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NEIL KEENAN UPDATE – THE KEENAN TEAM REPORTS: IRS – Private, Lying, Globalist-Controlled Thugs – We Want Our Money Back!

Posted on February 8, 2014by 

A Personal Introduction by Neil Keenan

We have been had. Nothing we have grown up believing to be real is in fact real.Keenan 1Connecting all the dots, it dawned on me that there was so much more behind the curtain of everything than I was led to believe. I came to believe the only thing that I could trust was real was the love of my family. My government has turned out to be one big phony corporation — a massive worldwide scam perpetrated by Zionists, Nazis, and Khazars. It has to be stopped!

. . . . . . . continued in the link to the owner’s website.

“you do not know what you do not know, because you do not know that you do not know”

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