So you thought you wanted enlightenment? Thought that life would be all peachy and smooth sailing when the veils of illusion were lifted? Those who have become ‘dis-illusioned’ — and haven’t slid back into denial after seeing what was on the other side, or run in the opposite direction with their first taste of ‘enlightenment’ — realize that waking up is hard work!

So what is behind these veils of constructed reality, one might ask? To put it in succinct terms, what lies behind the social conditioning is this: “That our society is the product of an extraterrestrial race that moves and breathes — and even breeds — beneath the surface of all of human history.”

It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled — such is the nature of confirmation bias and other psychological tools of manipulation. Breaking free of the ancient, historical ‘constant’ of mind control is an ongoing process of waking up out of a state of denial. Spiritual emergence and awakening involves a physiological break from the consensus social agreements of our planetary cultures.

The realization that you have been fooled beyond belief can cause a great deal of inner turmoil to arise: utter dismay, a sense of humiliation, and a resulting backlash from friends and family who continually (and unconsciously) attempt to pull you back in line with the accepted ‘mainstream’ groupthink. In this process of breaking free from the enslavement of human consciousness, if you don’t have days where you completely question your sanity, I would suggest that you aren’t really waking up. Here is the only piece of advice that reflects the truth of this process: Get used to it!

There is no use asking agents of the Matrix to validate the truth of your awakening, for you will only end up being diagnosed and medicated. You are simply becoming sane in an insane world. Now, more than ever, it is time for those who have already lifted these veils of deception to assist others who need the ‘survival’ band-aid ripped off quickly. A considerably-revised history lesson with regards to our true human origins is in order for the majority of humanity. Access the information, educate yourself, grab the sword of truth, and start swinging.

We must be willing to take a very direct look at what factors are inhibiting and obstructing our ability to see how the currently-implemented planetary paradigm has emerged from a history of violence, bloodshed and oppressive regimes. When we take this journey of discovery, what we will find is that the mechanism which has been used – and still is –  to drive these agendas, is the unsavory, unholy topic of religion, and the manipulative God-imposters lurking behind the many branches of this despotic tree.

We are dealing with mind programming, brainwashing, phantasms, and memes that have been so deeply embedded into the collective human psyche from epochs ago, that breaking free of them takes a considerable (and ongoing) effort. Not only must we dissociate ourselves from the daily distractions which are designed to keep us oblivious to the bigger picture, but we must be prepared to do the homework in order to discover our true human origins and the ongoing agenda of social control which suppresses that ‘occulted’ (hidden) truth.

If you have been born on this planet, then you are (to some degree or another) suffering the effects of a society that has become pathologically obedient to religious programming, and even those who break free from this tyrannical mechanism are oftentimes subsequently trained to become tolerant of all religions, rather than encouraged to clearly identify this dis-empowering phenomenon as being one of the main contributing factors to humanity’s continuing enslavement.

It’s easy to become a target of accusations that involve loaded terms like “unloving” and “intolerant” when you pierce into the core of the foundational Mind Control Virus known as Religion. One of the 20th century’s most psychopathic dictators, “Chairman” Mao Zedong, coined the phrase ‘political correctness’ as a propaganda tool to train individuals into self-policing their thoughts and words – a far more effective method of keeping groups of people docile and subservient to the prevailing mind control directives than violent force and physical coercion. This social manipulation construct has become a powerful ally in counteracting the emerging groundswell of information and insights regarding the roots and impact of religious psychopathology – aiding and abetting a ‘tyranny of context-free tolerance’ that attempts to shame (and thereby silence) those who question the external authority-worshiping orthodoxy.

Most people on this planet have been born into their religious ideologies, and are so heavily addicted to the daily rituals that uphold their ‘follower’ identification (and unquestioning obedience to their religion), that they have little inclination towards actually questioning whether they have been fooled. For these “chosen faithful”, their ego attachment with religious programming is reactive in design – they become easily offended when you bring into question the truth of their religion, the superiority of their particular flavor of “God”, and the validity of the written words within religious manuscripts. For many, it is actually a punishable offense to bring into question their “God”s eternal and unyielding authority.

