By Adam Andrzejewski,
For the first time in history, 19 million public employee salaries at every level of government across America have been mapped and posted online.
The work of our auditors at tells a compelling story: Public service is supposed to be about serving the people. However, the good intentions of America’s 19 million public employees come at a very high price for the people – nearly $1 trillion. In many cases, taxpayers generously fund these employee salaries.
Our online database is free to use and includes most employees within the federal, state, and local governments. You can search in your backyard or across the nation. Find out just how much public employees made last year. The salary records include name, salary, position title, and employer for 2017.
The data is full of stunning examples. Tree trimmers in Chicago lopped off $106,000. New York City school janitors cleaned off $165,000 while out earning the principals at $135,000. Lifeguards in Los Angeles County, California, made up to $365,000. In the small school district in Southlake, Texas (8,000 students), the school superintendent earned $420,000.
Help the reform-minded mayors, school superintendents, legislators and members of Congress by finding the waste, overspending, and bloated government in your very own neighborhood.
Search our interactive map of the top 2 million most highly compensated public employees across America. Just click a pin (your ZIP code) and scroll down to see the results that render in the chart beneath the map. Click here to access the map below.

Search 2 million public employee salaries by ZIP code at
Last year, we found 1.7 million public employees earned $100,000 or more. The vast majority – 1.3 million six-figure earners – worked at the state and local levels. There were 105,000 local and state government employees out-earning every governor of the 50 states at a salary of $190,000 or more.
In Texas, 356 municipal employees made more than all governors ($190,000). Some of these towns are small, like Stanton (pop. 2,900), where the manager earned $314,696. In Whitesboro (pop. 4,000) and Manvel (pop. 10,000), the administrators were paid $312,000 and $292,529, respectively.
In Florida, the city attorney of the seaside community Dania Beach, Florida (pop. 32,000) gleaned $436,917 – that’s more than any U.S. president. At the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, eight police officers and detectives made between $300,000 and $783,000 last year.
Nearly 10,000 employees of the University of California system pulled down more than $200,000. This includes 65 highly compensated public employees who made between $1 million and $3.6 million.

The top 5 locations for highly compensated public employees.
Across the country, some of the largest salaries were paid out to athletic coaches at public universities. The retired football coach at University of Oregon received a $558,689 annual pension, and the fired Arizona State football coach got a $15 million payout. Nick Saban, at the University of Alabama, made $11 million.
What will you find while searching the public payrolls in your community?
Our recent investigation with Fox 32 Chicago found an Illinois superintendent earning $407,000 in a Calumet City district with only 1,100 students and no high school. Another superintendent made $206,000 in a New Lenox district with only 11 teachers and less than 100 students. Still another superintendent retired on a $300,000 pension at a Park Forest district, but, was then rehired on a $1,200 a day consulting contract – same position, same district.
Before complaining about Washington, D.C., people must insist on good government where they live. The people have the power to hold local politicians accountable for tax and spend decisions. Our mission is to make this information available to citizens and policymakers.
Government payrolls are the No. 1 issue affecting every service: public safety, healthcare, and welfare. Pay, perks, and pension benefits for public employees must be a priority in budgeting and deserve a rigorous, fact-based public debate.

Highly compensated public employees banded by 2017 income.
Compiling this database was a spending genome project of sorts. It was a million-dollar effort. In one year, we filed requests and captured data from nearly 60,000 government employers, broke open the files, mapped the information, and posted it online.
The result is treasure-trove of oversight opportunity. It represents approximately 85% of all public employment at every level of government.
Now, it’s up to you to call out waste and inefficiency in your government bodies. Use our interactive map and search by ZIP code, the top 2 million public employees making more than $95,000. Or, use our website to see all 19 million salary records.
Open the books on your local taxing body. See how they are spending your property, sales, and income taxes. Then, raise your voice and demand better government in your own backyard.
Remember, it’s your money.
About the Author: Adam Andrzejewski (say: Angie-eff-ski) is the CEO & Founder of – one of the largest private databases of government spending in the world.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Infrastructure across our country (USA) is falling apart, ESPECIALLY in the East/Midwest, and in one example, there is a school superintendent that doesn’t even superintendent a school,, making $400,000+ per year, and that is just one person in twenty million plus, plus plus… likely far more people bilking the system… How much of Illinois crumbling pot hole ridden road, physical potholes, could be filled, with that 400K, by a number of people earning far too much like; $20+ Per hour, to stand there with a sign that says “stop” on one side and “slow” on the other, whilst all the time technologies which could eliminate both roads and ground vehicles is suppressed? So we have a rip off artist, stealing road money, which might otherwise be paid to those doing the road repairs at blatantly overpaid wages…
I know, these are disjointed subjects however, it does go to show that the corruption pervades every aspect of American society. GREED, is all encompassing and utterly pervasive in our “civilization” (if one can call it that). So there is a superintendent, in Chicagoland, screwing over and blindly robbing the taxpayers, not like (most) everyone in government is not doing so. That is why, IT ALL, MUST STOP.
After the Event:
I’d suggest respectfully, WE FIRE EVERYONE IN GOVERNMENT, and in the future set all pay starting at Minimum Wage for entry level and regulate by law, no public employee makes more than TWICE minimum wage level, EVER. That might bring in exactly the kinds of people we want in government, whom wish to provide a “Public Service” (not a “public heist”) and get big $$$$$ out of government.
PS Note: Due to hacking, my Email address no longer valid, no replies can be read unless I accidentally happen upon them.
It always was and will be like that, in every country, because, we the people never opened our mouth and kept on paying, every year more, they always got more, the people always got less, because we were to afraid or to ignorant to protest about it.
yes I had come to the conclusion it was 20 million government employees on payroll. However this figure does not take into account the privatization efforts of our elected officials as well as contractors and NGO’s (Non Governmental Entities) as well as the military industrial complex otherwise known as the Corporate Welfare State on the dole. The throw in over 3300 redundant county government and employees, 50 redundant state governments and employees, and 19,500 redundant municipal government and employees and their contractors and NGO’s. There are so many invested in the status quo remaining the same it is difficult to imagine (Allthough I do as I have a powerful imagination) meaningful change happening.