Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years
Wide ramifications for Australia
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Case 1:18-cv-03215-JMF Document 18 Filed 07/09/18
Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were none.
Here are the huge legal and practical implications in this legal victory for the American people:
A recent US court case revealed there has been no quality control over vaccines manufactured by big-pharma for at least 32 years. Autism rates are expected to drop dramatically now that parents can stop the poison being injected into their kids
o This means that the US Department of Health and Human Services and all vaccine makers have been lying to the American people for over 30 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines; this may
ultimately mean that continuing the existence — at least in their current form — of five US “healthcare” agencies are now in doubt: the CDC, the FDA, the IOM, the NIH and the “Health” part of DHHS itself;
this may also threaten the existence of state medical boards and exclusive medical guilds like the AMA:
o This means that vaccine makers have been fraudulently exempt from what all other pharmaceutical drug makers have been forced to do concerning biannual recertification for quality and effectiveness — meaning that that their vaccines have never been tested for quality and have had no proven safety or effectiveness for over 30 years;
o This case can now be legally cited by all parents fraudulently mandated by any government/organizational regulation/requirements that they must vaccinate their children for school or any other activity to stop
the forced vaccination of their children;
o This case can now be legally cited by all employees being mandated by their employers to be vaccinated in order to retain their jobs;
o This case can now be legally cited by all those who seek compensation for vaccine injury, making it likely that the pharmaceutical vaccine industry can in the near future be legally bankrupted out of existence, like Bayer-Monsanto after the landmark legal victory won by the dying landscaper in San Francisco several weeks ago, as well as their stock value plummeting precipitously;
o The future of allopathic medicine in its current form is now in doubt, as well as that of the global pharmaceutical cartel, since almost all of the drugs allopathic practitioners prescribe come from pharmaceutical corporations which have also committed vaccine fraud and injury;
o The existence of the deep-state corporate mainstream news media will now also be further endangered, since 70% of their income stream comes from the global pharmaceutical cartel, which in America has been
responsible for 750,000-1 million human sacrifices per year for at least the past half century;
o Autism rates will now likely plummet, freeing the American people from another deep state-engineered debility, and providing further evidence of mass vaccination-caused autism;
o All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code.
This letter from Dawn Bell, an American health professional, warns that vaccines are not safe and become ineffective after 10 years. She says her daughter was injured by vaccination:
In the recent mumps outbreak, 100% of the mumps cases were college students, who were ALL 100% vaccinated. 90% (9 out of 10) people who died from last years flu epidemic had received the flu shot.
Herd immunity can only be achieved when 85% of the population is immune to a disease. Vaccines are only good for about 10 years, at absolute max 20 years, so most people over the age of 20 are not immune any longer. So now you have created a situation of a “false” immunity.
Those who get the chicken pox are immune for life, those who get the vax are not. I do believe, maybe to your surprise that vaccines can and have saved lives, however, think about when MD’s we’re giving out antibiotics like popcorn at the movies, it started having a bad affect on our immune systems and gut. It’s probable to think that the same thing might start happen with the overuse of vaccines.
For really deadly diseases, hey I’m all for it, but they started making so much money that you all of a sudden had to start getting vaccines for everything, even the everyday childhood diseases and for stuff like Hep B at 1 day old, really? The rise in autism and other sensory diseases has been mind boggling, as well as childhood autoimmune disorders.
32 people get sick from ecoli and FDA tells everyone to stop buying romaine lettuce, but thousands report issues with vaccines and it’s pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Then everyone is surprised when people get upset and start asking questions.
I’m an Occupational Therapist and was all in with the vax thing, until I watched my daughter lose Speech ability directly following a vaccine. I was one telling everyone it was a coincidence until I saw it happen with my own eyes to my own kid. They have NEVER done safety studies in these vaccines have NEVER been studied being given all at once as they do.
It’s common sense that all of these vaccines given to a child with a developing immune system and neuro system might have some issues. It’s the lying about it that really has everyone worried though. When they say safety studies have been done when no one can find them, then Kennedy offers $$ for anyone who show they have been done. Of course no one could produce them so hence this lawsuit and of course, they haven’t. My OBGYN told me the flu shot was studied and proven safe during pregnancy.
