By Tyler Durden,
Italy has suspended payments on mortgages due to the coronavirus outbreak as more than 9,000 people have been infected and over 460 have died, the government announced on Tuesday.
When asked about halting mortgage payments on Radio Anch’io, deputy economic minister Laura Castelli said “Yes, that will be the case, for individuals and households,” according to The Independent.
Meanwhile, panicked residents crammed into supermarkets to stock up as the entire country entered a lockdown on Tuesday morning, while Italian streets were virtually empty after the government ordered people to avoid travel except for “urgent, verifiable work situations and emergencies or health reasons,” according to the Daily Mail.
Tourist favourites including Milan’s shopping galleries, Rome’s Spanish Steps and Vatican’s St Peter’s Square were all but deserted today after the drastic coronavirus measures were extended to the entire country last night.
Panic-buyers were packing into supermarkets this morning with queues stretching outside because of a rule that demands a 3ft gap between shoppers – meaning only a limited number can go inside at once.
In Naples, police were roaming the streets with a loudhailer last night to warn people to ‘stay indoors, avoid unnecessary outings and avoid crowded places’ because of the ‘coronavirus emergency’.
Prime minister Giuseppe Conte declared last night that ‘everyone must give up something to protect the health of citizens.’ –Daily Mail

Businesses are obviously suffering from the impact of the lockdown, as the empty streets of Rome have turned quiet. Bars and restaurants are only allowed to be open between 6am and 6pm, and must keep customers a minimum distance of 1 meter (3.2 feet) apart, according to SBS. Moreover, museums and cultural venues are closed, along with nightclubs, cinemas, theaters and casinos. Department stores must close on public holidays and the day before public holidays.
The flow-on effect has been immediate.
Raffaello Sasson’s family has owned a clothing shop in Rome since 1970 but he says conditions have never been so dire.
“This is right now much worse than 11th of September and Chernobyl put together. This is the worst we have seen, right now.” –SBS
“The last two weeks have been tragic, in the historic centre here, not even a single tourist. We have been here for 15 years and it’s never happened,” said restaurant owner Francesco Massotte, whose high-end eatery typically books people months in advance.
Outside Trevi Fountain, tourists saw signs warning of interactions with others.
“I was eating lunch today and in the restaurant, there was a sign saying ‘stay away from people, sit a metre away from other people’,” one man told SBS.
At least they won’t have to pay their mortgages for a while.
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I heard that Italy has such a high death rate from the virus because over 50% of their population is over the age of 65!!!!!!!!!!!!
Extremely interesting read. I am vegetarian and hope that more people will realize that eating animals must stop, however, people do not listen or try to understand that concept. They are apparently brainwashed and living a lie that meat is the only protein to sustain life. We cannot control them, we cannot make them understand.
I live in Italy and I confirm what Benjamin says.
Catherine (Rome)
There is a ‘gift’ of understanding and much needed change in every situation and it just might be that the gift of the outbreak of the coronavirus will cause people to stop supporting the cruel meat butcher/processing industry that continues to destroy our environment, health and sanity and we will decide to stop eating meat. Because the virus – a pathogen that lives in animals and humans because humans have been eating animals – we are being forced to change our habits to value our health and self-respect above all else.
Just because something has existed for a long time doesn’t mean it should have been or will continue to be. And traditions have destroyed more than one culture and country.
Why Italy? I am certain there is more than one reason, but considering that white flour is no longer being bleached with a fairly benign bleaching agent but today is bleached with alloxan, a grievous poison, pasta which is very popular in Italy is bleached with that same poison (and approved for U.S. consumption by the way) putting them and all of us in harms way to the extreme. Alloxan exacerbates any condition the individual might have, in this case, the coronavirus obtained from animals. (Another dark forces’ population reduction program corporations and individuals are all too willing to support or question.)
It would appear that today animals are having their revenge upon people who continue to support an industry of filth and cruelty – the butchering of our brothers and sisters in different physical bodies than our own. And, because humans continue to contaminate the air, water and earth with toxins – insecticides, herbicides, GMO, chemtrails etc. – the very elemental kingdom that make and support our physical bodies and everything we work and create with, it just may be that the Elementals are taking advantage of the opportunity to say ‘no more.’
The Elemental Kingdom is far more powerful than anything humans could create. It is the energies of the Earth’s Elementals that the Elemental human body uses for everything, including war. If we do not change our habits and attitudes, the Elementals can and will destroy all structures dependent upon the use of their sacred energies for destructive agendas. Angered, the Elementals are very capable of creating, fires, floods, tornadoes, stop the growth of our food and creation of the air we breathe. Time to grow up and look at what is being done to the Mother Earth’s Elementals without which we cannot experience our lives in physical bodies. We are beginning to pay the price of arrogance and indifference that can only get worse if we refuse to make the much needed changes NOW.