What do underground homosexual communities and Protestant Evangelicals have to do with each other?
That was the question I asked while pursuing the back cover of a book called “Putin’s Russia.” Reading that the author, Anne Garrels, was an NPR correspondent, I knew that the book would have one once of reality for every pound of propaganda. NPR has such a clearly liberal agenda.
The phrase on the back cover that got my attention was this:
“We discover surprising subcultures, like a vibrant underground gay community and a circle of determined Protestant Evangelicals ….”
This is a curious combination.
In America, for what is called the “liberal left,” Protestant Evangelicals are generally treated like bad guys. They are portrayed as narrow-minded “bigots” who oppose abortions and “sexual rights” (homosexualism). Yet, in the above phrase the reader is clearly intended to pity two conflicting groups.
So why would a liberal reporter want me to pity Protestant Evangelicals?
Rather than simply trusting the small phrase quoted on the back of the book, I decided to read more. In the book, I read a chapter titled, “The Believers”. Presently, my goal not to refute the chapter itself. Rather, I want to point out a very important principle.
The chapter promoted a typical Western view. Evil forces of government and religion — in this case the Orthodox Church — are banding together to oppress small groups of various Protestants. The author’s view of Orthodoxy is painfully superficial.
My principle point is reflected in the paradox that, from the liberal view, Protestant Evangelicals are bad in America, and yet in Russia they are victimized groups to be pitied. The reader will understand by the end, I hope, that this is indeed not a paradox.
Protestantism is one of the beginning stages of relativism. (Once relativism morphs out of its beginning stages it no longer needs Protestantism, and then it turns upon it as an enemy.)
Before I proceed, I will first say: I was a Protestant. I spent time in the 90’s in the former Soviet Union as a “missionary.” I have some personal experience to draw upon. Second, I recognize that there are numerous good and warmhearted Protestant persons, some who work very zealously. Third, clearly Protestants get some things right. Yet as St. Ignatius of Antioch points out, even just a drop of poison in honey will kill you.
I am seeking to address a system, one that claims to be Christian, but in reality it is simply the early stages of Western European “rationalism,” “emotionalism,” “relativism,” and such, dressed up in Christian clothing. This is why a majority of Protestants are resistant to the True manifestation of Christianity in the Orthodox Church. Orthodoxy is not a product of “late-medieval” to present Western European worldviews, as is Protestantism.
Relativism is basically a rejection of ultimate objective Truth. My Protestant friends will say, “Wait! We do not reject Truth! We believe in Jesus and the Bible!” Let’s see what that belief is founded upon.
To clear the way for relativism, first must come subjective individualism, which may be called Subjectivism. Subjectivism is soft relativism. Moreso than its mother Rome, Protestantism subjectivized the Truths of Christianity. (I believe the argument could be made that Rome first “individualized” truth in the person of the Pope, and thus Protestantism is simply a multiplication of this original error of Rome, but that is beyond the scope of this article at this point.)
In a very interesting book called “The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society,” the author, Brad S. Gregory, observes,
Christian truth claims vary greatly across different individuals, congregations, churches, and traditions. In countless ways they conflict with one another. As the doctrine analogue to the institutional variety apparent under the entry “Churches” in the yellow pages of American telephone books, Christian truth claims exhibit an extremely wide, open-ended range in terms of their content and status and importance among their respective proponents. What Christians believe about Bible, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, church(es), collective worship, prayer, morality, social justice, ecumenism, the importance of theological doctrines, the significance of scholarships of faith, or believers’ relationship to the wider society, for example varies enormously. Somewhere, at some time, by some congregation or individual, almost anything has gone or still goes under the adjective “Christian.” Combined with this vast pluralism is the widespread (but not unanimous) view that whatever its particular content, religious conviction is a highly personal, individual matter, such that only each person can determine what is right and best for him or her. In matters of religious truth claims, each person is widely thought to be his or her own sovereign authority; this is in effect what freedom of religion means. Certainly it is what the laws of Western states protect.
Above, Mr. Gregory sums up the visible fruit of the ethos of Protestantism today. What he describes in basic is subjectivism, for when “truth” is predicated on limited and fallible individual feelings and experiences it becomes completely subjective (it also becomes something completely sourced from mere men). In fact, truth itself becomes obsolete and the subjective individual becomes the real standard and foundation of supposed “truth claims.” Ultimately in such a paradigm truth becomes meaningless. Ultimately, there is no objective (outside of the individual) Truth. The standard of Revealed Christian Truth is swept away in the tyranny of the individual. Protestantism is the quintessential religion of the individual.