Whenever this topic arises, there will be those who claim that other forms of cultural entrainment (which fall outside of the orthodox religion sphere) are somehow beyond the reach of separation consciousness corruption, being justified as ‘philosophies’ or ‘indigenous’ ways of knowing. However, the pathological program of obedience (and the projection of authority outside of one’s own sovereign self) is extended to all cults of ‘belief’.

The truth of these matters was understood by Siddhartha, who pleaded with those who were drawn to his perspective to avoid worshiping his being, creating idols out of his form, or transforming his insights into laws. And what has transpired as a result? The religion known as Buddhism, which would (of course) like to claim it is not a religion, and yet holds hundreds of millions of people in thrall to an idolized replica of this long-deceased man.  Every day, a large percentage of Buddhists (throughout Asia in particular) get down on their knees and beg to the Buddha in the same way that the Christians beg to Jesus – this form of energy vampirism literally weakens the body’s central nervous system.

A person can practice kinesiology while gazing at a Buddha statue to confirm this fact. External forms of imposed discipline merely breeds disciples, rather than an autonomous, sovereign human Be-ing. The patriarchal program is as prevalent throughout Buddhism as it is in other religious denominations. There are numerous examples that can be used to highlight this reality, however the most obvious may be to simply question when the Dalai Lama last incarnated as a woman, or when he next intends to do so? Siddhartha wound up becoming both an atheist and a vegetarian due to his extreme dissatisfaction with the endless blood sacrifices made to the “Gods” throughout the temples of his era.

If you want to check in with yourself about whether you are acting out of love or fear, then see how often you censor yourself from speaking about, and sharing the truth regarding subjects that might challenge somebody else’s mind control conditioning, particularly when it comes to religion. Sharing the god-awful truth about religion is an act of love. It is a service to humanity. It is not a matter of being intolerant of people, nor has it anything to do with hatred, racism or bigotry. It is a matter of identifying the limiting religious programming running through the minds of humanity, which is acting like malware within the mainframe of human consciousness. If a computer has a virus running through it which is corrupting its operating system to the point of paralysis, you do not accuse it of being intolerant or a bigot – you simply identify the problem and install a program to clean out the virus.

“You have to understand that most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” ~ Morpheus, ‘The Matrix’

Religion is the false panacea that so many are hopelessly dependent upon, to the point where a fair number of adherents will literally fight to the death to defend their false ideological territory. Religion is a form of Stockholm Syndrome – defined as “Feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.”

In the case of those taken hostage by religious ideology, their captors are the alien planetary overlords who have masqueraded as Gods upon Earth, and most of their victims are not even aware ‘who’ or ‘what’ has captured them. The same pantheon of brutal, psychopathic, militant, inbreeding, pedophile, reptilian-being archetypes, are found scattered throughout various religions and cultures on Earth, going by different names throughout the competing sects of this divisive cult: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and on and on…a hierarchical ‘murderer’s row’ of beings that have been ‘cut and pasted’ (with slight variations) into the tapestry of various religions down through the ages, and amongst all cultures on Earth. These shadowy creatures are not simply the creative imaginings of a primitive people, nor can they be dismissed as mythological beings.  And – crucially – they have not left.

Their ancient and ongoing genetic engineering operations continue to perpetuate the programs of division, by playing upon ideas of racial superiority throughout the morphogenetic hive mind of humanity. This divisiveness is currently being stirred up to even-greater-than-usual degrees, so as to further the agenda of the overlords – an agenda which includes totalitarian global governance and completely-open human servitude. The wars of these god impersonators are being played out through their pawns: humanity.

What we are currently seeing with the creation and funding of terrorist groups by alphabet agencies and corrupt Governmental regimes, is the predetermined justification for total and endless warfare – and this is only the surface level reading of a much more sinister story. They are not playing this game within time-frames and life spans that human beings could comprehend, and they are using religious belief in such nihilistic concepts as “End Times”, “The Revelation”, “Judgement Day”, “The Rapture” or the “Apocalypse” as a handbook, a road map and a user guide towards an “End Game” scenario, making it seem as though prophecy is being fulfilled in a totally irreversible way.

