TPV continues to come out with more and more shocking reports that are very hard to wrap one’s head around. More information about the DOJ’s case against Sean Combs is coming out all over the place.

@SGTnewsNetwork on Telegram posted this video of a Diddy “Freak Off” attendee, suggesting that there were children dressed up like Juku Dolls with lipstick on, in rooms where full-blown org*es were taking place. The attendee, named “Tanea” says Diddy’s son would recruit women at parties to go into a “special” area.

There’s also this interesting tidbit, about Diddy’s Star Island, Miami mansion being a stone’s throw from the South Florida Container Terminal.

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  1. Go into hiding please, they will try to kill you. I live out of country and would be willing to harbor a couple people here.

  2. All of these defendants need to go into hiding for their safety. I live out of country and would be willing to house a person or two here.


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