How many times have I heard from Protestants, “No one has a corner on truth!” Well, then why Christianity?! If there is no corner on truth and whatever an individual believes is “true” to him, then religions are just man-made structures, all of them — including Christianity itself! This is the clear and right conclusion that the modern world has come to based upon Protestantism’s relativizing of truth.
Or, mostly in Charismatic Evangelical circles, one may hear the phrase, “Well, that’s not what the Spirit is saying to me!” Again the point of reference is the subjective individual – individualism – not actual Spirit or Truth. The “Spirit” or “Bible” is simply used to shore up the individual’s own self-chosen and desired subjective “truth-claim.”
Orthodoxy does not claim that one individual has a corner on Truth. It claims that the Body of Christ — the Church — does (cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). It also clearly claims and substantiates that this Revelation is directly from God. Thus, it is never predicated on “mere men.” This is an objective, real, and actual standard by which all persons, in all times, may equally and clearly gauge their “Christian-ness”.
Protestantism stripped Christianity of its objectivity.
A very interesting philosopher of the 20th century by the name of Rene Guenon in his book “The Crises of the Modern World,” critiques Protestantism’s role in crises in these terms:
It is therefore in the realm of religion that we shall have to consider the revolt against the traditional outlook, a revolt which, when it had acquired a definite form, became known as Protestantism; it is not difficult to see that this is a manifestation of individualism; indeed one could call it individualism as applied to religion. Protestantism, like the modern world, is built upon a mere negation, the same negation of principles that is the essence of individualism … Consequently the modern outlook was bound to reject all spiritual authority in the true sense of the word, namely authority that is based upon the supra-human order, as well as any traditional organization … Protestantism denied the authority of organization … and in its place claimed to set up ‘free criticism’, that is to say any interpretations resulting from private judgment, even that of the ignorant and incompetent, and based exclusively on the exercise of human reason … the door was left open to all manner of discussions, divergencies, and deviations; and the result could not but be dispersion in an ever-growing multitude of sects, each of which represents no more than the private opinion of certain individuals.
Guenon continues with these strong but pertinent words:
Nothing and nobody is any longer in the right place; men no longer recognize any effective authority in the spiritual order or any legitimate power in the temporal; the ‘profane’ presume to discuss what is sacred, and to contest its character and even its existence; the inferior judges the superior, ignorance sets the bounds of its own wisdom, error prevails over truth, the human is substituted for the Divine, earth has priority over Heaven, the individual sets the measure for all things and claims to dictate to the universe laws drawn entirely from his own relative and fallible reason. ‘Woe unto you, ye blind guides,’ the Gospel says; and indeed everywhere today one sees nothing but blind leaders of the blind, who, unless, restrained by some timely check, will inevitably lead them into the abyss, there to perish with them.
Mr. Geunon rightly deduces that Protestantism is the spiritual foundation of the modern secular world.
Protestantism birthed a “new christianity” one that is firmly based in anthropocentricity rather than theocentricity. Elucidating points about the development of the Western mind, Alexander Solzhenitsyn makes these point which are also equally applicable to Protestantism:
Rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of man from any higher force above him. It could be called anthropocentricity, with man seen as the center of everything that exists.
To justify its own fragmented, individualized, and divided existence Protestantism rather than repenting of its un-Christian ethos, adds insult to injury by rejecting any Christian claim to full and ultimate Truth. This is the basis of the bad ecclesiology of Protestantism manifested in ideas such as “the invisible church” or “the branch theory.” Since no one group, it claims, has the “fullness” (again absurd in the view of True Christianity), all of the countervailing opinions are brought together and mixed into an unintelligible cocktail, which will unite all (?!). Anti-unity becomes its basis of unity.
Thus, in history Protestantism is one of the first great attacks against Ultimate Christian Truth and Revelation.
If Christianity cannot give a person full and complete ultimate Truth it is worthless.
The whole claim of true Christianity is that it is the full Revelation of ultimate Truth, in as much as we can bear it.
Picture a bunch of people all claiming to believe in mathematics but simultaneously claiming that no one can ever really get the right answers and that all answers have equal value! For some 2+2 equals 6, for others 8, for some 1,338,245; and for others it equals -10. The nominal claim to believe in mathematics is refuted by the refusal to apply the objective standards thereof.
As objective standards are vital to true math working properly, so they are to true Christianity. If wrong mathematical equations in the engineering field could result in the physical death of people (thus the great importance of doing math correctly according to the proven objective standards), how much more will the misuse of Christian truth result in the spiritual death of people?
