New energies are turning the wheels of the Renaissance group at Prepare for Change. We’re figuring out how to better connect each of you to each other and to us. Stay tuned. Thank you for being there.
Below, from one of our Renaissance members, a video. George Caldararu of the Theatre of Discombobulation (Berlin, Germany) presents: Be The Sunshine. May yours be a day full of sunshine.
(To sign up for the Renaissance group, go here.)
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
You know what sucks,, being on the outside and looking in,, there is nothing you really can do, cause you sound like a nut job, when you try to enlighten others, your economic placement renders you virtually worthless in terms of helping anyone or anything, there’s really no one to talk to about what you know or feel or experience, because it looks like “WE” are few and far between, and the questions can give one a real “linear time” major headache. Not to mention the more you know,,,, THE MORE IT PHYSICALLY HURTS !! I’m LOST,, but I’m FOUND,,, can anybody out there identify !! Thank You Iris
When you awaken, you realize that you have far more choices than what the “system” is telling you. Among those is to disempower the sytem in your life and the lives of others that you come into contact with. After being directly involved since 2013, I am convinced that most of the awakened that respond to Cobra’s message are actually star seeds who are incarnate here to help end the mind control and liberate Earth. When you attempt to awaken a very bright individual and they simply do not get it, and find it too difficult to wrap their heads around all these ideas (the Event)…you have to entertain that those who can see all these connections from one or two presentations are, in fact, already aware and just need to be reminded. We are the ones who came to Earth for this purpose.
Often we are among a soul group with mixed purposes, many are focused on unrelated life issues and don’t want to shift their point of view. We need to honor their choices, but give them the information for later awareness.
Dear Iris Iglehart, thank you for this honest cry from your heart. I can relate to what you’re sharing here, the feeling of being lost and found… by harsh or kind truth? Know that you are not alone, those who are few and those who are many, in their own time, are moving through the experience of a competition between physical body and spirit being, as I perceive it.
The following is a text I wrote during trying times of the year 2011:
“When we find ourselves amidst our deepest terror, alone, and when we choose to open our eyes towards our inner world and the call of our heart, we may find a dragon at our side, challenging us with flames of Sun-fire from the East, ice needles from the North, hurricanes from the West and heat-waves from the South.
And when we find the courage to be in the Center of Stillness and not flee from this fury: our enemy and guardian, we may find the only tool that is useful to befriend this beast and dig out the gold that awaits us: forgiveness.
We have been living our Earth existences for so long, in duality consciousness, hurt by and condemning all that (s)hit us in the face or heart, denying our true nature of Creator: By loving ourselves in sincerity, by knowing our deepest desire and by finding the courage to express that desire, by supporting that in others, we will always find what we long for.
When we heal ourselves, from then on our lack of happiness is a choice within. Life is abundant and giving, always, there is plenty and a joyful welcome to appreciate and be grateful for MY/YOUR/OUR life, offering a chance to become the Creator that I am and have always been, in essence. When I step in my sovereignty and natural state: I am Love.
I encourage you to find the gold in you: the gold of “I am that I am”.
Who knows, you may feel better by changing your last name, Iris, replacing the I with Ea in gold 😉
Peace be with you and with planet Earth. Blessed be, Marian Baghor.
Thank you for this most beautiful video.
Who is keeping track of all us members of this group? Space Brothers; or Big Brother?
lol in this time of disclosure and transparency against all odds, most unwelcome to some brothers and Big Brother, many awakened brothers of good and bad intention keep track of all members of this group. If you mean Art4Renaissance. To me, your comment sounds as if you’ve had an experience with this group, John. Is that why your comment is sarcastic?
John, sorry I’m slow in responding. We’re trying to keep track but we’re volunteers and things get … a little rusty…. the gears turn slowly sometimes. (thus the image!) Hang in there. – Renaissance folk
What a powerful and impactful video. Thank you for creating and sharing! 🙂