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Operation Midnight Climax: Dark CIA Secrets Unveiled

Step into the shadowy world of CIA operations as we dive deep into Operation Midnight Climax, one of the darkest chapters in American intelligence...

BUFFETT’S ALARM: Market Valuations Explode Past GDP as Collapse Nears

The stock market has never been more overvalued, as the Buffett Indicator soars to a staggering 200%, double what it was during the dot-com...

A very rare planetary alignment of 7 Planets Is About to...

By Michelle Starr,A very rare treat is about to grace Earth's night skies.This will be a celestial event that will bring energy from Source...

The Cursed Nation and the Temple of Satan

By Laurent Guyénot, Not all Christians stand with modern Israel. But all Christians stand with ancient Israel. Not all Christians believe that Israel has “the...

All rulers removed

Deep State collapsing like a house of cardsPlanet Earth has reached the most important crossroads in the history of civilisation. With the aim of...

CIA documents unveil evidence of enormous civilizations on ancient Mars

Recently declassified CIA documents detail a secret experiment conducted as part of Project Stargate, a program aimed at harnessing psychic abilities for intelligence...

30 Most Evil Actors in Hollywood History – Dark Side of...

Hollywood is often seen as the land of glitz, glamour, and dreams, but beneath the surface lies a web of secrets, scandals, and shadows....

President Richard Nixon: “I Sold my Soul at Bohemian Grove”

The film “Secret Honor” was produced by Robert Altman in 1984, and features a single actor (Philip Baker Hall) playing the character of Richard...

Listen to Dr. Martin’s Hearing About the W.H.O. Before Considering Another...

Listen to Dr. Martin's Hearing About the W.H.O. Before Considering Anther Vax Preparing for another flu season, with forewarning Rev. Kat CarrollSo many of us became...

COBRA Interview by Iruka, January 2025 ( Japan, Dragon Families, Energies,...

This interview took place in Kyoto on January 7, 2025.This interview was conducted through an interpreter and was transcribed from a recording. The transcripts...

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