Any face-value analysis of nationalistic political intrigue, misses out on a far more fundamental gameplan: a gradual, directed process of rearranging the chess pieces on the board, all in service of bringing about ‘unified’ global governance.

“The bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the behavior of Western Civilization” ~ Robert Anton Wilson

To be involved in a religion that idolizes an ancient prophet as “God’s messenger” – a human being who, as their own text records, is personally responsible for the beheadings of hundreds of people in an attempt to wipe out genetic lines in the name of God – is to embody that archetype of military thinking and behavior which accompanies it. There will be no peace found within such idolization. It would serve people’s own state of sovereignty to start questioning what type of “God” would choose such an unfriendly and unsavory fellow to carry out his holy work on Earth?

Military training is another example of both Stockholm Syndrome and the nationalistic, racialist brainwashing whose roots are found within both patriarchal religious indoctrination and patriotic belief, perpetuating the agenda of control. Religion, Politics and Militarization always go hand in glove.

The wishful thinking of New Age believers (inspired by Eastern religious solipsism/reality-bypassing programs) – and the spiritually/politically correct obedience puppets who are flying the flag of religious acceptance – would like the rest of us to believe that all religions share, at their core, a ‘code’ filled with “Spiritual Insights”. Perhaps it is supposed to be some type of ‘spiritual test’ to find such enlightening and uplifting insights hidden amongst the many and varied accounts of murderous, vengeful Gods who advocate religious terrorism, and who command the annihilation of cities, order the murder of children, demands the rape of virgin girls, afford no rights to women, and who orders plagues and famines to afflict humankind with? When reading religious texts, it becomes fairly obvious that we are not dealing with an all-loving benevolent being here, but rather, we are seeing the shell game of off-planet impersonators who display every characteristic of a psychopath.

Far from promoting spiritual insights, religions are the breeding ground for conformity, psychopathy, and brainwashed militant fervor, playing upon the fear of death, punishment in the afterlife, and the salvation of those righteous believers who uphold “God’s” militant commands. These programs are designed to control and limit peoples mental faculties, modifying their behavior in the process. That is its function. Religion is a war on consciousness that was initiated in a time out of memory.

Every religion carries the seeds of division and hatred – at various times in his-story, a steady stream of various “faiths” have carried the water for the agenda of the god-impersonating off-planet, psychopathic overlords. It was only a few hundred years ago that millions of women in Europe were targeted and murdered after being accused by the Church of witchcraft. The psychic scarring that is carried within the genetic lineage of humanity’s feminine principle as a result of patriarchal religious dominance, is an ongoing global atrocity that serves to traumatize and disconnect individuals from the wisdom and guidance of this principle.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the events of the Problem/Reaction/Solution ritual of 9/11 were set in motion in order to use the orchestrated threat of terrorism to justify the invasion of many Middle Eastern countries, creating a power vacuum that would be filled by militant fundamentalism – thus setting off an emerging refugee crisis designed to destabilize other countries around the world so as to establish further global control (“security”) courtesy of the New World Order. Islam has been festering away in the middle east for a long time, and is now being systematically spread around the globe to areas ripe for hosting this parasitic virus of consciousness. There is no easier (or more brutally-effective) approach for this type of hidden orchestration than inducing and inflaming ethnic conflict fueled by religious indoctrination, and as always, the best way to control the opposition is to lead it.

These are all symptoms of a much deeper, older malignancy that has to do with the modification of the original human blueprint and the endocrine system that produces the chemical ratios that stabilize our individual and collective state of consciousness. When seen from this perspective, there is a cruel, inhuman irony when one considers that these otherworldly manipulators are now worshiped as ‘saviors’ (as part of the ‘external salvation’ fallacious meme), which is another prominent aspect of the religion pathology.