So I go to work, as a nurse friend for the flu vax insert and guess what? It clearly stated it had not been studied in children or pregnant woman and if given to pregnant woman you should call and add them to a registry. Furthermore, on the front of the box, it stated to NOT give to kids under 5! I could keep going, but I’ll end with, have you watched the CDC video approving the Hep vax?
If not, you should because it’s extremely interesting! First, they give to 1 day old babies and it’s never been approved for those under 18. When asked if it was safe to give with other vaccines they said they didn’t know but we’re making the assumption it was generally safe like other vaccines. Then when asked about the “new” mutated gene thing they said the same thing, “we’re making the assumption that’s it’s safe like other vaccines.”
They were then asked about the heart and autoimmune markers seen in their internal study and they acknowledged that they saw the markers and were going to monitor it and make determination Dec 2020 whether not there was a problem, and in the mean time it’s being given to day old babies. So yes, there are concerns that need to be addressed about the safety of vaccines and I’m thrilled that it’s finally being addressed!!!
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Vaccins H1N1 vous avez quelque chose la dessus ?
Suramin is used to treat African Sleeping Sickness, the medication itself has been around for nearly 90 years, and is about $11 for a single Intravenous shot. They don’t understand entirely how it works, but somehow after (Non Verbal Individuals with ASD) were given the shot, within a few hours children and individuals that hadn’t spoken or acted normal in years began speaking.
If you know YouTube, then you know Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan was going to have a former CDC Virologist and Epidemiologist on his Podcast. She was going to talk about COVID19, Vaccines, Autism, and of course the cure which is (Suramin). She was going to blow the lid of the whole thing and burn it all down. Somehow, his producers and advertisers caught wind of this and forbid it. This is one of the reasons he moved over to Spotify.
Devon, that was a pretty awesome expression of your thoughts. Thank you for sharing them with us.
I pray that this is true, but nothing in any of the articles or even the court documents shows this to be true. In truth documents were served for an FOI application. Can’t see anywhere what the outcome is/was. If the FOI was followed through then were is the result?
It is.
I shared your article without reading it closely. I agree with most you wrote. But, unfortunately, when I looked at the documents, ICAN did NOT win. The court dismissed the case. Can you explain how you see it as winning, please?
The way I read this, I am not a lawyer, is there was a mandate to improve childhood vaccines, 42 U.S.C. 300aa-27, Mandate for safer childhood vaccines. ICAN requested files as a result of this mandate(FOIA). The request was granted and a search was done at the CDC and the HHS. They found no records, therefore no safety, or testing, or any other pertinent act regarding safety, was done. ICAN proved that no safety was done as has been mandated. The case was dismissed. It was a win for ICAN because now they can show that there is no safety testing, or improvements being done to make vaccines safer for children. Am I wrong?
Hello Greg, I think you’ve made it very clear, how ICAN has won by finding proof of vaccines produced without testing for safety, in the last 32 years. The conclusion is based on the absence of proof that vaccines are safe and so, there’s no confession expressed publicly, as far as I’ve looked into it, by an authority in the pharmaceutical industry.
I perceive this as a well-earned victory for Robert Kennedy, although it tastes sour also. For how many children and adults are damaged by vaccines in those 32 years? That’s a crime, I believe, for which no punishment is possible, except the awakening of these criminals’ conscience. Which will happen one day, I’m sure. We don’t have to play God, as in manmade dualistic thinking, passing judgment.
Nevertheless, we’re not meant to condone these crimes against life itself.
While it appears no blame or accountability goes back to the vaccine makers, there is a way for people that suffered damages from a vaccine can claim compensation, while not enough, better than nothing
The problem is this doesn’t stop the harm or lack of
responsibility either.
The very last page of the document below the court action does.
Yes, it is a win. The CDC has publicly stated on their website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism”. The burden of proof is on the CDC (since they are the one that made the claim) to provide the scientific data that they do not. Since they are unable to substantiate their claim, it puts in question the net benefits of vaccines in children from ages 0-6/mo.
Robert Kennedy is a hero, diligently working for this very good cause. I’m so pleased and relieved about this achievement. I’ve seen the documentary VAXXED, it’s very well made.
I’ve worked with little children, as a Nanny, some were damaged by vaccines. I could cry about the damaged children that feel lost in this world, suffering. The innocence of children is so very precious and so pure, I’m enjoying their presence now, and smile when I hear their voices, in the streets and in playgrounds, here in The Netherlands.
where is a link to actual court case and docs ????
