Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


    • Its one agenda of many. Not everything is completely sinister. However, subjects or individuals that have the ability to upset life within the elite or cause humanity to evolve much faster than desired….”higher learning” becomes a trap that ensures no progress (via guided mis-steps).

      Mass mind manipulation exists on a much greater and more effective level via world Media (tv, facebook, etc) than in universities

  1. Hi PFC, here are some questions for Cobra from the readers of the Dutch Cobra blog (a blog with Dutch translations of Cobra’s posts and interviews). I hope you can have the questions about the Netherlands answered, specifically the one about the elections on March 15.

    About the Netherlands:
    • There are elections in March. What is the best thing to do for the Dutch people in order to take back the power from the corrupt politicians and royalty: vote or don’t vote?
    • On of PFC we see that – compared to other European countries – quite some people in the Netherlands have subscribed as a Lightworker. Is there a particular role for the Netherlands with the liberation of the planet, and if so, could you give us some information?
    • What is the level of consciousness in the Netherlands? Is there anything we can do to raise this, other than spreading information via blogs?
    • Do we have suppressed positive portals in the Netherlands and if so, where? And can we strengthen the positive energy there, like burying Cintamani stones?
    • Are there other specific places in the Netherlands where to strengthen the positive energy?
    • Where are the most important leylines in the Netherlands?
    • Do we have underground bases of the Light in the Netherlands and if so, where?
    • Do we have underground bases of the dark in the Netherlands and if so, where?

    • It is said that we can expect a UFO fleet in September; is this correct and if so, can you give us more information, like where, participants, size?
    • Can you give an update about NESARA?
    • Is there a connection between ENKI and St. Germain?

    Thanks, Veronica (

    • As a Dutch born I can offer a few answers or attempts of an answer, to some of your questions, Veronica.
      If I’m correct, it’s requested by the Q&A PFC interviewers team, to offer 1 question at a time, for it’s hardly possible to address more questions in one go and offer other members the same service, due to the risk of running out of time.

      I’m aware of the Dutch elections for coming March 15th and also of Geert Wilders preference for Nexit. There maybe two sides to this coin, one side is that although Wilders may have not the most human kind reasons to organize a Referendum to vote for EU membership or not, the possible effect, of Holland leaving the EU may
      set more domino stones in motion, meaning EU members falling out with the EU. And this may lead to a collapse of the EU. In itself, this is the other side of the coin, this might prove to be beneficial to Europe’s countries sovereignty, though more scenarios are possible I guess, to end the dictatorship of the EU.

      It’s hard to tell others if voting is valuable. If you feel strong in favour of a party, I assume it’s valuable to give your vote to a member of that party.

      Raising your own frequency will effect yourself and those around you, in Holland, as you must know, I guess.
      I assume that you and the Dutch PFC team can brainstorm about activities to work on the energy of Holland where high density is felt as sluggish and stuck. There’s much clay in Holland, I often felt like walking on clogs, soon stuck in the muck. Hence my move to the British Island rock July 2015.

      Regarding Cintamani stones, Untwine, who’s the contact person for orders of these stones and part of the PFC team behind the screen, should know if and where they’re buried in Holland. You can check with him and make your choice. A while ago I’ve offered one of the Dutch PFC team his email address. You can find his website on the home page, called Recreating Balance.

      The role of Holland is said to be the “holding” of the immune system for the world and it’s the reason why many old souls feel or felt drawn to be born in Holland, possibly also the reason why relatively many Dutch Lightworkers signed in here. I’m definitely an old soul born in Holland, in 1951. Compared to Holland, in this regard, England is quite retarded. Or delayed, for a kinder choice of word.

      The Kogi Elders were called to leave South America and visit Holland, with a vision and a message, that Holland, in the near future, would experience a lifting of a cloud that until now obscures its true role.
      The person who knows more about this is Peter Toonen, who was the host for the Kogi Elders during their visit in Holland. His website is

      The leylines in Holland are mapped by several dowsers and archeological explorers, for example Dick van der Dool, who organizes trips to sacred spaces, like the Hunebeds in Drenthe.There are Dutch books published with this subject, they’re probably present in the big library of Amsterdam.

      Light cities in Holland are activated by Jhadten Jewall, in the last 2 decades or so. Here’s the link to his site with images of light cities, also those in Holland:

      I hope these answers of mine are helpful, Veronica and will be received as tools to bring light in the present Dutch tribulations, with a newly elected government and the present economic malaise.
      I’m happy to contribute to the work of lightworkers in Holland and their wellbeing too. Good luck 😉

  2. Question 3: Why is it our responsibility to wake up those in comma? I understand all of them have their higher-selves hovering above. Can’t those individuals be reached/woken up through their higher-selves with the help of the light forces?

