An interesting read no doubt… We’ll leave it at that.
…An evolutionary changes emerging from world shaking disclosures as a result of the incoming cosmic energy described as a ‘WAVE X’:
We are going to experience a “wave of evolution. What we’re about to find out on a major level, unheard of in history at a mass scale is the true answer of ‘Who are we?’, ‘Where do we come from?’, and ‘What is our purpose?‘. The planet is going to take off in such an incredible ways.”
The U.S. Intelligence community is aware of the potential effects of the incoming cosmic energies and is taking steps to manage this. The U.S. Intelligence community is very likely not the only global entity aware of the incoming cosmic energies that is taking steps to manage this.
A frequency shift will occur in the 23-28 September time frame is very significant. This is also the time that Pope Francis will be meeting with the president at the white house (Sept 23) and speaking before the u.s. Congress (Sept 24) and there will be an attempt to use CERN to deflect this massive incomining energy wave. To cap it all off, Pope Francis will address a gathering of world political leaders at the un general assembly on Sept 25. The vatican’s own intelligence service is also very likely aware of these incoming cosmic energies. It’s more than coincidental that at the same time that incoming cosmic energies are predicted to peak on the planet, that the world’s most powerful religious and political leaders meet. The vatican appears to be aware of incoming cosmic energy and the powerful transformative effect it will have on humanity, and is placing itself to ride the cosmic wave so to speak.
Incoming cosmic energies are having profound effects on human dna and will trigger major disclosures…
…Among the changes that will be triggered by incoming cosmic energies is the release of information concerning advanced technologies, secret space programs and extraterrestrial life in what goode has described as a “full disclosure event.” goode announced on saturday that these neptune sized spheres are about to leave our solar system since they have achieved their primary function:
At 11:11AM on 9/28/2015, WAVE X will bombard the earth with photon-gamma light particles traveling ast the speed of light and an instantaneous DNA change will occur. The beings whose internal Schuman resonance is stabilized at 17 Hertz or higher will be propelled into the 5th Dimension!
The number of beings projected to ascend by 9282015 is a little over 2.3 billion and the exact number depends on the collective consciousness of humanity to manifest how the changes will play out. Cosmic energies are peaking and that the “spheres” are buffering these less and less. All this suggests that late september may well be a time where a cosmic energy spike causes significant changes in human physiology, thereby triggering a mass ascension of light beings who have raised their frequencies to a high enough level of self love!The date 9282015 is known as the “EVENT HORIZON” and is the most important day in the history of humanity! It is not the end but the beginning of a mass global ascension from beings vibrating in upper 4D into 5D. Your real work will begin on this date as you will need to hold even more light in the body to assist the rest of humanity in their ascension!
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
I take it you’ve been propelled into the 5th Dimension by now. What’s the weather like there?
According to COBRA:
“The Light forces are waiting that September 28th mass Ascension / blood Moon tetrad eclipse / asteroid impact / end of the world / NWO inauguration meme collapses as nothing extremely drastic will happen on that day,”
Nothing will happen this is another fake/”mayan” date
I have enough of this lies
Oh boy. This gets getting weirder and weirder.
Everyone get set for the second coming of our lord Jesus.
I forgot the disclaimer: read at our own risk.
Alright… so I just read the full article and I must say, it did not include any kind of source or any kind of proof for this claim. Then, there was this one comment there which states that the “source” is us, if I’m not mistaken.
Personally, I find it to be quite ironic. If I have to presume, this is probably a work of a delusional religious fanatic, pretty much like every other self-proclaimed “prophet” of history. A person who “predicts” the end of the world, who wants to see the planet burn in flames and chaos just for what? To prove that God exists? To rub it on the face of the “non-believers” and tell them “I told you so”? Or to just maybe make himself feel special–or “unique” rather–because he can see the future? Nothing is going to happen on that date or any other upcoming “apocalyptic” prophecies.
We don’t fully know how the universe works but one thing is for sure though, on a cosmic level such as this one, nothing happens in an instant or in just a blink of an eye.
This was a good read nonetheless, for a fiction article that is.
How do you know this will happen?
I have heard that scientists say there has been no change in Schumann frequency
the academic records are not being updated, they do not want us to know the Earth’s frequency is and has been rising for some time.
a few things just do not feel very real in this posting. i would have liked to post a comment at the source at Zon news for the author Aingi , but there was not an active link for comments. 1) “for those whose schuman resonance is stabilized at 17 or above” ? different sources for the schulman resonance say it is up to 13 (from 7.8) this is of the earth and not of humans. i think the source for this data should be noted in the article.
2) ” 2.3 billion will ascend”
i kind of have to laugh.