You have to pull out the roots of evil rather than simply hack away at the branches. Without looking at the origins of religious servitude, and clearly identifying who these God imposters (that have farmed humanity for eons) really are – and instead focusing on simply identifying and blaming previous and current corrupt governmental models – you are only seeing the puppets dance, oblivious to the marionette pulling the strings. The Hebrew Bible story of human origins (known as the tale of Adam and Eve) is a false, misleading, and abbreviated version, derived from a far more ‘well-rounded’ rendition that originated in ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts. These recollected Sumerian accounts describe a space-faring species, known as the “Annunaki”, who genetically modified the human race and used them as slaves.

To do some homework and further investigate this topic, research books such as:

The solutions to the global crisis are not going to arise from the level of consciousness at which they are currently being generated. Tolerating religion is a band-aid, “feel good” solution over a rotting wound. We need to electromagnetically and neuro-chemically dissociate ourselves from the level of consciousness wherein these dualistic games are repeatedly being played out. The cumulative memory around religious servitude – built up within the collective consciousness and thus embedded into the morphic field of the planet – must be transcended. Only when we can collectively remove ourselves from that morphic resonance bandwidth of the religion frequency that is limiting our direct connection to source,  will we be able to embody the true benevolence of creation, as fractal aspects of co-creative consciousness.

“We are the ones we are waiting for. We don’t need anyone to save us from the bullies in the playground. We need to resurrect and BECOME the BIO TECHNOLOGY we are.” ~ Juliet Carter

Initiate the process of deconstruction and re-embodiment by watching this:

The re-evolution will be televised.

About the Author

Karlos Kukuburra is an ambassador for “The Template”, a series of ceremonies that are a coded convergence of sound and sacred geometry, which together with the revelations of Humanity’s origins, history and the full potential of the immortal Human design, initiates a powerful and transformative journey into the past, the ability to courageously be conscious and grounded in the present, and an understanding of the future which we will collectively co-create through the resurrection of the light body.

Karlos conducts workshop primarily throughout Australia, New Zealand and the USA. For more details, please visit:

By, Karlos Kukuburra,  Waking Times



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Let us make man according to our image and likeness, created He and She….husaband and wife they were, on their first night of honeymoon! True, mind control was spiced with emotion disturbing doctrine that made network of conundrum which many value as enhirited traits from anentirely intruded epoch of civilized generation.

  2. Excellent and right on.

    With every intention of diminishing the Divine Connection of women and shutting down Humanity’s Sacred Energies, a collusion of the Roman Emperor Constantine (272-337 AD) and the Catholic Church created the myth that we are born of sin – the sin of sex for everyone except the Emperor and the men of the church it would seem. The church changed the date of Jesus’ birth (from January 6, 06) to compete with the popular Roman Goddess Holiday and declared Jesus the only son of God to foster the myth that he died for the sin of our physical birth into the world by women bodies (the Holy Grail). With Jesus on the cross as their logo, they very cleverly institutionalized an unrelenting sense of guilt and a fear of God to foster the message: “Without the church, you have no hope. You need us.” And like the Mafia, they killed those who opposed their carefully crafted protection racket of absolute suppression and control of women and power over the minds of the masses. And with it, a subliminal message that should be successfully acquire self-determining mastery of ourselves (our divine purpose and destiny) we will be killed in the most painful way by a cruel and vengeful god.

    Servants of the dark forces, the Christian religion – both Catholic and Protestant – killed millions of women at the stake to stop Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s sacred bloodline entering the DNA of Humanity.

  3. Good article but are you saying there is no god? If so who created the aliens who YOU say created us. This argument goes back to the dawn of time. And if our creators are watching us from above (aliens), why are they doing this to us? They are just like the god you talked about in the old testament who was responsible for mass murder. They are watching us die without helping us. Some ARE so ingrained in their ways that they will fight to remain asleep, true but they will have to wake up at some point. Like i said though it is a good article, but it is full of holes. It combines a lot of theories but doesn’t really present a solution. Those Template people are just nutters, have you done any research on them? It’s a multi level scam of the highest order, with nothing to really show for it at the end. Can they manifest things they want at any point in their system of ceremonies, i think they are on ceremony 16 now, and you have to do 1-15 at about £200 per ceremony before you reach the highest ceremony. If they could influence or manifest anything with these ceremonies i might take more of an interest, but i don’t have that much disposable income to throw their way.


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