Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Every morning I wake up I hear electrical humming. It seems to follow me. I hear it in my bedroom, i hear it in my basement. My wife never hears it. As I become busy I dont hear but when I slow down it returns. This has been going on for roughly 6 months. What is this?

  2. There are sources on the internet that show “plasma clouds”, yet we cannot see the plasma plane. Can you please explain the plasma plane? Thank you. 🙂

  3. Hello, Cobra. What does it mean Vottavaara Mountain (in the North-West of Russia), located at the intersection of ley Lynes. It is a place of power and whether this place some value in the future? Well there there now to hold the single / group meditation or use it in another location? Or it could be dangerous? I live close by. Where else in Russia there are places of power at the intersection of ley lines?
    63.074789, 32.622109

  4. Dear Cobra, if vaccines are so dangerous and ineffective, what can one do to protect oneself instead of taking a shot? What medicines/technologies does the resistance movement and the off-worlders (for ex the pleadians) use instead of vaccines to keep themselves healthy?Thanks for all the good work you are doing! Lots of love, Maria

    • Hello Maria, your name sounds Dutch, but I may be mistaken. As a health-embassador and nutritionist, I suggest you refuse to take shots. Depending where you live, you can also refuse to have your children shot with vaccins. One way to stay healthy is to eat clean pure food, prepared fresh at home, avoid processed food and refined flour and sugar, artificial sweeteners and the use of chemicals in cleaning products, of body and home.

      The great force that protects and strengthens your immune system is a state of joy, gratitude and love for oneself within the heart and to be positive and constructive. It’s not the thing itself that threatens us, it’s the way we choose our attitude toward it. Homeopathic treatment is a natural way of strengthening oneself, apart from many other forms of treatment that are based on a holistice viewpoint.

      Natural remedies are present in nature, as well as edible food, like nettle, dandelion and catkins. To study this, there’s a large library on internet waiting for you. To pay attention and invest one’s energy in the subjects that create joy, build up confidence and improve one’s health is the most helpful and comfortable way to stay healthy. If chosen with the heart and the mind, that is 😉 Good luck and happy exploring!

    • Maria, here is an all natural tonic that will protect you from cold and flu. I use it every day and it works extremely well. This recipe is likely as old as man.

      32 oz. bottle Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
      1/4 cup finely chopped Garlic
      1/4 cup finely chopped Onions
      1 Habanero pepper (or hottest peppers you can find)
      1/4 cup grated Ginger Root
      2 Tablespoons grated Horseradish
      2 Tablespoons of Turmeric powder or 2 Turmeric root chunks

      Use organic ingredients when possible. Mix all the ingredients together and then bottle it in mason jars for 2 weeks. Give the jar(s) a good shake 2 or 3 times a day. Then strain it. You can use the spent solid ingredients for soups, etc, or you can simply throw them away, but it’s the liquid that you’ll be keeping as your tonic.

      If you feel you are starting to get sick, immediately take about 2-3 tablespoons and repeat every few hours as necessary until symptoms disappear. But the most important part is to take it at the first sign of cold or flu. The tonic will completely knock out early symptoms and prevent it from taking hold, but once you have a full-blown cold or flu it’s more difficult to treat. I can confirm that this will eliminate any need for a flu shot.

  5. Cobra, concerning the previously undetected biochips still within the surface population, the ones connected to the archon super computer. Will these biochips be removed from the surface population before the EVENT. If yes then will there be a perceivable difference. Will people feel that something has changed within them. Will we feel different?

  6. Theresa,

    Cobra is it true in Afghanistan that ancient Giant beings are living in caves and being shot at by US military, and UFO bases and aliens are shooting at the military. If there is a UFO base there what race are they and why is there a fight with the military and UFO’s in Afghanistan?

  7. Cobra says our souls are 6-Dimension or Consciousness level — which? — and if so how can they have risk of entrapment here following death instead of returning to Higher Self or to Source as Simon Parkes suggests? What is best destination for my soul following death; I am elderly, limited time for answer. What happens when my soul transits ( instantaneously? ) to Cobra’s suggested destination? How do I ensure arrival there? How do I manifest / visualize the destination? I thought a Seraphim was responsible for taking custody of my soul until resurrection, can I request that, as older American people were taught? I have strong good intentions and recent question to 1st Source received YES* as to proper linkage. I want to continue making progress wherever I go. *spectacular visual sign too

    Will I have option of Pleiadian sphere or 5-D earth for next? Do I go elsewhere for next incarnation, some Mansion World? Can I arrive in next sphere as adult or is start as baby necessary once more? Do you know why? I learned in life to KNOW WHERE ONE IS GOING TO ENSURE ARRIVING THERE. Persistent, some storm en route does not deter. I think lots of other people want this answer too.

