On this week’s episode of A Shepherd’s Voice, Bishop Joseph Strickland explores the Fourth Commandment, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ emphasizing its critical role in strengthening families and society.

On this week’s episode of A Shepherd’s Voice, Bishop Joseph Strickland explores the Fourth Commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” emphasizing its critical role in strengthening families and society.

Strickland discusses how honoring parents is not only a duty to family but also a reflection of divine order, highlighting the importance of proper respect, discipline, and gratitude within the family unit. He underscores that the breakdown of the family structure is at the root of many societal issues today and calls for a return to God’s plan for family life.

His Excellency connects this commandment to broader issues, including respect for legitimate authority in both the Church and civil society. He warns against lawlessness and moral relativism, urging Catholics to uphold truth and order as established by God.

Drawing from Scripture and personal reflections, he stresses that parents have a sacred duty to raise children in the faith and that society must support and respect the family as the foundation of civilization.

Drafted with the assistance of AI.

A Shepherd’s Voice is a Catholic podcast in which Bishop Joseph Strickland boldly proclaims the teachings of the Catholic faith with clarity and charity. Through the eyes of tradition, each episode will offer deep insights into the deposit of faith, spiritual guidance, and ancient wisdom to help listeners grow in faith and holiness. There will be no compromise, no ambiguity – just the voice of a shepherd leading the flock.

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  1. The same Evil-Chosen few Creatures (descendants) who started, promoted the 'Weimar Republic', are now attempting to do the same here, in the 'Land of the Free', to destroy, Masculinity, Femininity, Society, to turn US into Creatures, who will be easier to HERD into the planned for 'ANIMAL FARM', where they, the 'PIGS', will rule over US!


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