Subjective individualism is a vital foundation of secularism. It is the ground upon which it grows. Protestantism is religious subjective individualism.
There is an old saying, “Boil the frog slowly.” The move of the “Western” world from its clearly ancient Christian roots to its current “secular” state is a process that has taken hundreds of years. Anti-Christian secularism could not just be born in a flash. First, its “new” mindset and ideas had to have a religious context (for the world of that time was inevitably religious), and Protestantism provided that context. It is nascent secularism.
One example of the kindred relationship between Protestantism and Secularism, which I’ve pointed out before, is found in Elite American families such as the Rockefellers. They understood that Protestant mission work orientated nations toward America and “Western values.” Once this happened it became easier for Western influence to take hold. The Rockefellers therefore supported various Protestant missions because they were the ice breakers, so to speak. They broke a path in which the Western secular market and influences could more easily follow (all this is spoken about in the official biography, The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty. Peter Collier & David Horowitz).
I noticed this very principle a bit when I was a Protestant missionary. As we “turned people to Christ” we inevitably turned them to American authority and influence (needless to say most of the “leaders” were Americans). The center of influence for them inevitably became “Western” and fragmented.
I hope it is clear now why the liberal left in the first-mentioned book is so concerned with Protestant Evangelicals in Russia.
They know that Protestantism will dutifully and zealously fulfill its role as a disintegrator of Ultimate Truth, albeit possibly unwittingly. Once Christianity can be relativized it stands no chance against the aggressive force of final secular and godless relativism. Protestantism is relativism with Christian clothing, thus it is easier to sell to more “traditional” cultures. Thus, Protestant missions play a vital role in the initial preparation of a culture to receive a full dose of “Western values.”
This is why the West at first fights zealously for “religious rights”, which it will later seek to revoke, as it is doing in America and elsewhere.
This is why the West always sees true Orthodoxy as the enemy — because the Orthodox Church refuses to recant her God-given gift of Ultimate Revealed Truth. This is also why both the liberals and Protestants think that Orthodox are arrogant. — “You think you are the only right ones!” — See how the Protestant and liberal mindsets coincide to a certain extent. This is why, in the first quote provided above, the liberal author is so sympathetic to Protestants and hostile toward the Orthodox. Orthodoxy has nothing of secularism, whereas Protestantism is of the same cloth.
On one stage (in “non-western” cultures) Protestantism must be cultivated so that it may fragment and deconstruct Christian Revelation and Truth and local culture, and then on another stage (such as in America), once it has served its purpose, it will be turned upon to be destroyed because it refuses (mostly) to progress and extend the theory of relativism past the boundaries of “Jesus.” And by this point, this compromised version of Christianity is too fragmented to successfully resist.
For the end result of “freedom from Truth” and the festivity of amorality and immorality, Secularism patiently endures and even nurtures its beginning stage, which is Protestantism.
Without any intention of doing so, my dear Protestant friends are paving the way for those underground homosexual clubs to come out into broad daylight, to be celebrated and lauded. And any who oppose will be told, “How dare you think you have a corner on truth!” That’s why two seemingly contrary groups can sometimes be lumped together in the same sentence, and it makes complete sense.
Why hold on to the errors which men such as Luther and Calvin set into motion? Why continue in a system limited by paradigms born in an already-falling West? There is a home for all in true Christianity — the Orthodox Church. I think the devil fears what would happen if all who claimed to be Christian truly repented and came home to the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you desire to save the West, there is no way to do it without the Orthodox Church. A reset to Protestantism will only restart the inevitable process of godless secularization.
Fr. Zechariah Lynch is an Orthodox priest in Pueblo, Colorado, at the Archangel Michael Orthodox Church. He blogs at The Inkless Pen, and is a regular contributor at Russian Faith.

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To quote article;
“If there is no corner on truth and whatever an individual believes is “true” to him, then religions are just man-made structures, all of them — including Christianity”
DUH,, this statement sums it up “there is no corner on truth” (no all controlling all powerful all dictating church, no) but, the author takes a completely incorrect (my view) tac on it.
Although I understand and respect their right to believe what they do but, I do, respectfully, disagree… Humankind requires no authoritarian imposed belief structure because no one religion, has “a corner” on truth nor enlightenment…not even my own, though I personally,, find it, more true, every year.
All religions have been man-created out of a singular core belief of ‘higher powers’ in the universe, coming out of the dark ages of humanity and no one knows, for certain, apparently, the origins, tens, or even hundreds of thousands, or perhaps, millions,, of years ago.