  8. My last question here this week

    How much people are disconnected in their jobs for making a light work? For example, how much percent people who are architect constructing without higer purpose? Physicians? Engineers? Teachers? Artists?

  9. Hi, I have a question for the Cobra, when I deactivated my Whatsapp account I felt a release in my being, my question is facebook and whatsapp really control our mind?

  10. Why is it so difficult for people to reconciliate with one another? I have been going through this phase and sometimes I think that I will never reconciliate with other people, is it normal feeling like this?

  11. I have 3 questions and with all due respect I would like them to be answered by Cobra, not the PFC team, please.

    • Does boredom exist in the liberated Universe?
    • Cobra you said that the people in most countries have lost their soul presence, did they lose it gradually throughout the incarnations or for example in result of the latest Archon invasion or how does this work?
    • What is an Adashi?

  12. Cobra, is President Duterte an enlightened being, or is he overlighted/guided by the Light forces? Also, is former President Ferdinand Marcos still alive and is he in any way related to the White Dragon Society or the positive Dragon Families of China? What is his relation to the one known as the “Grandfather”? What is President Ferdinand Marcos role at this time?

  13. In May, 2014 on his “Pleiadian Portal Activation Report” post, Cobra mentioned that:

    “Many female members of the Resistance are living on some objects in outer solar system and using them as relay stations of the Goddess energy from the Galactic Central Sun towards planet Earth.”

    So my question has two parts…
    first, are these female beings still using these planetary objects as relay stations? And if so, what can we do to help them anchor these energies to this planet?

  14. Is planet Earth a perfect model of the Old Orion civilization? Or Draco-Reptilian society?

    Transmutation can be achieved in isolation?

    Why some people do not dream?

  15. Dear Cobra,

    Will humans start drinking the Pleiadian elixir after the Event? If so approximately how long after the Event and if one needs to consume about 2,000 calories per day right now how many cups of the elixir would one need to consume each day? Thanks.

  16. As they are incarnated in human bodies, the DNA is human and not reptilian. Cobra has already addressed this and he made it clear that they are not physically capable of doing what you suggest..

    Well, I have read many interviews and he never said that. he said that some members of the cabal are reptilians or draconians and that they came as the Archons 26.000 years ago, but it is a fact that they can transform themselves and they do that during the sacrifices and rituals. I am not talking about the middle level of the Cabal, I am talking about the Top level of the Cabal. They are shapeshifters and they are purely reptilian!

    • Hallo Tineke, het is aan te raden om andere pagina’s van deze website te onderzoeken en het nieuws te volgen. Dan verkeer je niet in verwarring over waarom een interview uitgesteld is of omtrent andere zaken die een directe impact hebben op het wereld toneel. Cobra’s persoonlijke blog is The Portal, bovendien is hier een virtuele community die dagelijks op de hoogte blijft en wordt gehouden van alle nieuwtjes en gebeurtenissen. Je kunt het boven aan de pagina vinden.

      Dit geeft je een vollediger beeld van waar Prepare for Change voor staat en bovendien zijn er vele artikelen en interviews in het Nederlands vertaald en zullen blijven worden vertaald. Ik ben een van de vertalers, Hollands van oorsprong en nu woonachtig in Engeland.

      Er is een Hollandse website waar die vertalingen ook worden gepubliceerd. Als je me een email stuurt (zie link onder mijn naam en foto) kan ik je de website doorgeven. Ze hebben onlangs het vertaalteam benaderd om dit te melden. Vele handen maken licht werk, nietwaar? En dat geldt tevens voor onze harten, op weg naar het moment van doorbraak, de galactische niesbui of wat Cobra noemt “The Event”. Als je Engels goed kan volgen is het een aanrader om The Handbook te lezen, wat Cobra heeft geschreven samen met de Resistence Movement. Dit is ook te vinden hier, het book is een PDF download en kost 11,11 US dollar.

      Succes en oh ja, in de community hier vind je ook een pagina met alle cirkels van dezelfde locatie en/of land, zodat je gelijkgestemden kunt vinden in Nederland, als je dat tenminste wilt. In het wereldbol symbooltje.

  17. There is a band called Bring Me The Horizon and they have an album called “Sempiternal”. Its logo bothers me a little bit… It’s a flower of life. Is it a coincidence, Cobra?

    • Next week a new interview will come out – it was done earlier this week. He wanted to wait until after the election distraction.

