Microplastics are all around us, from the food we eat, to the packaging we use and sometimes even in the air we breathe. And our bodies aren’t really designed to handle tiny plastic particles. So how can you get rid of them and detox your body from microplastics? I will talk about how to reduce exposure, how to reduce the Damage Microplastics do on your body and how to get them out.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
A good hearted attempt that we should all respect, I'm sure, but frankly, as far as I've seen, an incredibly naive and superficial understanding of the nature and source of the problem of microplastics. And as such, I believe, unintentionally misleading .
I suggest anyone seriously interested in this issue to go to Substack.com and look up Dr David Nixon, Dr Carnicarn, Karl C, Dr Ana Marie Mihalcia, Walter M Chesnut from WMC Research etc.
Very enlightening delicately and accurately presented and very important as to the all levels Exposures. So to tough it out, this in by such informative share puts posture into a "Catch-99 Plus One" state. As direct indications to "Food Source along with Air We Breath"
rolling into the How did ( uPlastique's ) get there. The Cyclic times-100 (x100). Industrial Chemistry evolving to nano-technologies, So much to the Catch is it may have 1st started with such beyond anything granular in life, then cycles thru the everything else produced accumulated in all and every product we touch smell taste wear breath move by to many times over. How to where does our trash actually go if not many case recycled back into the systems.
Detail note mention also of "EveryDAY Chemicals" so much is designed and built into the all cookwares preventing Stick. furniture auto anything product.
Yet oddly media has taken blame to oppose the all living (all our continued daily use-faults) to conduct full levels of all contamination by to cause such pollution(s). Consider to stop right there and analyze. Where did it all come from in the absolute trace back all things, eg: comes from the Producers 'we simply told to purchase of its adaptation unknown till now time, of all things all pharma product food clothing (technologies) and so on. "The Them" be a source. As the governments take control/push/program/threaten of all thing, eg: supplement outlets jacking prices to all even here in mention. Everything is only about the Money. (they print it all the time and excuse to call it economy debt etc yet all returns to their own pockets ditto and global warm'g) same to war they create fund ROI on its benefit win or lose. The They get/take it all.
Yet Life Dictates we need to learn to be a million hat wearing operator of all uniquely specialized in knowledge be Aware prevent and even here "Detox of all to many so many items that are not one but thousands of attack vectors we walk talk think (socialize less now its finger dancing and ear phone vibration of interpretation to operate daily interaction).
The caveat is about minute ten : where by an Option is "Donate Blood" Ops Stop the clock. is this just to pass the buck considering where that 16oz of freshly "Donated Blood type Packet" gets chilled to be used to "Save ones Life". Pass the Buck/nano-plastics to another in need Life. Your Welcome good luck recovering when your body requires nutrient to heal by in transfusion/infusion.
It is a buster buck all about the money and care not for the all lives in daily sufferings. Who is it why and what for and where to go from here. We have been setup into the weakened temptation of submission in belief to be told the Anything shall benefit our lives daily, way back when 1st introduced such Petroleum Industrial Chemistry applying it to every day means. mr Roc.a..fel.. an corp' 1916 was it or earlier lineage named Bolderdasher's.
And yet look to how so many in taking on Expertise to remedy a common downhill slide putting breaks/doctoring on the flood down its spin cycle of incredible turbulence. From the bottom of the Bean Stalk this particular subject reeks of the Everything is reversed and full reverse of such is now at the 100 thousand foot/foods level. A top of the Stalk returning look from each personal aspect of microscopic view! top of the pyramid Micro-pin-point seeing the how large a base is to consider what branch might we thought.n.try to crawl back down and rectify the anything of a something. Totally affects the everything by every heart beat lung suck of inhale to consider. Ops. Try we Shall, Do we must. Gain-Minus-Minus-Gain an repeat. Mirror Effect of Life upon itself as we now know it.
Thanks for sharing this information!
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