If there is one thing my pre-ministerial (Christian) self education, and church directed, training, proved to me was, that ultimately, “God” (IF indeed, there even is, such an all powerful supreme authority, in the Christian sense, and clearly I do not believe in so limited, a way of looking at ‘God’) in my humble opinion, is not to be found in any church! That the higher power to which so much has been attributed (which in Christianity has brought 2000 years of bloodshed, murder, rape, and countless destructions, violences & wars in Christian history was done over), is more than this religiously limited definition, and is both, within oneself and without (just as science is proving there is no division between us as individuals, we are, literally “one” life force, all connected), expressed as the universe and everything within it, as the life force itself, supporting all living things…much like the wind, IT is there, we can see IT’s effect but, we cannot define it… That there are “messengers”, teachers, and prophets among all religious beliefs because, that enlightenment comes both from within and without, making these lauded messengers, teachers, and prophets, no more special than you or I, and that being the case, therefore, no man,, and thereby,, no organization, can dictate, to an individual, the nature,, of their convictions, nor beliefs. Such must, by its nature, come from within through personal enlightenment, and without, through “heavenly” [heaven = sky every use, in the Bible, thus, the “Angels” and other heavenly beings are sky messengers ie: possibly, likely, UFO occupants] intervention which has brought humans ideas, concepts and thoughts upon which humankind alone, has created all these various religious beliefs, through INDIVIDUAL INTERPRETATIONS AND EXPERIENCES and retelling these stories, experiences and concepts developed in secular organizations.
As it should be, and so, is,, provided for the individual to consume in their quest for enlightenment, at will. It is only when said offerings come with ‘strings attached’, do we run into problems, which every religion does when it tries to dictate enlightenment or the direction, the individuals life, should take (as they did with me).
Spiritual understanding might be prompted (sometimes) by attendance of such secular, organized, religious group services (or even just reading a book, or meditating) but, “Truth” can only be found individually,, starting within, through one’s own personal inquiries, investigation, experience and personal conceptualizations of spirituality, by combing these.
There is, no,, ‘right’ religion. It always was, always is, always will be, an individual experience, and anyone suggesting any differently, is seeking to control others. In my humble opinion, thereby attempting to steal, from them, the individual having that personal revelation and experience with their ‘higher power’ and instead replace it with their conceptualization, ie; “brainwash” the individual to believing what they, believe, and not permitting them their own enlightenment…. This is a difficult concept to grasp, considering religious programming we’re all exposed to particularly as innocent children, and it’s an even more difficult one to apply, attempting to provide ‘helpful enlightenment’ when we can offer it, by our personal experience, and yet, allowing individuals to ‘experience’ their ‘enlightenment’ for themselves without, interference and trying to dictate or control it but, this is, one of, again, in my opinion, the highest of spiritual concepts (laws), we dare not break.
At least that is how I saw it in 1987-88 when I walked away from Christianity over such attempted imposed control (not long after I was first offered a scholarship to the “Worldwide Church of God” (WWCG) Ministerial college Big Sandy TX., and again, when I was offered a congregation by the 125 congregation members (of original 220) whom left the WWCG congregation as a result of me (their decision, not mine, in fact I neve4 advised anyone this course, only publicly choosing it myself putting this in a letter to the congregation), and again, when I was sought out by a local Baptist minister and after interviewing me (did not know he was at the time) offered a Baptist Seminary scholarship some five years later and I, not seeing much enlightenment in Christianity for me, and seeing too many unanswered questions I had (that probably most do not even consider) which were not being answered within Christianity (any branch, I studied most early 80’s), so I walked away (and was promptly disfellowshipped in Chicago, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Minneapolis, and as far as Cedar Rapids Iowa and congregations between for my religious viewpoint which disagreed with the local WWCG minister and contesting the church doctrines biblically, in said letter) by WWCG named as evil, and by the way, to this day, no WWCG member anywhere, can upon identifying me, speak to or have any business dealings, with me, -like I care but, if you are a member, as per your church orders, you should not read such dangerous words, dangerous to your carefully crafted programming)…
Since that time, taking my enlightenment power back, and being enlightened by my own research, my personal ‘higher power’ and ‘heavenly messengers’ whom have influence within my life, not to mention some extra sensory gifts, and as I have previously posted on, and, even,, I believe,, telepathic communication and enlightenment, which has been graciously (grace) granted to me. I don’t “know it all” (not by any stretch of imagination) nor am I, unlike churches, seeking followers, I just try to do my part (my mission) putting such concepts, principles, and my personal enlightenment out there, it’s up to the individual if this ‘resonates with their inner’, the others, should look elsewhere, as it’s not meant for them (yet).