  3. Question 1: I have tried to fight the establishment for years. On at least two occasions, I have come close to becoming a whistleblower; one of those occasions has taken 7 years out of my family’s life. In both instances, I was faced with an enormous number of corrupt individuals willing to do whatever it takes to crush me or my case. What are your suggestions for an average Jane or Joe who are trying to deliver their missions while facing physical, legal, etheric, financial, even imprisonment threats? Do you have any specific meditation technique that may help us create the financial abundance, prosperity and well-being while dealing with our daily challenges or/and the attacks?

    Question 2: I understand we need 51% of the critical mass to wake up. We also know that we have been brain washed and programmed for ages. In my view, those programmed individuals (who are still not aware of what is going on) could be compared to people who have been administered a ‘medically induced comma’. Is it reasonable to expect or demand ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote from those in comma?

    • K,

      If you are asking these questions you understand or have at least read the Law of one channelings to some extent. I am not sure if you also listen to “Adronis”? His informational concepts and answers are seemingly also interpretarions of law of one material. There is a very strong correlation between them.

      This answer takes in information obtained mainly through Adronis and many others.

      1) Your individual timeline is like a very big circular river. You travel it within the flow of the current. Picture the river a trillion feet deep.

      2) At every individual/interval or new foot in depth your specific timeline changes a tiny tiny bit, while your general current remains intact.

      3) Further understand the only way to move up and down is to create a thought which opens up a passageway into another “depth” interval that more closely aligns to how your thoughts and desires are at that moment.

      4) Obvious obstacles remain in place. If 1000 people are riding the same overall river(current) that correlates to an upcoming disaster your “thought by itself” wouldnt open that passageway. But if 250 people out of that 1000 think it, the overall strength of that Thought would overcome the over strength of that immediate disaster. Those 250 people will open a passageway into a “depth” where that event never takes place.

      5) Each event has its own Electromagnetic strength which has to be overcome by the power of an individual or group-thought in order to avoid OR make something happen!

      Can you see why Cabal has to divide and conquer? The electro magnetic strength of a well organized “group-thought” (think power of mass consciousness) would be a simple solution to everything….provided everybody has the same thought!

      That being said….your answer should be easy….gather a group of people that align with your thoughts regarding the subject you wrote about. AND THEN think yourself into this reality. It’s that simple.

  4. Is that Three Wise Monkeys symbolism an Archon invention, or somehow distorted by them? See no evil-Hear no evil-Speak no evil is like Archons trying to cover up their tracks. Evil is everwhere, and it’s because of them.

    There are some reports stating IQ scores have been dropping in many developed nations (Europe, Australia etc.) I’m not sure what IQ tests measure exactly, but is it true, are we getting dumber? Why?

  5. This might sound a bit silly, but I became suspicious:

    Why is Tiger’s Eye crystal is called “the all seeing eye” and feared? Does this stone contain any negative energy?

  6. Cobra, the scientists keep on stating how imperfect the design of the eye (human eye, animal eye) is, but they have no awareness of higher planes and the spiritual/occult nature of things. Is there reason for how the eye was shaped?

  7. Is light pollution done on purpose by the cabal? I think we would have different lives if we could see stars in the night sky, as they are when there is no light pollution. I was watching a documentary called Nostalgia for the Light, people in the film were talking about how learning about astronomy and observing the sky has changed their life/their mental and emotional state. Which led me to this question: Is connecting with the sky as importanta as connecting with nature? The earth is feminine, the sky is masculine.

  8. -What are superstrings? Are they involved with reality creation and in connecting different realities?

    -What is dark matter really? Is it related to hyperspace in some way?

    -What is the silver cord? Is it anchored in the pineal gland? Is it actually a sort of Einstein-Rosen bridge or ‘stargate’ that connects the physical and astral bodies?

    -What awareness or consciousness decides what bodies (astral/etheric/physical) the mind is using to experience different realities. The oversoul?

    -Is it possible to imagine experience in a different density unless you inhabit that that density yourself?

    -Does free will diminish the higher up you go in density?

    -Are there inner earth civilazations close to the center of the earth or only near the crust?

    -What is the most advanced space craft in existence?