The link is given at the beginning of the article.
Im a recipient of RFK newsletter and have not heard of this….vague….news???
Hello Jerry Hissong, please check out the actual news and reports, before screaming fire. You seem to be a member of the fire brigade keen on seeing a fire so that you can make a point. It’s always an interesting question, isn’t it? if it’s true that policemen cause crimes in the world and if members of fire brigades cause fires. Hmm, I’m so keen on cutting the crap that I’m triggered quickly, and I now join you in making an elephant out of a mosquito, as we say in The Netherlands, haha.
Devon See more, so does that mean a Pharmacist can be sued for giving a flu shot to people? I’m not sure I completely understand that part.
It is unfortunate that man has not been guided to his/her Fullest Potential.
So many are still unaware how they Cause a Loss to their Own Spirit and those they love. To End all the Inconsistencies in Life we must Shift our Consciousness back to the Heart.
It is important that we Educate Ourselves. Why has the Horrors of War with its acceptance of rape, torture, and murder been permitted in the first place? Why has Sex Trafficking been widely accepted?
Why has Child and Animal Trafficking and Sacrifice been hidden for so long and the people that created this not apprehended in the first place? It is unfortunate that people have not had the eyes to see or the ears to hear.
Why have so many gotten away with undermining the Science of our Mind/Body/Spirit Matrix?
The following blog post has information that everyone should be made aware of, to be made aware of this information would require a commitment to read it. It is not a quick read and will require time for contemplation. Mans Laws Violate Divine Natural Law. We all have the Rite (Right) to move upon the surface of the earth and in the ethers unmolested as long as we cause no harm or injury to another living soul and conduct no fraud in our transaction.
The Courts that Control this Society that we have been BORN into and Unceremoniously Registered into have been created by Black Magicians, Men in Robes calling themselves Holy Men. They Crown their so called Royalty with no real authority to do so. Yet, we still refer to them as Lords, Ladies, Kings, Queens, Dukes ect…Why?
These Courts that perpetuate the “Cast System” with the LEGAL NAME fraud are Based in Fraud, Embezzlement, Entrapment, and Extortion yet we allow ourselves to be extorted. Why?
Why do the Courts not recognize the men and women committing horrendous crimes in Laboratories in the production of infectious disease?
If a vaccine is given and it kills the recipient why is this not recognized as murder by those working in the courts?
Those running them have made Unfounded Claims Upon Our Energy. Having a License is an open license to be raped, murdered, tortured, and robed by the pirates that created this system.
Why are there still so many that treat these Courts as if they are Legitimate?
Money cannot buy back our bodies health or our Loss of Innocence.
Money cannot buy back the Loss of Spirit.
Money cannot restore the Earth to Vibrancy.
How can money be enough to end pain and suffering?
What will it take to see Divine Proportion and all that has been lost as a result of these False Claims Restored?
well spoken 🙂
I grew up with several MD’s in our family and became a DC having seen the downsides of the allopathic model. Of course they provide many great services when needed, but they are often WRONG.
I caved to my Father-in-law’s request (he’s an OBGYN) that we give 1/3 vac doses to my son 32 years ago. (If they’re so safe, then why the need to lower the doses?).
My son was perfectly healthy and vibrant but IMMEDIATELY after the vac he became completely despondent for 6 weeks. He was lucky and pulled out of it. My heart goes out to those who get autism and do not come back.
Vac contain neurotoxins that are ruining so many kids’ lives. It’s one of the greatest hoaxes and crimes of the century.
Hello Michael Koplen. It must’ve been heartbreaking to see your child fight through the damage of vaccines. The time is now, when this ordeal is coming to an end, maybe gradually, but faster than ever before. I hope.
There’s a very successful method of treatment called CEASE-therapy, developed by a Dutch doctor and homeopath Tinus Smit. He managed to produce homeopathic remedies with substances present in vaccines, such as formaldehyde, mercury, and other ingredients I can’t recall now.
Tinus Smit treated many children and they all recovered from the damage. At times, it took several years, but it was successful. The medical industry in The Netherlands created a court case against Tinus Smit, based on the accusation that he pretended to know how to cure autism and that he caused false hopes in parents’ minds who had an autistic child.