  18. I’m having a problem differentiating from service to others and service to self. I find myself ‘trying’ to be of service to others, at the same time I find myself wondering if my service to others percentage is below 50%. If it is, then my service to others is being used as a tool to be service to self to get above 50%. Help me understand how being at service to others isn’t also service to self. Enlighten my ignorance.

  19. Cobra, recently I walked into my bathroom and noticed that my bathtub was now in on the other side of room. As I wondered how this could be possible, I realized that I was inside a dream, a dream that was as real as any other experience I’ve ever had. At that point I was able to manipulate reality, and believe me when I tell you that I hoped I’d never wake up. Is this kind of experience common? If a person could learn how to do this at will, what effect could they have on actual world events?

  20. David

    Well, we do not know how the reptilian works genetically… We even do not know anything about our own DNA, how can we see with one hundred per cent for sure that reptilians do not transform themselves? Arizona Wilder has confirmed that reptilians and I think that even draconians transform themselves.

    • As they are incarnated in human bodies, the DNA is human and not reptilian. Cobra has already addressed this and he made it clear that they are not physically capable of doing what you suggest..

    • Ludwig, I recommend reading my response to David’s question of Nov. 7th here. We’re not supposed to live in fear for this sort of things, for it doesn’t help much, making assumptions based on heresay and fantasy that is fear based. Invest your energy in a positive way I suggest and leave the world of draconians to themselves.
      Many people living in a human body have reptilian DNA too, it’s the heritage of our Annunaki story of long ago.
      For a deeper dive into this subject I recommend you follow Simon Parkes in his Q&A interviews on Wolf Spirit Radio. He’s an experience-expert and is capable of assisting in making sense of this rather obscure subject.

  21. Is Project Bluebeam a “real” psyop or a “fake” one designed to sow confusion about whether “The Event” is actually occurring.

  22. Some quick YES/NO questions:

    1. Is Bill Clinton’s biologic father a Rockefeller?

    2. Is Chelsea Clinton’s biologic father Webster Hubbell?

    3. Is Angela Merkel’s biologic father Adolph Hitler?

    4. Is Bill Clinton dying of AIDS?

    5. Have Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton been lovers?


      • We should keep in mind that Angela Merkel’s relationship to Hitler doesn’t meant that she’s an evil person. She’s found the balls…. pardon me.. the courage, to turn away from the Cabal, hence an attempt to attack her and other manoeuvers to bring her on her knees, plus the German economy.
        She’s found out, awakening just like us, that she’s been involved in something she can’t support anymore. To live with such an awareness is huge, coming to terms with it. Beware of judging her as bad please.

  23. 1- COBRA, im from Brasil and i would like to know. Our last president Dilma Roussef and her ministers they were investigated by brasilian federal police in a operation called “Lava Jato Operations” and this revealed and proved unconformity with public acoounts, lies, theft and crimes. She was too a puppet of dark cabala?

    2- COBRA: Brazilian population is divided about ex-president, a part of people call it “blow”, but how it can be a blow if before the impeachment a lot of people came to street dissatisfied with Dilma’s government, and after invetigations reveald fiscal\tax crimes, public money switch, highs spending and many members of her governmet captured after investigations proove that they committed with funding public. Her friend, the ex-president Lula, that really was proven him participation in bribery scheme, obtained illicit gains, properties, including as a leader of the scheme. And He was Dilma’s mentoring declared. And she did everything to prevent he to be investigated in Lava Jato’s operation. What you can talk about it? About this two persons and this operation? Lula is too a member of Cabala and his partners?

    3- COBRA, another question: Here in Brasil, some politics partiners of Dilma Roussef ex-president deposed like Lula, José Dirceu they had created a group together with the dictator of Cuba, Fidel Castro. The grouped is called “Foro de Sao Paulo” or “Sao Paulo’s Foro” whose objective of to implement communism in Brazil continues to practice. what you can talk to us about this group?

    Thank you very much, Cobra and interviews!

  24. Q1: Is the “Dark Fleet” as referred to by Corey Goode part of the “Chimera Group?” Are these one and the same?

    Q2: Are Saffordites, Arizonites, Healdsburgites, colombianites,and Americanites related to the cintamani stone? Are they from the same source in Sirius?

  25. Do you know anything about the recent pinging noises coming from the arctic sea bed?

  26. I also have the same questions about Putin and Bill Gates and Wikileaks & their leader Julian Assange are fake whistleblowers, as asked by Brandon on Nov. 4th.

    • No, because they are incarnated here in human bodies. David Icke’s tales of shape shifting reptiles is not the reality, as it’s just not physically possible for a human body to do that.

