Drones, UFOs, UAPs – The Hegelian Dialectic
Rev. Kat Carroll
I’ve been following information about other worldly beings and craft since I was just a kid. It’s been interesting to see the shift from War of the Worlds, The Twilight Zone, Lost in Space, Star Trek and onto ET or Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Mars Attacks (humorously scary), Independence Day, and They Live (for example); a mixed bag of the scary and occasionally friendly portrayal, of who or what “they” might be.
Despite ancient cave paintings, and glyphs, crop circles and canyon artwork left behind by much older civilizations, most of the world governments denied the existence of any kind of off world or alien life. Its a relatively new phenomenon being acknowledged in 2017. And now we may be looking at further disclosure that is accelerating quickly. Ask yourself, what was happened in 2017 and this year, and why is it important?
When it comes to UFOs and ET, one side portrays them as friendly, another as war like, and even further, as beings that want us destroyed, or to rule us. But that’s all Hollywood entertainment, right?? Could mainstream media, Hollywood and government or military agencies be involved in setting up a long game for humanity? If so, what can we expect they want as a final agenda?
“I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?” – Ronald Reagan
What if we are being led by the nose to come to a certain conclusion, a new world order?
This video explains the various agendas that could be in play with the most recent drone flyovers around the world, and how we might expand our thinking on this topic.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Worry could also occur have these flying as announced "Jersey cities and others" they don't expand to 100x their size and grow legs walking over building top shooting laser beams all around. Think the Green Trails could indicate not from your local hobby store supply and public sales inventory. Worry if repeat to also deliver ordinance at public space would certainly raise Military Concern. (anything is possible with such Tech). Must be as is "Made in America" used in America. Or bad guys "obtained permission" for who an by be another concern. Like border break infiltration. Now the Skies>? Anything is the possible in of these days. AI Control Time shall share its truth.
I thought for a second you were going "War of the Worlds" on me! There are some great videos that explain what's been happening. Let me know if you need some links.
You know how you tell if a flying machine is ours or not? If it has propellers or Pratt and Whitney jet turbine engines, that's how Kat. IF all the idiots making vids would be clear about that and include sound that would be very helpful. You're welcome. -p
The videos and opinions with little thought have been mind numbing. But not everyone is aware of the technology. I saw single flight platforms for one person which could explain the sound people here and how someone could use a green laser to flash back to folks on the ground. (something not recommended in case it blinds the pilots), or the new private and pricy flying vehicles.
By the way, as a fan of the air shows, Pratt and Whitney radial engines were one of my favorite, but having flown in a Stearman, also very loud!!!
I like your thinking Pete!
Didn't Obama fly land a brand new off the design table one million dollar super high tech surveillance drone happen to land in a reserved air field in Iran. With a cry out "we want our toy back" deceptive story response in lie about the incident.
Could they Iran have reversed engineered designed and built their own. Only now to snoop choice of American city for choice to monitor our turn to snoop in your country. Where is are the super High Tech counter measures not being utilized. To recapture such devices flying over USA Air Space.
Russia had many drone attack from 2023 into 2024 invasion to their lands and mr Putin did not allow them to get too far if not all shot down and or disabled upon immediate notice. Canada shipped a fair number of high tech drones to Ukraine for part in aid to the nato support. one can only speculate such Remote Controlled Activity by Digital radio and or GPS navigation should easily be detected by such Military Technologies. Speculation , simply comes to mind. tic toc
All drones are to be registered, and if flown via phone, leaves a signature. A couple people got busted for flying them over an airport this week. Think about the events that require a crowed and how they advertise for crisis actors… Perhaps we should be looking for messages on the internet that relate to that! Useful idiots don't need to know why they are doing it, only to take the money when offered, or to be a part of something they may not fully understand. I'm sure we'll learn more as time goes on.