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EXCLUSIVE: Here’s How A Small Band Of Pediatricians Pushed Medical Org...

By Megan Brock,A handful of pediatricians who perform sex-change procedures on children led a successful pressure campaign to push a major transgender medical organization...

Ashtar: Earth Is As Most Souls Want It To Be

Channel: A.S.My dearest and beloved Earth brothers and sisters,This is Ashtar speaking. I greet you, and consider you to be part of me, and...

Shadow Work Is Not Easy At All

Shadow Work Is Not Easy At AllThe ego, wetiko, and "charlatan within" will resist it with all the rationalizations and justifications to keep...

Is The ‘Afterlife’ Part of The Simulation?

From Inspired..https://youtu.be/KALc_Jmg9R4 

SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ the North Gaza Ghetto

By Ilana Mercer,The IDF’s 'Aktion' in north Gaza resembles nothing short of the 'liquidation' of the ghettos of East Europe. Israelis and their lickspittles pitch...

Native Americans Hold National Day of Mourning on Thanksgiving

By Jessica Corbett,"'Thanksgiving' is a white-washed holiday designed to conceal its true origins of violence, genocide, land theft, and forced assimilation," said the Indigenous...

Agents from the Mossad and CIA are posing as popular truth...

Always an interesting take from Stop World Control...watch on X...https://x.com/davidjsorensen/ 

Pleiadians’ Mind-Blowing Revelation: Awaken Your Supernatural Potential through DNA!

The Pleiadians, wise beings from far away, have been helping us for a long time. They know a lot about DNA and have collected...

‘Industry Scandal’: How Big Ag Stripped Our Food of Valuable Nutrients

by Dr. Joseph Mercola,The food on our plates today is a shadow of what our grandparents ate. Not only has flavor been sacrificed on the...

COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Estimated to Have Killed More People Than 121 Hiroshima...

By Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, FDA criteria for Class I recall and market withdrawal far exceeded. Since the global roll-out of the COVID-19 injections in late 2020,...

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