from Lyssa’s book, The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage
The following are the main characters displayed in this tapestry from the perspective of Earth:
The general area of the “birth” of the humanoid race. All humanoid races in our galactic family have genetic roots connected to Lyra. It is the symbolic harp upon which the song of humanity is played.
Sidenote: In another article entitled Characteristics Of ET Races, Lyssa Royal stated the following:
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A star within the constellation of Lyra. Descendants of Lyra, Vega birthed a race of beings who manifested Lyra’s opposite polarity both in their beliefs and actions. There were frequent conflicts between the Lyran and Vegan races.
A planet within the Lyran system which was the first attempt at creating an integrated society.
A trinary star group, it is known in Earth mythology as the Dog Star. Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran star group. Sirius embodied the energy of the triadic template and perpetuated the drive toward integration. There is a large variety of consciousness types that incarnate in this system.
This is the main “battleground” for the challenge of polarity integration, seeded from Sirius as well as Lyra and Vega. There is a direct connection with Earth, as explored in later chapters.
Colonized by Lyran offshoots, this group is Earth’s main genetic connection from extraterrestrial sources.
An archetype or future-self ideal of Earth, Arcturus assists in healing personal and planetary consciousness. Its vibration, primarily sixth density, has been attributed to the angelic kingdom.
Related: Edgar Cayce Talks About Arcturians
This civilization is intimately connected with Earth. The Reticuli are the primary group instigating abductions (or more accurately called “temporary detainments” since this group always returns the abductee). More will be said about this group in later chapters.
Related: Which star system did YOU originate from?
In5D Addendum:
It seems apparent that every ethnicity on this planet is basically its own race of extraterrestrials. For example, the American Indian lineages may have been seeded here (or assisted) by the Pleiadians, as one of the seven sisters of the Pleiades is “Maia” (as in the Maya from Mexico). According to Mayan folklore, the Maya were visited by a Caucasian man with blonde hair and blue eyes. They called him Kulkulcan, who is also known by the Aztecs as Quetzalcoatl. Kulkulcan taught the Maya advanced mathematics, astronomy, agriculture and medicine.
Some people believe that those of African heritage were either (1) the original inhabitants of this planet because their skin is more conducive to warmer climates or (2) were seeded here by the Dogons. Is it possible that the African race was seeded here and received messages from the Dogon, similar to the Maya?
What if the Caucasian race is a branch of the Asians, or vice-versa?
To me, this planet has been a galactic experiment to see how lower 3rd dimensional galactic races would get along with one another. It is also part of the universe(ity) of learning through spiritual progression. Those in power rely on divide and conquer techniques to keep us from uniting with one another. In order for us to grow as a global community, we must all come together because once the bottom of the pyramid unites, the rest will collapse. Regardless of what happens in the future, we have the NOW and NOW is the time to make this a world we all want to live in.
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Lol, what a speculative affair, finding our origin in this way. Are we in need of busying ourselves with our origin, while covered by the veil? Apart from clear memories in some of us, for I do believe in star-dom as in our origin in the stars and worlds outside (or inside?) of planet Earth, it’s mainly guesswork, I believe.
Besides, we’ve hardly outgrown the toddler phase, as Earthlings, with regards to our consciousness and knowledge of our own being, our full human/divine potential.. There’s a time for everything and to me, it’s NOT at all the time to know my origin, at least as in doing research and trying to figure it out. All that jazz will happen by itself, when we evolve and wake up to our whole truth in a natural way. We are our origin and we will wake up to that awareness at some point and that’s sufficient to me. Why dwell on this subject, it’s only destracting and ungrounding, probably.
To me it’s more interesting to read about the conditions on other planets and in star-systems, also the description of living beings, specially other than humanoid. I do believe that we as humanity are going to meet our heavenly brothers and sisters at some point, I expect contact is already happening and much more than we’re aware of. When ascended masters live in a physical body for all times, they’re able to walk on planet Earth, aren’t they? (I’m just remembering that Cobra says something about that in the latest interview of June 2017)
What about my origin? HA! I seem to have existed in all star-systems, for I can recognize myself in every type at least for about 3/4 of the characteristics. There’s a lot of similarity in all of them, so… no wonder.
Also, sometimes we go through phases where an attitude jumps out for a while and dissolves
again. I’ve got my alter egos Mother Superior, Middle Earth Brewster Baghor and Sparkle.
In a way this focus on our galactic origin seems more suitable to be treated as a game of pretense:
in clairvoyancy with a crystal ball, dressed in a flowing robe and large tinkling ear-rings and bracelets, making good-natured fun of each other for entertainment, a good laugh.
I’ve played that game with little children, as a childminder a la Mary Poppins style, telling them of their characteristics, whispering with much suspense, as if they were entirely new and a surprise to them.
I simply told them of their skills and talents, which I knew already, of course. It’s fun to see the face of a child go radiant, when they hear you describe their positive sides and a little future glimpse prophecy! That’s a fun way of empowerment and the playful magical vibe with the dressing up is a cause for much giggling too.
Isn’t it possible to origin from planet Earth? Or the Sun? And what about all the other parts of our Universe that are still unknown territory for our eyes only? How many more planets will be visited by little exploration-devices on wheels, traveling through space, before the Universe is mapped? We’ll probably
whizz around in our heavenly chariots or flapping our wings, or bilocate instantly. What fun!!!
Maranathan na