      • There’s much confusion about what shapeshifting is, in reality. Someone with a mixed DNA of human and reptilian history, might show slight characteristics in eyes and skin on rare occasions, when a topic surfaces in that person’s mind, affecting the reptilian history in that person and this is visible in a slight change of colour and shape of the eyes and its pupil, or in the skinstructure.

        There’s never been a being capable of shapeshifting 100% of the body, changing from human form to a large lizardlike reptilian with all sorts of strange props. There are magicians in our world which are capable of projecting an image in a person’s mind, or in the mind of an audience and in that way create an impression as if that’s what is happening. But that’s just mind control, or mass hypnosis and not the reality.

        The apllication of holographic images has evolved quite a lot and it’s possible to project an image on stage of a person or being, as if it’s present, while it’s a mirage. This can be manipulated and been made in a so called shapeshifting event, while it’s a virtual reality of imagery merging. Hence the confused and wrong/false reports and assumptions, present in social media and even….. movies.

  27. My question is related to Benjamin Fulford’s last two articles from October.
    He mentions some things that are quite controversial and my discernment tells me that what he is saying isnt the truth or at least he has been given information that isnt truthful.

    The things I want Cobra to address are that Fulford says Wikileaks & their leader Julian Assange are fake whistleblowers, misinformers working for the khazarian mafia or Cabal. Is this true, because to me wikileaks seems to be on the side of the light forces, pushing for disclosure.
    Another thing Fulford said was that Putin is controlled by Baron Evelyn de Rothschild. This I think is complete disinformation on his part because from the dots I connect from Cobras updates & other sources, Putin is on the side of the Light Forces & is in contact with the Alliance & the Pleiadians. Can Cobra clarify this?
    Lastly Fulford said that “Bill Gates, along with the owners of Apple Computer and Larry Ellison of Oracle Computer, who all got rich by creating things that make our lives better and not through fraud, have told the White Dragon Society they will support the move to take down the Khazarian mafia.”
    From what I know Bill Gates is a Cabal stooge & is corrupted & brainwashed.
    So this also seems like disinformation, possibly PR work on their part so when Disclosure happens people wont want their heads along with the rest of the Cabal.
    Can Cobra give his thoughts?

    Lastly i have a question relating to Nelson Mandela. I believe he is a good soul & came here to shine a light but was obviously hindered by the Cabal and their agendas.
    There are however pictures of Nelson Mandela in Knights of Malta attire. The Knights of Malta are a secret society relating to the Vatican which we all know are the main cause of evil & distortion on the Planet for at least the last 3000 years if not longer.
    Please could Cobra comment on the fact that Nelson Mandela was a part of this group & is also Pictured smiling, holding & walking with David Rockefeller, one of the heads of the Cabal.

    • You have no doubt noticed that Assange/Wikileaks is currently at war with the Clinton faction, which is backed by the Rothschilds. It’s what’s called a limited hangout, because he’s only exposing the Clinton faction. Notice Wikileaks is not targeting Trump. It’s a specific target.

      My guess is Assange is a Jesuit because he’s backed by the CIA and the CIA has been Jesuit since day one. And Trump is the Jesuit candidate.

  28. Dear PFC Team, and Dear Cobra, thank you for your work, and your pacience toward us….I’m a vaishnava yoga teacher, and I was taught that Krishna is the God. When I was a Krishna temple once, I came into contact a personality through higher sension, who took huge care of his Bhaktas, and I felt him souch as Krishna, but I didn’t feel that he would be the ALL. And I embarrassed, who Krisna really is. Could you share your thoughts about Krishna?
    My 2nd question is: How many densities exist and which one are the closest to the Source / God (I read somewhere that 100)? And once we have reached the level of a peaceful planet and later when we will help the ascension other planets and galaxies, what will be the next spiritual task?
    I’m very grateful about your services to God. Namaste.

  29. Hi Cobra,
    I guess this may be sort of absurd to ask. However, I did some research, and am curious to know if it is true. Did Nikola Tesla formed/joined a Secret Society known as Plus Ultra? Is Plus Ultra, perhaps connected to the the resistance or inner Earth? Is the movie Tomorrowland, related to Agartha or inner Earth? And is Tomorrowland actually real and lies in inner Earth? Or are those just disinformation?

    Thank you again!

