Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood abortion facility director, has explained that if people could see babies being “dismembered” in the womb, they’d oppose the “barbarity” of abortion.

“I think that if people really saw abortion for what it is, I think that more people would be against it. I think one of the reasons that abortion continues to escalate in this country, I think one of the reasons that so many people are protesting against the overturning of Roe v. Wade, is because you don’t see the victim of abortion”, said Johnson, the noted American pro-life campaigner.

Johnson once worked as a director at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. She later quit the industry after witnessing the horror of abortion first-hand.

“You don’t see this child being dismembered in its mother’s womb”, Johnson explained. “You don’t see the body parts stacked on top of each other. I think if people could actually see the barbarity of abortion, if they could see how terrible abortion is, more people would be against it.”

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The abortion industry depends on covering up the horrors that take place within its doors. Seeing is believing, and abortion is so horrific that many people simply cannot comprehend the sheer brutality of a baby being dismembered in its mother’s womb.

“That is why Abby Johnson and other former abortion workers are so important, conveying the shocking truth about abortion to good but uncomprehending people so far unaware of what an abortion is and what is being destroyed.

“There are certain truths, particular images, which cannot be unseen. The image of the deliberate killing and taking apart of an unborn baby is one such image: that of an innocent life being disarticulated. That is what an ‘abortion’ is and what Johnson saw: ‘A spine twirling around in the mother’s womb before succumbing.’



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