00:00 Intro

00:59 Utopia vs Dystopia – A Fine Line

04:17 Timeline For Agenda 2030

12:09 Club Of Rome Event Video

14:05 Ending Fossil Fuels

16:52 The Circular Economy

18:01 Control The Food

23:29 “Re-wilding Half The Planet”

25:09 “Clean Up The Earth

25:30 Reduce Population By 75 Percent

29:50 Pandemic Treaty

30:10 Global Truth Commission

31:41 One World Currency

32:13 Club Of Rome & “The Giant Leap”

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Considering just listed and posted. Who is pulling the "levers the push rod and push lies of manipulations upon us"
    little man hiding behind the yellow drape ChatGPT like AI , is controlling the everything. How we have been "Mis-Guided mis-represented mis-informed ' Mis-Educated ' of all so great truths or are they Cultivate and well constructed Witch crafted Spells Assembled to present a something made or to Force to believe in meta data of a "Something" accompanied by some picture that might be used over and over.
    Say picture Queen of England and used many times many ways with many alternating story attached. " The methods of every day media news we decide to search research and gift our finds "Ear Trap Eye Trap of information by in searching for the daily new(s).

    And to embrace how we all have so much been manipulated by a "Picture and a cast of assembled words 'are they spells set to convince' could be as to how we view media watch it and then next listen to its "Story lines" as did one x-communicado as to "War of the Worlds" expressed upon the radio waves and its stunned effect up on the peoples all to listen and absorb 'then to the up to right now' all these same results to the "Shaken and Stirred" mixed up more so.

    "Tools of such mystery yet accepted as common language outlet forms of new Representation of information we listen watch forget and get on with our now new programmed subconscious informational data lives still in route of our own actions, added accumulated now set into our conscious line of order to memory we draw from. Yes quite the mouth full. There are now new forms of re-order to the discombobulated format of all so many truths to also be mumbo jumbo'd gargon of the blah blah! statement of lying affection-ado of meaningless words and picture distortions.

    Bitchut and Rumble share these MyLunchBreak posts of other so good possibles of reality check bound and updates of Some better truths. or least other narrative time-lines of other info presented.

    eg: https://rumble.com/v62jnpk-timeline-begins-in-1800-pt-1-and-2.html?e9s=rel_v2_ep

    Its amazing as to how the story goes, spent to ear and mind to listen by view, learn by and educate the populace by. Was it really a program of truth to learn by or a deceit of express motorized by evil and forms to Lies of expression we all are programmed to believe in or so call made to believe such.
    Who is in control what is this stage we stand to walk upon and or play upon. Welcome to the Matrix and yet a set of Rules to which when learned rightly must follow?. Yet Some can actually be broken. (stop paying taxes purchase items tax is simply enough or more than a grab on your pocket).

    Consider you where born Free into this world yet in truth your born already with a social identity number and born into the slave held labor to act out a roll and pay taxes to who?. Money for nothing to ones controlling this all Planet Earth Narrative or is it really a Staged Kit call it " Sim Earth the Living Game of objects moving by AI stimulation "
    food for thought. He who knows the Truth may such set one FREE ! Again as gifted at Given created, planned, or accidental birth into this play field.

  2. The New Blueprint For Humanity !

    29 "Real" Solutions to return Power to the 99 % We the People ,

    For the People & By the People !!! Check it Out !!!



  3. December 23, 2024

    Breaking Intel Ex American Military Vet Ai specialist extremly urgent !

    El_ites planning Ai Take over Between 2025 and 2030 !

    Poison Vaccine nanobot related ! Please share far and wide !!!

    SGT Report X22 Report Shill As Trump Ushers In AI Demons For Central Bankers

    Ryan Veli & Victor Hugo



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