  30. (Dear PFC team, I am asking the second question on behalf of my friend, if you decide to choose my questions for the upcoming interview, but have to choose only one overall question because of time constraints, please choose the second one, and I will ask my first question again next time 🙂 )

    Dear Cobra,

    1)When a bad being goes to the Galactic Central Sun, what happens to his/her twin flame? Does the twin flame have to go through this process as well? If not, how is the connection between them maintained?
    If the bad being, who goes through that process of recalibration, really have to start over from the beginning, what happens if the being was evolved from the angelic evolution? How does that start? You said that the higher self of a negative being has to go through the purging as well, at what point, does the higher self separate from the younger self, to yet again guide the lower/younger aspect of him/herself?

    2) You mentioned that Galactic Central Sun is a double star, can you give any more detail on this? Did you mean, that two stars orbit around a common point? (IF YES) does the speed of them orbiting each other around that point change for any specific reasons? Does the speed, with which these two stars orbit each other, determine the momemt of the great pulse? Would these two stars inhabit two different aspects (like right and left brain hemispheres or perhaps masculine and feminine aspcets and when combined, it would represent overall feminine Galactic Central Sun as opposed to the Andromedan Galactic Central Sun, which is more masculine)? Do other galaxies have Central Suns, that are just one star or perhaps triple or even quadruple star?

    Can you please explain a little bit more about black holes (you mentioned, that they are hyperdimensional wormholes, do they have any other purpose beside transportation of matter and frequency)? Is the current scientific model, which describes how black holes are created, correct or is it something else entirely? Does the frequency of a black hole determine its exit point in space (the white hole) or is that not related? Would black holes reflect the role endoplasmic reticulum in eucariotic cells? What is the purpose of intergalactic black holes? Are micro black holes (which are used for accumulation of primary anomaly and located in plasma bodies of every human being) structurally the same as the ordinary black holes in space or are they different?

    Thank you and Victory of the Light!

  31. To have only positive thoughts is the secret key for unlocking the event for resolving the anomaly? Inprinting with the power of thoughts upon ourselves only which is good for we live what we believe? The law of creation is the law of belief? The subconscious part of ourself is the connected higher self? We are the gatekeeper of interpretation of belief of the fertile subconscious creative power?

    • Eyob, before risking not seeing your question answered, you can find a whole library with symbols on internet and in books about esoteric wisdom and explanations about heavenly realms. The Goddess is pictured in many forms and styles, depending on the cultures on planet Earth. She’s got many names as well. Good luck!

  32. If I understand the subconscious childlike responsive mind define our collective reality. Would you say that we can reprogram our thoughts and actions by constant repetitive affirmations consciously emotionaly visually all throughout the days morning till night like a mantra I am compassion, I am happy, we are the child of the one etc.. especially at night before sleeping.

  33. Cobra, you have said that you have never lost your memory and connection with the Source. You never forgot your mission. The question is why? Why didn’t you forget and why did everyone else?

  34. If humanity on this planet is deely programmed as you said, we can say that in otker planets that people helped on some way the Confederation to liberate their own planet? Or they were more aware they were living in a slavery way of living?

  35. Dear pfc-team and Cobra,

    thanks a lot for your important work! I also do have some questions for Cobra:

    – The Fatima Secrets: Cobra said, the Fatima event has been made by positive ETs. The messages sent to the children were created within the catholic belief system for religious people of that time. But what for? I mean, regarding the content of those messages, the epiphany of „Mary“ is talking about hell, suffering sinners, „communion of reparation“, obeying the Pope and all that keeping-people-frightened-and-small-stuff. Isn’t that contraproductive? How should this help anybody to get more free, awakened and conscious? Cobra said also, the withholded third Fatima secret would have exposed the dark origins of the Catholic Church and their mind programming. How is this possible, while the first secrets did exactly the opposite and supported that programming?

    – Jesus Christ: Cobra yet answered quite a lot of questions about Jesus Christ, who ascended 2000 years ago, and about his impotant main mission of bringing unconditional love onto this planet. Maybe Cobra could tell more about how did this being develop within 2000 years? How is he acting on this planet today? Is he a kind of leader within the Galactic Federation? What is his relationship to christian churches today?

    – Physical biochips: Recently Cobra was writing about the physical biochips as anchor for those plasma implants all surface population still has. If the biochips actually are physical, why can’t we see them on X-ray photographs, magnetic resonance imaging or computer tomography?

    Thank you! 🙂

    • Claudia, here is some very good channeled information from Ra which you may find enlightening.

  36. Can you reveal what The Mysteries of the Goddess are? And if not, after the event will people who want to know about the mysteries of the goddess be allowed to learn about it?

  37. Can you reveal the names of all the White Nobility families, and how each family is helping in the liberation process? Or do we have to wait until after the Event to know who these White Nobility families are?


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