Almost no one really understands the basics of how the stock market works, and they suffer under the illusion that EVERY stock share is worth the same price as the last share that was traded. (If you’re confused why this isn’t the case, you’ve been lied to… watch the animation below to learn the truth that Wall Street doesn’t want you to ever realize.)

Thus, in a rising stock market bubble, people who hold shares that were purchased at far lower prices suffer under the illusion that all those shares are “worth” the current high price.

As my animation video reveals below, that idea is nothing but illusion. In truth, share prices are only transmuted into real wealth when they are SOLD. Yet it is impossible for all the holders of the shares to all sell at the current price for the simple reason that selling shares causes their price to fall.

Thus, the mathematical reality is that all the outstanding shares of any given public company are really only worth a fraction of the current market price. This is easily demonstrated in any given market correction or crash where share prices plummet. Ignorant investors falsely believe their “wealth” is being “destroyed” when, in reality, that wealth never existed in the first place.

My mathematical animation, below, reveals the truth about the stock market that no one on Wall Street dare explain… or the entire Ponzi scheme would unravel overnight…

Stay informed by reading





  1. It’s because we, the workforce on planet Earth are the means, to achieve riches by the happy few,
    who dishonour our right to live in abundance with them, that we find our strength. It has to come from you and me, the workforce that is leaving this enslavement in a financial fairy tale.

    This workforce starts on the true work now and begins to rise out of these shackles. We’re the ones who know where abundance resides and I strongly believe in this law of life, that where darkness is present, the light goes in hiding and is never destroyed.

    Destrucion isn’t a word in Light’s vocabulary and therefore humanity will overcome all the present financial tribulations that are imposed on it. We may have to improvise and use much creativity, but
    due to our long history of dealing with scarcity and attempts to make ends meet, in the end, it’s the happy few that will squirm in terror. Look, the emperor has no clothes on!.


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