    -Is the human form/instrument/vessel the most common in the universe and is this form basically the same in all galaxies?

    -Is inter-galactic trade common in the universe?

  9. Is RT ( controlled by the cabal?

    Do these people work for the Light or the cabal?
    Ron Paul
    Marine Le Pen
    Theresa Mary May

    Why do Africans have lower IQ’s according to some studies? Cabal influence over education?

  10. Cobra, I’m a student and I really wish to have your reply. I trust what you have shared but I really don’t know how to face what I’m learning in physics. One of its claim is that the Ether does not exit but you said it exit…. I’m at a loss.

  11. If we have the technology to turn be to the past….. then can the dark force do so so that they may affect our time-frame even after the event?

  12. Hello Cobra, can you tell us your thoughts on corey Goode, is he telling truth or is his story the product of government memory implant technology leading to false disclosure.

  13. Cobra, can you give us all the information you know about the miracle at Garabandal? Can you confirm that those 4 little girls did speak with the Virgin Mary and how it all relates to what is happening currently on earth?

  14. Cobra, you stated that most locations of the solar system were cleared from the dark forces, does this include the chimera bases at the kuiper belt as well? I believe it does because you said only the area close to earth’s center has to be cleared.

    And is everything out of the solar system clear as well? I also believe it is.

  15. Water.
    In my most favourite book by Marlo Morgan, A message from beyond I think it was called, the chief of the Maori group that lived in the desert, told marlo that humans are addicted to water. They themselves hardly needed water.
    In this time people are told to drink much water, even 2 liters a day. How does that combine? And how about the part of the world where water is not something usual? Are these people lost?

    Thank you.

  16. Thank you Cobra for all that you do for us.
    Last night I dreamed I was in a therapy group for sexual abuse. I was a member, not a therapist. The subject itself remained open.
    I have no experience with sexual abuse in this life. A very negative view on sex and women though. What could such a dream mean please?
    And thanks of course.

  17. Cobra could you confirm that the EARTH quarantine was not made by the Galactic Confederation? Dolores Cannon said that the Agarthan are afraid of us and the Ets put us in quarantine.

  18. After Februaries answer to the Japan global nuclear radiation contamination question my discernment was unhappy with Cobra’s answer. According to information I am receiving the contamination is extensive and moving into the global biosphere at an alarming rate and levels. This information is in direct conflict with Cobras answer thus I continue to have serious concerns about this issue until a time comes where we can actually verify this situation with specific information and full disclosure. Does Cobra have any additional information or comments that would help alleviate my concern?

    • Rusty:

      This is Rob, one of the reviewers who look over the questions submitted to be asked of Cobra, in this case, at the end of this month, March, 2017.

      I’m writing to fully agree with the concerns you raise. I have also seen at least two other confirmations of detected radiation, not only near Fukishima in Japan, but as reports of greatly pronounced radiation readings from the entire West Coast, from California up to Washington State.

      One of those announcements came from Web bot predictor Clif High and the other from an article posted by respected investigator Alexandra Bruce at ForbiddenTV. “Japan Declares Emergency, Fukushima Radiation Soars to Highest Levels” on February 6th, 2017.

      My writing work has taken me deep into other circles beyond Prepare For Change. I have a contact in Italy who bought a gieger counter long ago and finds alarming radioactive traces there, too.

      While there are surly limits to recuperative technology which may be used to neutralize some of the Fukishima emissions, with exotic, quantum physics based machinery for such purposes having been devised by Dr. Keshe, for example. [In this case, the TEPCO company never followed through on a deal with Keshe]

      Who knows what might exist to work on these problems originating from off-planet, Galactic Confederation sciences.

      My reaction to Cobra’s January statement matches yours and it is my hope that he responds to this..

      My best,

      Rob Wold

  19. Cobra, in your blog post from November 28th, 2013 you mentioned the following:

    “Currently the Jesuits are the main operational task force for the Archons to maintain the quarantine status for planet Earth.Their previous superior general Hans Peter Kolvenbach is instrumental in keeping the fear vibration among humanity on the surface of this planet. He is the mastermind behind the 911 (Twin Towers) and 311 (Fukushima) false flag attacks and the main engineering force behind the Syria conflict. He is conveniently living in Lebanon, very close to Syrian border.”

    It has been reported in the news that Kolvenbach died on November 26th, 2016 in Beirut. According to your sources is he actually dead?? If he is dead what does this mean for disclosures and justice in regards to 9/11 and 3/11?

