A period of U.S. history that I was never taught growing up and going through the U.S. educational system, is how the U.S. Government and the U.S. military treated U.S. war veterans who had fought during Word War I during the Great Depression.
Tens of thousands of U.S. veterans from World War I marched to Washington D.C. in 1932, to petition Congress to pay them their compensation for fighting in the War. A bill had been passed in 1924 to do just that, but they had to wait until 1945 to collect that “bonus”, or it could be paid earlier to their family as a death benefit if they died.
Many of them were homeless and destitute, like millions of other Americans, during the Great Depression in 1932.
They literally setup camp in areas around Washington D.C. that year, and their efforts saw some results when the House of Representatives passed a bill to pay them sooner than 1945.
But President Herbert Hoover threatened to veto the bill, and it was overwhelmingly defeated in the Senate.
When the war veterans did not go home, Hoover ordered to have the veterans removed from Washington D.C.
Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur, along with his assistant Major Dwight D. Eisenhower, usually revered as “heroes” in American history (Eisenhower went on to become President), proceeded to attack and kill some of these U.S. veterans to forcibly remove them from Washington D.C., calling them “communists”. (President Hoover was a “self-made” Wall Street millionaire and a Conservative Republican.)
Hoover lost his re-election bid a few months later, and was replaced by Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR).
I have produced a video that documents these events in 1932, including original film footage and photos, that is only 30 minutes long.
Lessons for Today from U.S. History
The dates and faces may change throughout American history, but some things really do not change at all.
First, the people in Washington D.C. who run the country do NOT serve the American people. They serve the interests of the Globalist Billionaires on Wall Street, and today also in Silicon Valley.
They have no moral problems with killing American citizens to achieve their goals of wealth and power, and it doesn’t matter which political office is currently in power.
We saw this in action most recently during the COVID Scam.
Secondly, they are able to continue on with these crimes against the citizens of the U.S. by dividing people into political groups, so that they always have around 50% of the country supporting them, because they are attacking the other half of the people in this country who belong to the opposing political party.
During the “Bonus Army” protests in D.C. in 1932, this country was able to observe something that is very rare in American history, and that was people from different groups, such as whites and blacks, which was very rare in 1932, overcome their differences to fight a common cause and against a common single enemy – Those ruling in Washington D.C.
And they did it peacefully, until the law enforcement and the U.S. military got involved. The violence originated with the U.S. Government.
Third, the members of the U.S. military take an oath to protect this country, and when you as a military soldier turn your weapons against other citizens of this country to appease the billionaires, you are ALWAYS WRONG.
Brave military personnel stood against the billionaires when they refused mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, and valued truth over their careers and pensions.
These are important principles to keep in mind here at the beginning of 2025, as one political party leaves office, and the other one takes over.
The incoming administration, Conservative Republicans, is already threatening to eliminate free speech on American university and college campuses, by eliminating any groups who oppose the actions of Israel, and if they can get away with it, they will most certainly try the same actions against the entire U.S. population.
The new administration is also already threatening to deploy the military onto American streets, and indeed this is already happening, such as in the subway system of New York City.
The only way to fight tyranny, is to understand who your real enemies are, and they are NOT your fellow citizens who believe differently from you.
From healthimpactnews.com
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Interesting! Just a friendly correction–the new administration did not deploy the military in the NYC subways. Governor Hochul did so a couple of months ago. This was deemed necessary because of the increased violence in the subways, which is the direct result of the "sanctuary city" status of NYC, coupled with the unwillingness on the part of the city government to prosecute crime. A quick perusal of the news will show most of the crimes are being committed by illegals.