Toilet Paper – The Issue With the Tissue

Rev Kat Carroll

Do you recall the hoarding of toilet paper during the Covid Pandemic and all the crazy memes that were produced? I have to wonder if there was more to the story since a lot of media memes could be used as a form of predictive programming or subtle propaganda.  Did they want us hoarding for a specific reason?

I realize this is a sensitive subject but so is the area you wipe every day with what could be, quite toxic.

My thoughts were swirling amidst the great TP shortage in Australia and occasional shortages here in the US.

Is it safe… is the problem hidden? (Lord of the Ring fans will get that).


So where does the bulk of our TP come from?

We shouldn’t be surprised that China was the largest exporter of toilet paper in the world in 2021, with a total export value of $510,015.45 thousand USD and a quantity of 238,372,000 kilograms (which we flush every day).

It’s also interesting as Wuhan China is the alleged source of the manufactured Corona Virus during the same time period.



I began searching for dots to connect in this scenario and it’s time to come clean on this sh!tty subject.

A lot of corporations got richer during Covid, I never considered TP suppliers might be one of them. We need to keep this in mind as we gear up for another flu season and the upcoming 2024 election. Will they try and spring another medical crisis on us for profit and control of the vote?

So what are some of the health issues around TP and the issue with our most delicate tissue? (Pun intended)

Here is what the Brave AI had to say about my query:

Toilet Paper Health Concerns

Toilet paper, a seemingly harmless household item, has been linked to various health problems due to the presence of toxic chemicals and contaminants. Here are some key findings:

  1. PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances): Many toilet paper brands contain PFAS, which are “forever chemicals” that persist in the environment and human body. Exposure to PFAS has been linked to:
    • Cancer
    • Reproductive issues
    • Hormonal imbalances
    • Immune system suppression
    • Developmental delays in children
    • Increased risk of certain cancers
  2. Chlorine Bleach: Conventional toilet paper is often processed with chlorine bleach, which creates toxic byproducts like dioxins and furans. These chemicals can accumulate in the body and cause:
    • Liver problems
    • Chronic cystic acne
    • Increased fat in the blood
    • Reproductive issues
    • Cancer
  3. Petroleum-Based Mineral Oils: Some toilet paper contains petroleum-based mineral oils, which are carcinogenic and can cause skin irritation, acne, and rashes.
  4. Fragrances: Scented toilet paper contains chemically-derived fragrances or perfumes, which can release thousands of different chemicals into the air and potentially harm human health.


  1. Bidets or Reusable Cloths: Consider using bidets or reusable cloths instead of traditional toilet paper to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals.
  2. 100% Bamboo Paper: Opt for 100% bamboo toilet paper, which is free from chlorine bleach, PFAS, and petroleum-based mineral oils.
  3. Minimize Exposure: Reduce your overall exposure to toilet paper by using it sparingly and washing your hands thoroughly after use.


While toilet paper may seem like a harmless convenience, it can pose significant health risks due to the presence of toxic chemicals. By making informed choices about toilet paper and adopting alternative habits, you can minimize your exposure to these harmful substances and prioritize your health.

As if we didn’t have enough to be concerned about with our health!  That was an interesting dig and I got more information than I bargained for. I’m seriously considering a bidet to flush my problems away and leave my backside less inflamed.

By the way, if that’s the face you make when you wipe, please go see a doctor!

For the digital warriors out there, sitting in front of the computer or whatever device your using for hours on end of research and writing, needs to be broken up with exercise, or at least standing from time to time. Sitting on your backside can also cause the dreaded hemies. No if, ands, or butts about it! Protect your bottom Asset!

For a deeper dive, or to “flush” out more info….

The psychology behind the panic buying of toilet paper during the Covid 19 outbreak

This 1 Toilet Habit Makes You More Prone To Hemorrhoids — And You’re Probably Doing It

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Rev. Kat Carroll
I've been interested in all things related to metaphysics, parapsychology, spirituality and anything related to space since childhood. I'm the kid who used to let the Jehova Witness and Mormans into the house so I could ask a million questions. I've always wanted to be of service and ended up working as an EMT and later in law enforcement. A family job transfer lead me to Washington State for 5 years where I went back to studying spiritual phenomenon and meeting some fascinating people. I've had several initiations, was taught energy healing and became certified in Reiki III over the final 3 years. I had a larger awakening and understanding of how it Reiki worked, remote sensing and more after returning to CA in 2001. I love researching and now writing and being a spokesperson for benevolent contact with NHIB through the practice of meditation. I experienced a spontaneous healing and not long after the "quickening" of 12/21/2012, began having more paranormal experiences, including seeing the UFOs, and orbs that fly over at night. I'm also a volunteer /Admin for ETLetsTalk and love teaching others how to make that connection that I know will one day lead us out of the darkness and into a brighter future.


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