Ritual abuse of children: Time for us to wake up.


Teal Swan, as a child in Utah and Idaho, was subjected to strange and destructive rituals perpetrated by trusted adults who were complicit.

“It is a lot easier to believe that this stuff doesn’t go on than to believe it does go on….”

“I would only say ‘run, run as fast as you can and find people, preferably not family members, to tell.'”

This interview was broadcasted in Idaho in 2014.

Worth a listen. Click here.

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  1. I am very sorry she had to go to hell and back for us (me at least) to learn about it and help those who have gone through this and what not else. I wish for the day nobody else has to go through something like this. Blessings for her, her courage and for all of the other silent victims who for whatever reason keep quite to their pain. <3<3<3

  2. woah. I watched her videos before, but didn’t know she went through that. I’m sorry she had to deal with Earth religions to such a degree. My guess is that this is alot more common than we think.

  3. Teal is an amazingly strong woman. I’m so glad that she sees the big picture and knows there was a reason for what she experienced, and why it happened to her. As souls we choose our parents, our birth circumstances, the location and people in our lives – we know pretty well what will happen. Apparently there are agreements made and, like actors, all the players enter the scene at the appropriate time to play their part. There is a plan and the reason is soul growth. Teal survived and grew immensely through her experiences, and is now helping others.
    This interview was done in 2014, and now in 2018, the missing children, the sexual abuse, torture and murder, continues even though there is much more awareness of it. Hopefully this year this subject will be blown wide open as ‘pizzagate’ unravels, and the many elite perpetrators are exposed.


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