The Ascension Connection Invites You to an Open Call
Thursday, February 20th , 2025
10am California, 12pm Chicago, 1pm New York
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What on Earth is Going On?
Written and Hosted by Rob Stevens
This is going to be a year when large numbers of people find their perception of the World changes beyond all recognition. We are all on a journey with different levels of awareness and understanding. I will start by stating the obvious. We are all part of a shared common reality but, how we see our World varies wildly from person to person.
To see past illusions and deceptions we have to unlearn all those thought processes and that are blocking our minds from perceiving a deeper level of truth.
Is our World an illusion?
Well, the mainstream scientific and materialistic view that dominates has never properly considered this possibility. The alternative view that’s receiving more attention now is that consciousness is ALL.
Are we all a small facet of a Supreme Universal Consciousness living out lives in what feels like a dense material World?
Current science is unable to explain consciousness. We are living in a time where vast resource and effort is spent on creating artificial intelligence. While I understand this has great potential, I do not believe this will result in a meaningful, truly emotional and searching intelligence.
So, what on Earth is going on? I believe there are those on Earth hopelessly trying to emulate the divine for their own ends.
Through my own spiritual journey, I’ve come across the theory that a Supreme Consciousness created the Universe to understand the limits of its existence. This presents a problem because nothing is truly random or unknown if you’re the creator. How do you introduce novelty into the Universe?
The solution it would appear is to create near infinite complexity and ‘free will’ to allow for an exploration of the extent and extremes of experience. It’s nothing less than genius!
I believe we are all unique creations here to experience and explore, as part of the Supreme Consciousness, to try and understand itself. Our awareness of the true nature of reality has been severely hampered by design, and it’s up to us to expand and learn to fulfill our mission. Our experiences are therefore, of great value.
All experiences are personal and unique. Perceptions of a shared reality will always have differences between the individuals involved. I’ve always strongly felt it’s important not to let priests, rabbis, politicians, royalty or indeed anyone else, dictate our own thoughts and perceptions.
To keep this epic experiment running for the best possible outcome, are we being guided by a greater consciousness? Well, I think we are. I believe consciousness is all pervasive. Supreme Consciousness, of which we are a small fragment, does ‘speak’ to us directly.
In order not to jeopardize ‘free will’, the divine language is a stream of subtle signs and events that are pointers to the options open to us from one moment to the next. We can allow our minds to see and hear the divine speaking to us. Unfortunately, the World is full of deception and chaos, most of it is of our own making. The difficulty lies in understanding the meaning of all the events and signs around us.
There is an immense joy and revelation when we realize in the moment we’ve heard and understood. I believe there are no coincidences. Those unexpected happenings and signs are all around us and most of the time we do not acknowledge their existence.
Please join us for what I hope is an open discussion about our reality and where we all might be going. I, for one, would love to hear your thoughts and experiences of those moments of realization and the way our lives might be steered for the greatest good.
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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.