MEGA BUBBLE… The world economy is in free-fall and US citizens are carrying their highest debt burden in recorded history.

IF this is the correction/MELTDOWN to fair value in the markets, IT COULD NOT BE HITTING AT A WORSE TIME.

Remember- the markets have ONE job, to determine fair value.

When you have central banks deliberately rigging the debt market, there is NO REAL PRICE DISCOVERY MECHANISM.

This creates MEGA BUBBLES.

Lions I have explained that when markets sell off on a Friday, followed by a subsequent sell off on a Monday, this is a harbinger of more losses to come.

This DOES NOT mean that a short term bounce will not occur.. Markets do not rise, nor drop in a linear fashion… GM

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  1. Thou Kingdom Come
    And God’s Will Be Done
    On Earth as They do in
    We must NEVER FORGET it’s God’s Earth, God’s Universe, And God’s Gold, God’s Jewels, and God’s Money! And I do not believe ANY one will be telling The Living God, Jesus Christ (in the Bible) how he’s going to establish his Kingdom on his Earth! He is God of All his Humanity. If you have a thumbprint, you are God’s!

  2. My Crystal ball says this Fiat/rigged system will have imploded by spring
    Welcome into the golden economy

  3. It makes one wonder how close we are to the New World Order. I constantly see more roadwork and more cameras installed every few yards. More and more events to tighten the control of the population. The clueless ones supporting the oppressors.

  4. Sounds like the impending repeat of 2008. SARS scare, a push for vaccinations, crash of the banks…. small business and many home owners lost much, if not all.


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