At least seven physicians in Australia are under attack by Big Food for helping their patients reverse type 2 diabetes through diet.

An Australian woman shared a video clip of one of them – watch below – explaining how the food industry put him in their crosshairs for merely instructing his diabetic patients to reduce their sugar intake and instead consume more eggs, cheese and full-fat yogurt.

“I was targeted by the food industry here in Australia,” the doctor in the video below explains, noting that he has evidence in the form of digital communications that Big Food wants physicians like himself to be stopped from helping diabetics overcome their illness.

“We’ve got their internal emails saying these seven people are to be targeted. So I was reported to the medical board on three occasions for giving the advice to start reducing sugar.”

Medical establishment feeds diabetics loads of sugar

The same doctor says he was reported on one occasion for “inappropriately” reversing someone’s diabetes on television.

“We’re not allowed to do that – and certainly not on national TV when we did it,” the doctor explains.

“I honestly thought this was a joke when I started getting reported because I’m personally seeing the benefits for myself, my team, my family, my patients.”

Upon observing diabetics being admitted to the hospital with foot complications only to be served ice cream three times a day, the doctor told hospital staff to stop doing this.

“Let’s reduce the sugar,” he told the staff. “I was really radical, I said, ‘I prescribe eggs and cheese and full-fat yogurt.”

“I’d have to write on the medication chart that I wanted my patient prescribed eggs and cheese because the hospitals wouldn’t do it.”

This same doctor was accused of imposing a “horrendously dangerous intervention” on diabetics with this protocol, as if telling them to eat less sugar and more fat and protein is somehow a threat to their health. It turns out that it was just the diet they needed to start healing.

“He seems like a hero to me,” the woman in the video concludes about the doctor’s sensible protocol for diabetes.

Someone on X responded to the video by claiming that he helped cure his neighbor’s type 2 diabetes by suggesting that she put two drops of Lugol’s iodine in her morning juice every day. In just a few short months, the neighbor’s doctor stopped all her diabetes medications because she no longer needed them.

“There is no money in curing the patients,” wrote another about why Big Food and the medical establishment are opposed to natural remedies for diabetes. “This is what it boils down to.”

“The doctors are about making money with shots and pills forever, not helping people.”

Another suggested that diabetics spend more time exercising at the gym, which directly benefits the pancreas by reducing blood sugar levels.

“Do weights – it’s helped me,” this person wrote. “There is also now an extra benefit in reducing dementia risk – muscle power is key. And vitamin D is very good, too.”

Someone else says he lost weight by eating eggs, parmesan, kefir, fruit and three liters of water per day.

“I lost a lot of weight even though I’m fit.”


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  1. Australian GP's some are do take initiative against the plastic medical structure and know to treat in better term to "Cure" not just treat to milk an bilk for the money for nothing programs gone to its drive. Believe to think in past it was a similar "Young" GP doc from down under whom came up with the cure treatment to heliobacterial pylori or stomach ulcers only took him 30 yrs+ to convince to world teachings before they now use such combination antibiotic and drug combo's to perform such prognosis. Is this any the same. Something is wrong with this picture it all goes against the common sense of big pharma they have no medical words for "Cure" but give me big$ for nothing take 3 of these with water go to bed. ( and die ) is the unknown follow up. Their construct simply needs to be abolished removed and all dismantled before humans can reassert proper new path to evolve for. Court systems are corrupt they too must go. They too no longer process truths even when shown the truth they only play out their scripted bribery to truth they push by. Dissolve big pharma!
    What have we become when allowed the sewer to back up and over flow. and do nothing.


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