While there is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), there is also TWS (Trump Worship Syndrome).

TDS is based on negative shadow projection. TWS is the result of positive projections.

Both result from psychological splitting: dividing the psyche into separate and opposing parts.

The conscious self (ego) rejects and represses aspects of the unconscious (shadow) that it finds unacceptable and projects these traits onto others.

The repressed parts can contain both negative and positive characteristics and emotions.

Splitting occurs when people and objects are divided into overly simplified judgments of “all good” (hopium) or “all bad” (black pill).

You can see the tendency to split on the left, right, conservatives, liberals, truthers, and even within yourself (if you engage in honest self-reflection).

Psychological Splitting is typical and expected in infants, yet many adults still suffer from it since most adults are children in adult suits, psychologically speaking.

Have you ever painted a person completely as “bad”  just because one of their views or opinions triggered you so much (or offended you) that you started to speak ill of that person without seeing anything good in them anymore?

Then you have split psychologically, and your views of that person are overlaid with your shadow projections.

Splitting results in black-and-white thinking, a lack of nuance, and lack of psychological self-awareness. It shuts down access to spiritual insight and involves projecting disowned aspects onto others.

These opposing forces within the psyche must be integrated by “holding the tension of opposites.”

It requires deep inner work. It’s not about neutrality or the middle ground fallacy that “Trump is half good/half bad,” using TDS/TWS as an example.

It’s not a thought process or a contemplation, and you cannot think yourself through it. It’s a psycho-spiritual process that can be uncomfortable as it threatens the ego’s position.

You may find aspects of yourself you don’t like to see in that process. It’s always easier to project externally.

The more you integrate your shadow to become whole and “individuated” (it’s a process), the more accurately you can perceive others and reality, and the less you are subjected to psychological splitting, hyperdimensional interference, and manipulation.

As long as you have a fractured/split self and engage in psychological splitting, occult entities can come in through the cracks of your unintegrated being and feed off your projections while injecting thought forms (which you mistake as your own thoughts) to feed your projections as you feel justified in them.

Understanding shadow work and how to do it is a superpower and imperative for any truth-seeker so that their research and perceptions are not polluted by their own unconscious projections or thought-injections of occult entities.

Bernhard Guenther from Veil of Reality

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