Welcome to the New and Improved prepareforchange.net

Home Forums PFC Council Welcome to the New and Improved prepareforchange.net

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  • #62179
    Richard Small

    Dear PFC members,

    We’re sorry that there was a longer than expected delay in getting the new website upgrade underway. There were a number of unforeseen circumstances that caused an extended set of delays.

    Although every effort has been given to make this website react and work across as many devices as possible. There are some resolutions that aren’t so common that the website may not look correct on. Currently, tablet-style devices may find issues with the website in one orientation or another. Please switch the orientation of your device and you should receive a better layout.

    There are some other small styling issues that will be addressed in the coming weeks/months. It simply wasn’t feasible to hold back the website release for such minor issues. Giving people a truly modern and mobile reactive website was more important.

    Also, we’re going to be adding more features to the site over time, so stay tuned for updates in the near future.

    As with anything new and complex, it will take us time to get used to these tools. Please, bear with us as we do our best to engage, moderate and keep the stream of user content moving. We’ve implemented a moderation and report management system to aid in performing these tasks. Also, we’ve set the system to allow auto-moderation, after X number of reports for a piece of content, it will automatically be suspended for review.

    Likewise please note, that if an account receives too many reports it will be automatically suspended, pending review. This has been set like this to allow the community to spot and report spammers, scammers, and generally other unwarranted content. If your account is suspended and you believe it’s an honest mistake, then please feel free to message us at [email protected]

    PFC Council would like to welcome you to our platform and hope that the new tools for user engagement and interaction will make your awakening experience a less lonely affair.

    If you’re a multilingual speaker, would you be willing to help PFC deliver the important content in another language? Currently, we have the website in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Russian, Slovenian, Swedish, and Turkish.
    If you can help in these languages, please reach out to us here.

    Thank you,

    Prepare For Change Council

    Victory of the Light!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Richard Small.
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