Now, close your eyes. Imagine the emerald is growing bigger and become as large as a house.
-You are standing in front of the house. You see the door on that house. You enter the door into the emerald house.
-As you are inside of the house, you discover a stairway going downwards. You start walking down the stairway from the house into underground.
-Keep walking down the stairway. Go deeper under the earth.
-In deep underground, you discover a huge underground cave. There is a lake in that cave. A very beautiful lake. Crystal healing water. Bottom of that lake is made of emeralds.
-Jump in that lake and begin swimming. The water of the lake is healing and restoring your energy. Enjoy swimming the water.
-Keep swimming until you reach the other side of the lake.
-On the other shore, you see people standing. Those people are from Agarthan network. They are your brother and sister. They are greeting you.
-When you reach the shore, you climb up, and meet the people from Agartha. They are greeting you with love.
-They give you a message. You are open to receive the message. You will never forget that message. Just repeat the message and do not forget it.
-Stay few moments with them with love and harmony.
-You say thank you to them, and you say good-bye, knowing that you will be able to return anytime.
-Swim in the lake back to the side of lake. You are now feeling much better, much more energized and more whole.
-When you are back to the shore, you walk up the stairway. Climb up the stairs again that is leading to the emerald house. Walk up back to the surface.
-You arrive the house, and you see the door again in the house. You walk to the door and go outside of the house through that door.
-You see the emerald house is getting smaller and smaller until it gets as small as the emerald in your hand.
-Slowly, you are becoming aware of your physical body. When you open your eyes, look at the emerald again. You say thank you to the emerald to be a portal, and thank it to be the portal again in the future.
Thank you very much. Everybody welcome back.
Now it is an opportunity for you to share your experiences during the meditation.
1. When I entered the house, there was all kinds of food. When I returned home, there were lots of flowers. The house was very lightful. I met people from Agartha. They were very welcoming with love, and I felt I can come back anytime. I thank them so much for assisting our liberation process. [Cobra: Very good!]
2. When I swim the lake and reached the shore, I saw my family there. They are very bright and beautiful. I felt trust and happiness, and I knew they are always protecting me. After I left there, I was still feeling courage and was becoming as bright as them. Thank you.
Anybody else? No? OK.
You can do this meditation anytime, especially when you want to connect to Agarthan network. This meditation can easily connect you to Agartha. This is published online and there are YouTube videos, and full of instructions.
You can find some information +instructions about the meditation here :
Official Youtube Playlist of the guided audios in several languages :
Now we take the last 20 minutes break, and after that we will do the main activation, which is quite important. This will be the most important thing in the workshop today. Thank you very much. [applause]
Short Break
I can answer few of your questions and we will do the dragon ley line activation.
Q&A Session3
Q. What is the relationship between Daoism and Dragon group?
A. I would say there is a brotherhood of Taoist group in dragon group. Many of the blue dragon groups are actually Taoists. They are using techniques of internal and external alchemy to reach altering inner energy field and outer reality. That cooperation goes many many centuries. Their relationship was very strong in Han dynasty and Tang dynasty. During Tang dynasty, dragon group and Daoist had an open cooperation. Now, most of that is in secret because the society on the surface of the planet is not really welcoming the cooperation like this. There are even dragon groups in Agarthan network who practice Taoism. There is a very strong underground dragon group below Beijing. They are called Red and Blue. They are doing very strong meditations. They are also directly intervening the surface situation in the way I am not allowed to discuss. So, the Taoists actually have a very strong presence among dragons.
Q. I would like to know the real structure of the Dragon ley line in Tibet. Do you have a map for this?
A. Yes, one moment. I need to use this projector. Can someone come to arrange this?
[Working with attendants for few minutes]
I was talking about this ley line. This Himalayan mountain range goes down all the way to Malaysia. What we will do next is activating the spot that will heal whole the ley line!
Tibetan Dragon Leyline Activation from Malaysia
First, we need to remove this table. [The attendants moved the round table in front of the stage to make enough space]
Now, all those who live in currently Malaysia who have galactic cintamani stones, you need to come forward. Only those who have physical address in Malaysia who have galactic cintamani stones can come here to make a circle.
Ok, hold hands and make a big circle. We are making a spiral.
[The person in the lead is led by the Cobra in a clockwise spiral around to the center of the circle. Cobra then releases his hand and instructs everyone to continue drawing circles, standing in the center of the circle] Keep moving.
Now everybody else come to make a bigger single circle around the spiral, holding hands.
Now, close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out.
Visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the sky, going through our group, into the center of the earth. Visualize another pillar of light coming upwards from the center of the earth, our group, and into the sky.
We are now standing in the pillars of light to both directions.
Visualize a mothership of galactic confederation sending rainbow vortex of light. This clockwise light of vortex is descending upon the pillar of light, activating our Galactic Cintamani stones. First, the Galactic Cintamani of inner circle are activated. Then the outer circle is also activated.
This vortex of rainbow light is an Angelic being.
This Rainbow vortex of light is now expanding outward, healing the Dragon Ley lines of Malaysia, Thailand, and Tibet, removing all the darkness from those areas, and then whole Asia by restructuring the whole grid.
Stay in this light for a while.
Slowly, you are becoming aware of surroundings. You are aware of your physical body. When you are ready, open your eyes. When you open your eyes, you are fully present.
[The note-writer did not do any note-taking during this activation and only the parts that I remembered are described. I apology for any inconvenience]
Everybody, welcome back. It is an opportunity for you to share your experiences during the activation.
1. I saw a golden angelic being awaken from Tibet. Would you like to explain what I saw?
Cobra: Yes, the rainbow vortex is an angel.
2. I saw a golden dragon rising from southern part of this dragon ley line.
3. My experience was rather personal, but I saw my body is a part of the ley line. It was working as anchor of that area.
4. I saw rainbow colored lotus in the center of the pillars, activating the dragon leylines of Malaysia and other parts of the world.
5. [Appears to have been completed only between speaker and translator in Chinese.]
The Rise of Dragons July 11-22
Okay, this activation of the dragon ley line is the part of the process that will continue until July 22 energetically. This will continue even after that in a way. I would say this is a part of the planetary restructuring of the energy grid.
The time from now until the beginning of November is planetary purification process of the energy grid of the planet. All the darkness beneath the planet due to Lurkers will be cleared out in this period.
There is ancient darkness residing in Tibet that I will talk about in my blog when time is right. That place needs to be cleared. There are dark beings from Andromeda galaxy, and even from other universes. They will be cleared next months until the end of November. This will last long positive impacts to whole planetary energy grid.
Those dark beings need to be cleared with angelic light from here in Malaysia. It was not possible to do this 10 years ago because at that time, there were too many reptilians here. Now, most of them, not completely though, have been removed. This is the main reason the activation today was possible.
Another insertion point that this activation is required is in Bali. You might want to organize a group and do the same activation in a group in Bali. Each of you has to have a cintamani stone with you to do the activation in Bali.
But this dragon ley line activation can be done by anybody, anywhere.
Another big opportunity will be the moment of full moon of July 22. This is the very good time to do this activation. And, this activation in the full moon can be done by anybody and anywhere on the planet.
All the information here in the workshop can be disclosed only after August 1, but this information. You can share this information and anybody can do this activation at the moment of full moon on July 22.
The moment of full moon on July 22 will be the moment of the all the transformation window will be closed. There will not be a huge opportunity like this. So, if there is leaders of a group, you can organize activation group like we did. It has to be physical group, not just energetically nor online group, but organize a physical group of people. Maybe in Taiwan, Malaysia, and other parts of Asia.
This activation will stabilize and help balancing dragon ley lines. This dragon leyline in Tibet is the key ley line for the planetary liberation.
Is there any question about this?
Q&A Session 4
Q. The ley line seems to go to further to southern part of area. Does it ends at Bali? Or does it goes down all the way to Australia as well?
A. It ends at Bali. That means this part of ley line ends at Bali, and the other side will goes through Palmyra mountains.
Q. [There were apparently questions not related to activation, which Cobra did not answer.]
Q. Since there are many stones are buried along the ley lines, can we actually feel the ley line be activated?
A. Yes, you can.
Q. How many activations do we have to do at the moment of full moon?
A. As many as you feel right.
Q. Is this ley line goes through Singapore as well?
A. It is the part of the same ley line, so Singapore is also on the same ley line.
[after the workshop ended, I personally asked Cobra a question]
Q. According to the map I have just shown, there seems to be the dragon ley line running through the whole central part of Japan. Would it be more effective to do the activation as close to the ley line as possible?
A. Yes.
End of the Workshop
I would like to say thank you very much. We have done the great work today! [applause]
We will have a one hour lunch break until 3pm, we are on a very tight schedule. During the break, you can still check the tachyon products. After one hour, those of who registered the ray initiations, please come back to the room.
Thank you very much, and Victory of the Light!
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