Tinus Smit had no chance to win his case and he was dismissed, losing his profession and his right to treat autistic children. Fortunately, he has found many homeopaths willing to receive CEASE-therapy training, so that there’s a network of therapists all over the world.
A couple of years after Tinus Smit was disarmed and pushed aside, he died of cancer.
He has left many grateful parents and children living normal lives in good health, and to this day, damaged children have a chance to recover by means of this CEASE-therapy.
Finally!!! How do our current laws differ from Hitler’s. So appreciative of Kennedy.
Without his efforts Big Pharma would continue to trade our children’s lives for their financial greed. Same as our greedy and Corrupt politicians who allowed them to murder our children without punishment. Let’s make sure of any independent studies by choosing those who are both qualified and honest.
Time to dump all those big pharma stocks.
Really, and who is going to do that. Herd likes money most, don’t care the rest. Same 5G they want make money on it, w/o thought of safety of it.
Hello Anton, the task of achieving what you long for or want to manifest is in your hands and not in any other people’s hands. You’re not a herd, you are one powerful human being capable of bringing change. Your choice, not anyone’s expectation, only your choice, in your form and manner.
It’s so very simple and at the same time, it’s causing the windmills of our mind to whir like mad, thinking it through, how to do this. There’s a different tool in us, where the mind stands at a loss, powerless.
There’s a strength of heart and a seeing with the heart intelligence that brings us clarity about where our focus should be, with clear intention in tow, and passion.
I’m sure I’m not the only one, but the passion for my own and for humanity’s liberation is a fierce flame in me and I feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes, with a power that is frightening to myself, at times.
It’s an exercise in discipline to be silent when my enthusiasm longs to speak and to maintain the fullness of my inner knowing, in trust that it works its way in an unseen manner, by my choice to embody and ground it, preparing the soil for a new world in freedom. I’m deeply connected to planet Earth and her love.
Humanity has been waiting in ever more disappointed false trust, that authorities such as governments, kings, queens, and presidents have the best vision and outcome for us in mind. That goes for church leaders, the pope, and bishops too.
The safety of the herd is a thing from a long-ago past and it’s hard work to take off that coat of presumed protection, for many of us. We’re at a point in time where we need to grow up and leave the toddler phase. The realization of our BEING, the presence in us that shaped our physical body and our path in life, is in that phase.
Exceptions are always present, of course, some of us are old by birth.
I’m not sure if what I’m writing here is what you can relate to, but in essence, I’d like to invite you to jump into action where you feel that change is needed. It’s the magic formula for life showing up in all colors of the rainbow with stardust ?
Devon Seamoor
Powerful words, sir…and I agree with them wholeheartedly. The “awakening” and the cloak being removed from these murderers of spirit and body is happening at the appointed time. Their game is up and they know it.
Will they respond with a scorched earth approach (in the legal sense)? Of COURSE they will. But, the proverbial emperor stands now with no clothes…and it will be “his” undoing.
Thank You Barry….Why profits and lose your soul….many just don’t have the ability to have empathy or compassion. I pity them. Obviously, you are right on about dumping the stocks. Too bad money became god in some people’s minds. Thank You for your comment.
wonderful news
My 72 year old brother was given a polio vaccine at age 5, wrong serum in needle, lost the right of his body and mind. Counter serum given brought his right side back, took away his left side body and brain for the rest of his life.
NO Compensation !
What a relief to read this article. But can someone please edit this, “Autism rates are excepted to drop” (expected). Everyone needs to watch the movie “Vaxxed”.
Thank you to Mr. Kennedy and all who have worked so hard , against enormous push backs from big Pharma! I rejoice over this monumental victory!!!!!
THIS IS SO EXCITING! At last, we are winning our freedom! There is no stopping us now. This is just the beginning. Thank you!
FINALLY!!! I am 74 and recently went on my Allina message site and saw that Allina has a list of all the vaccines, mammograms, colonoscopies, flu shots that have the word overdue in front of them. They recently added that I am overdue for a Hep-C test since the day after my birth in 1946. I told my doctor that I want it removed as I am not overdue. I just say no to all these things. But what is worse than all that is the babies, children that have suffered or died from these poisons. Parents should sue the sh__ out of the gov’t.