
Every American State’s ‘Brexit’ Nickname

The United Kingdom voted today to leave the European Union, and people are going nuts.

But what if American states did the same? There’s “Texit,” of course, and below are 49 other suggestions for state independence referendum names.

  1. ByeByeBama
  2. AlaskOut
  3. Arizohno
  4. Arkancyanever
  5. CaliFU
  6. Coloradieu
  7. Connecti-CUT
  8. DelaWe’reGone
  9. Flo-Riddance
  10. GorgeousGetAway
  11. Hawamihere (H/T KGW)
  12. IdaGottaGo
  13. Illinomore
  14. OUTdiana
  15. Iowon’t
  16. Kansescape
  17. Kentuckandroll
  18. LouisiOUTA
  19. NoReMaine
  20. MaryLeave
  21. Massachudonthavetogohomebutyoucantstayhere
  22. Michigone
  23. MinnesOUTa
  24. MissisSeeYa
  25. Mizzout
  26. MontanaIRanOutOfIdeasAndNeedHelp
  27. Nebraskedaddle (H/T @ZackBrownCA)
  28. Nevamanos
  29. New DamnSureI’mLeaving
  30. New Journey
  31. New M-exit-o
  32. New Yorkescape
  33. North Carolater
  34. North DaGOta
  35. OhByeO
  36. Oklalater
  37. Oregone
  38. Pennsylvanyescape
  39. Rhode Outland
  40. South Carolater
  41. South DaGOta
  42. Tennessee-ya later
  43. Texit
  44. Deserexit
  45. Vamoose-mont
  46. Virginia is for Leavers
  47. Washing-MyHandsOfThis
  48. Wexit Virginia
  49. Wiscon-sayonara
  50. Wyo-going


  1. Hi Esther, I like your comment. And believe me I perfectly understand your decision. The problem is that the majority of those who have voted to leave do not have the faintest idea of what you are talking about and if you were to try to explain to them, you would probably be laughed at. Believe me it has happen to me more than once. As I said before, a perfectly legitimate opportunity has been unleashed on a population that has voted out of a knee jerk reaction to the issue of immigration without even considering the consequences. If little children at school are told by other little children that they will not be there the next term because they will be made to leave or people working in public places being the recipient of xenophobic verbal abuse, then, believe me you might have unlocked one prison door to swiftly walk into another.

  2. Hi there Marian, I am UK born and bred and very very proud of the decision most of us have just made. I would ask that you not be too hard on us poor Brits. I voted to leave the EU that doesn’t mean I turn my back on our European friends. It is the corrupt bureaucrats that have created this uncertainty we all find ourselves in but hey, we have unlocked the prison door and we will just have to find our strength and unity again. Please don’t generalize, we are all one but very different you know.

    • Yes, thank you Esther, you’re right, I shouldn’t generalize. It’s my fury, at times, when I witness people giving up on themselves, dragging others down with them, bringing me to the throne of a Snow Queen making icy and sarcastic remarks. I’m proud on Britain for sure and feel happy to live in that country, since 1 year. When I listen to David Icke and his admiration for Britain’s move, I’m fully with him. In their hearts, I believe most British residents want justice and peace with a sense of security and belonging. The numerous volunteering projects are proof of it, it’s one of the reasons I’ve chosen to live in the UK: the enormous strength of communities created by communal efforts. My country of birth, Holland, can learn much from that stance, for that strength is lost in politics as well as in many parts of Dutch cities.

      • Hi Marian, thank you for your kind comments. I do believe we are all still stunned at the result of the referendum as it has been so huge. One thing is certain it has shaken UK politics like never before. I pray that we don’t have too bumpy a ride from here on in as I don’t doubt there will be some backlash from the bureaucracy in Brussels and also pray that we end up with a government for the people by the people. We all need to put aside our differences and work together to bring about positive changes for UK and our friends in Europe.

  3. Ha ha! Great fun, thanks for this. I’m sure UK residents could do with a bit of firmness and rise above their gloom, their typical reaction to the UK now having stood up for itself. (finally!!) Post natal depression, ha ha! Mama Mia… is that an unusual stance for the majority of English folks or not!

    At busstations and in pubs, I can hear people discuss the failure of having given the wrong message now, abandoning EU members by leaving them alone “in the cold”. As a Dutch person, lacking the self-depricating manner of UK residents, I could’ve seen it coming. A very peculiar folk, the English.

    Often lacking mental agility and self reflection, blissfully ignorant to all that isn’t part of “their world”, skilled in keeping up appearances. Showing interest, which is a politeness forced onto them from a very young age.

    English folks are masters in non-engagement as soon as things become a bit uncomfortable. Frozen peas in a pod. At times I witness on playgrounds and sportfields, how children of primary schools are bullied into submission and made a failure in the eyes of their classmates. While young parents beg their children to act as grown ups and treat them as little kings and queens, obeying to every whim. It’s all part of a culture shock, having left Holland and now living in the UK.

    I think I know why many women in their 20’s and 30’s, in the UK, are comfort food consumers with overweight. Their husbands are often emotionally cold and absent, when things need to be discussed that really matter. Tea and cake, at almost every gathering and on the numerous open garden days, is a must here.

    It sounds maybe as if I’m walking around in dismay, but I’m enjoying myself hugely and know where to find “my kind of people”. The countryside where I live is magnificent and volunteering work is abundant, which shows how the UK is a country of contradictions. Life is good for me here.
    It always feels like being at home here, to me. Conditions of life and daily affairs aren’t parameters. Holland never made me feel this way.

    I’m sure to be challenged by those home made delicacies, those supersweet cakes. I’ll have to balance it with long walks and much excersize, to keep in shape. This has turned out in a journal of my present life and it’s entirely off topic. It’s due to my arrival, yesterday, in another part of the UK, that it slipped “into the picture” here, today 😉



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