  20. In case a private individual was able to discover tranches of gold bars when NESARA/GESARA got implemented, will it be ‘sequestered’ in case it belongs to St Germain World Trust or any other Trusts?

  21. hello cobra i want to ask you something,this is very important to me so please answer my question,i love my family so much i dont now to live without last couple of months i feel lots of presure in my chest when i think about my parents i have nightmares all week i dream about losing them is this normal or im on some kind attack when i dream.can you tell me the best way to insure that my family goes with my to higher dimensions in this life?thank you for answering

    • You already have your Star Family in the higher dimensions that is awaiting you. Your current Earth family has much ties with you but you cant interfere with free will of all of your friends to take them to any another world. Try to evolve them. God has many hands, not only yours ))

  22. Do emotions really help us make better decisions? The people who advise controling/suppressing/repressing emotions tend to lose their way even though they held good intentions at the beginning. This mentality is very prevalent among politically active people (the socialists, communists, labor movement). Are they unknowingly indoctrinated by Cabal members?

    Why does solitary confinement turn people crazy? Is it because of the implants?

    • Don’t fight your emotions as you are who you are. Understand how you tick and how you could use your emotions for a benefit. Working with-in that context allows your emotions to create tremendous self growth and even self-healing

  23. We know that the Creator can event anything to happen at a time it wishes. It has no limits & its power is infinite. However, we continue to hear that these TLBs (top-let) & SLBs (strangelet) are the cause of the delay for “The Event” to happen? How come that statement doesn’t agree w/ the power of the Creator?

  24. In your blog there are some people showing a particular graphic which they claim to represent the destruction of yaldabaoth’s tentacle.

    Is this graphic reliable? Is the percentage of the tentacle’s destruction accurate?

  25. Thank you for reading:)
    How would you describe the real true female principle? Not red lips and hihg heaals I suppose (that’s my first reaction).

  26. Hello cobra,
    I am from India, we buried cintamani in our area on 11/02/2017. I felt very quite, calm, inner peace. After wards we went back to our place and felt energy less and slept almost for 10hrs. Woke up later with powerful kundalini movement. I wanted to know whether both cintamani bury and these symptoms are related or not.
    Thank you

  27. Hi Cobra and the team. You evoked the Jesuits previously, is it possible to be more specific? Can you tell us through which organisations they are established worldwide, and with which exogene races they are dealing with currently if so? Thanks

  28. You recently commented on Kent Dunn. Nothing seems to be known about him but he apparently claims to be an Agarthan sent to the surface on a mission to help the surface population. Can you confirm he is what he says he is?

    • Of course, its a food for the lower worlds. If all Earth people was happy 1 day – all archonts would be died from a hunger.

  29. Why the Earth population is the most brainwashed/programmed one amongst all the (formerly) invaded planets? Why are we so asleep? Why were the inhabitants of Planet X or Rigelians so much more aware than us? What went terribbly wrong with the Earth?

    What exactly is happening during shamanic soul retrieval? Is it basically a form of energy healing through the heart chakra?

    • Earth is crucial in liberation of the Galaxy from Dark Forces. Our small victories lead to laws of Victory for all Universe. You forgot about thousands 3D races, because they are also in carantine ))

  30. Is there a possibility that the alien disclosure will happen at the time of The Event? I don’t think it would be more shocking than the news of banks’ shutting down. The disclosure may even give some sense of security to the public. Since we’ll be watching many of the cabal members being arrested, but also seeing people like Putin staying intact, I think it would be better to say it is being done by aliens up front. Or, people would assume that we are in hands of Putin and other corrupt politicians of the East. The coup was entirely planned by these people and nothing has changed. It’s not that shocking that aliens exist. People cannot even grasp that information. Daily struggles (money, food, security) are far more important for any ordinary person.

  31. I have heard that Turkey has been under negative ET influence for some time. Could Cobra elaborate on this? How long has this been going on and what kind of an influence have they had?

  32. Cobra you have stated the Galactics have cleaned up everything and there is no problem yet NUMEROUS alternative news resources report the Fukashima radiation is still at emergency levels and the Pacific Ocean marine life is in jeopardy as the ocean is near dead. I’m confused and frustrated. What is going on and WHAT IS THE TRUTH?

    • Be afraid of the evil in 3D, governed by evil from 4D-5D.
      6D is Unity, hasn’t evil there.
      All is united, we suffer from decisions of this Universe, when “Good” not stops “Evil” by laws of free will and karma ))


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