CBC News has created a short documentary with undercover reporting to catch Apple Inc in the act of ripping off customers for repairs. Often citing that the cost of parts and repairs makes the device no longer economically viable and therefore you should buy an entirely new device.
I’ve personally been repairing my devices, Apple and non-Apple for almost 30 years. I would never take a device to be repaired at an Apple store since I know they are ripping people off. In fact, I’ve never brought an Apple product first hand from them directly because they’re ripping me off.
The MacBook Pro I have was originally an insurance write off, dead swollen battery, electrical damage on the motherboard, dead pixels on the screen, broken keyboard and it was missing its hard drive to boot (Pun intended). I brought this on the equivalent of Craigslist for less than $300 and subsequently purchased and replaced the parts myself (Since I am a competent professional) and have been using my laptop for the past three years without fault.
Here are some pictures:

I actually used this device with the broken motherboard for about 8 months, before I brought a replacement motherboard. Sure it needed to be plugged into the wall at all times, didn’t quite have the full power of the processor for intense tasks (Battery gives an added boost to the CPU) and I was using an external Mac keyboard laid on top. It did the trick for the work I was doing at the time, that necessitated OS X.

So literally with some technical know-how, a bucket full of skill and quite a bit of patience my go-to laptop is a phoenix in every sense of the word. (I like to recycle 🙂 )
Now Apple is pulling the sneakest move yet by making sure that if a device is repaired, it MUST be done either at an official Apple store or a registered official 3rd party store. Literally, if you tamper with the device in any way to effect a repair, if you can’t get the device to re-authenticate with a special maintenance server (requires account access to perform Apple Service Toolkit 2 tests) the device is now effectively a very expensive brick!
So you spend $2000+ on your Apple device and something goes wrong, you’ll be paying through the nose for an “authorized” repair. Or if your me and like to recycle then it’s game over.
Apple Inc, wants total control over your device, even after it’s been sold to you. I can’t see how and why Apple should have this level of control, it’s no longer their device it’s mine, it’s not leased or rented or some other silly PCP. I own it outright and therefore should have the final say on where and when it’s repaired if it should require one.
John Deere tractors are another horrible example of this practice of massively overcomplicating a product such that it requires maintenance and repairs by there own company or forget it.
Farmers can’t legally fix their own John Deere tractors due to copyright laws
This isn’t even an argument about protecting intellectual property rights or Copyright, as I am buying a replacement part that’s genuine (most the time) to be fitted to the device. It’s obsessive-compulsive disorder on steroids, nothing less. DRM madness now affecting Hardware!
DRM (Digital Rights Managment) is getting a new comeback thanks to blockchain technology…
(Yes that’s the same SONY that back in 2005 was caught installing extremely nasty rootkit malware on your device to monitor any potential illicit copying of a disc)
So Apple devices from 2018 onwards are going to be seriously affected by this, right now the system isn’t active yet according to iFixit, but it will be. I know that I am done with Apple products, as if this is the new status quo, thanks, but no thanks.
Like the banks, these companies believe they are too big to fail, we need to show them they ARE capable of failing, as are the Banks.
OOO The Banks Have Got To Go – Prepare For Change Interview – Powers Vs Bank of New York Mellon
We the people hold the power, the numbers and the control. We simply need to collectively stand up and say ‘NO’ there really is nothing more special required, just the collective mass of humanity to say enough is enough.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Thanks for the information……
Something similar happened to our washing machine that stopped working.
My hubby called a repairman and described what was wrong.
The repairman said, “You’ll have to buy a new machine. We can’t fix that.”
Hubby looked online and found a couple of u2b videos that showed us what to do.
He went to Home Depot and picked up a $4 part.
In ten minutes we had a working washing machine.
In the title: *You’re