Dane Arr
05-03-16 Cobra/PFC: May Interview
See also: 3-2016 Cobra Interview 10 - 2015 Cobra Interview 8 - 2015 Cobra Interview 2 - 2015 Cobra Interview
NOTE: The Prepare...
Notes from the Cobra Ascension Conference in Switzerland on April 17th,...
Please note that this is the interpretation of the person who wrote this notes. They are NOT exact words from Cobra.
- We are now...
Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex?
This information is available online, but Google recently took the hard numbers and turned them into an interactive map that tells you just where weapons are going...
Depopulation Policy: The Reason Behind Chemtrails, GMO, Vaccinations, Continuous War, etc.
NOTE: I am reposting this important article explaining the Global Elite's "Population Control" plan with a new title and graphic because many people need serious...
It’s not the Zika Virus! Microencephaly Caused by Petrochemical Pollution!
The purported cause of microcephaly, the Zika virus, is completely discredited. There is no science to back it up. In fact, the findings of...
Thich Nhat Hanh on the Interdependence of All Things in the...
“What is non-self, Anatta? It means impermanence. If things are impermanent, they don’t remain the same things forever. You of this moment are no longer...
BRICS Under Attack: The Empire’s Destabilizing Hand Reaches Into South Africa
An undercurrent of political manipulation pulses beneath the surface of popular South African demonstrations organized around legitimate grievances. But who’s pulling the strings? And...
Elon Musk Unveils Tesla’s Motors Model 3: Gets 215 miles per...
Note: PFC likes to recognize good technology when we can. The latest model from Tesla Motors is a milestone in mass production autos for the...
03-21-16 Cobra: March Interview
See also: 10 - 2015 Cobra Interview 8 - 2015 Cobra Interview 2 - 2015 Cobra Interview
NOTE: The Prepare for Change Interviews...
Illuminazies Will Flee to Antarctica
From Cobra's blog 2012portal.blogspot.com - The Illuminazi faction of the Cabal is beginning to realize that the game is over and that they will...