It may seem redundant to say but, to the author I would reply: Every individual must come to their own enlightenment, on their own, by their own path, and there is, NO one, NO right, path. Only the individual can know,, if the path they are on is the correct one for them at that point in their spiritual unfoldment, and if it is not, to, as their own inner enlightenment dictates, change that, as their own, personal enlightenment, their spiritual unfoldment, dictates. That, I think sums up the Protestant Reformation, a simple break with concepts and beliefs, which no longer fit, their viewpoint, and quite honestly, I see nothing wrong in that regard. We are all, on this journey individually and collectively, it is up to us, to decide where our enlightenment is, and how,, to get there. All paths lead there, it’s just, your choice to take the one which resonates most, with you, at the time, and just as you can walk in the doors of a given organization or church, you can jus5 as easily walk back out…or you should,, be able to, and if not,, it migh5 be an even greater reason to reconsider participation with such….I did, and am much closer to “God” (or one could phrase it, my beliefs and my experiences spiritually, now coalesce in a way, I neve4 considered possible before breaking the Christian chains binding my will and blinding my enlightenment. I understand,, far more now, than at any previous time in my life but, that was my destiny. Never let anyone, control yours.
Victory to the Light, Truth, & Love
Thank you, Tye A Hampton. You seem to have journeyed through the straight and narrow and the byways or dead-end alleys, in your life with experiences related to church-institutes. I can relate to that for some part, for I’m a minister’s daughter, growing up with a Protestant Calvinistic congregation in the strictness of the 50’s in The Netherlands.
I’ve learned some things because of this start in life, and although I’m not following that regime, nor visit churches for a service, to this day I’m visiting old churches of villages, or beautiful cathedrals, such as the one in Salisbury UK, where I can feel the loyalty and dedication of a congregation that is genuinely holding values that honor the imperfect human nature and the joy of a Christian attitude in practical life, with a helpful attitude.
Where the church is kept beautiful with flowers and one notices that people care for the maintenance of the interior, the quilts on the wall or the altar, made by residents who keep the place clean and who offer candles for the candleholder, to burn one for a suffering soul, at a price of 20 pennies each. And every Wednesday night the bellringers show up, pulling the ropes. It’s all part of British rural life.
It’s sweet and endearing, church life is a comfort for many who live through these trying times in the UK and nowadays, a number of churches organize lunch-clubs for those who are alone at home and who enjoy sitting at the table with others, in the presence of the vicar and his wife. I’ve met lovely and very lively church members in Britain, fully engaged with life in the 21st century. This was a healing experience for me, at times very moving.
Where you say that you’re closer to God now, is something I can wholeheartedly believe. For isn’t it true that when one tries to live an authentic life, that life supports that ardor, bringing one closer to God? In whose image we’re supposed to be made?
Whatever image or feeling we experience, saying that word? Our hearts know and the place where it’s known is most private and sacred, I believe.
No Institute should make it its business to impose a ride through a car-wash street for our soul in order to appear clean-shaven, in white robes, entering the gates of Heaven.
The Bible is called holy because it is full of holes!!!! Written and rewritten by the Catholic church, how sad Protestants ended up following suit because it makes their own ‘protection rackets’ easier to sell. From centuries of having the Catholic church force its protection racket on Humanity – Inquisitions, rape and burning at the stake – created terror in the hearts of Humanity that today is exacerbated by our own dark forces’ controlled government.
The Bible is a Piece of Literature that is not meant for everyone. It has Beautiful Poetry in the Old Testament & has Deep Allegory in The New Testament. I would not say it was written by the Catholic church, Rosicrucian would be closer to the Truth. The Inquisitions you speak of would be the Catholic Church, but Not The Writings itself. I would not go to the book store & expect to get facts & truth of any book, say on any history especially when it comes to War. One should not believe Shakespeare wrote any of his work considering he was illiterate as well as his children. It’s O.K. if the Bible does not speak to you. I agree that Religion itself is a breeding ground for all kinds of mischief or malicious behavior. But it does not come from the writings of The Bible itself.
With very, very few exceptions, churches continue to be dictated to by the ‘central church’ from which the minister has received his/her ‘education’ (programming). And this ‘central church’ continues to tell the minister of their individual churches what to preach each week. In return, the ‘central church’ is given a percentage of what each minister receives from his congregation each Sunday. In this way, religions continues to be in service to the dark forces’ agendas of control and manipulate of religions to control and manipulate humans who give up their ability to think for themselves; those who willingly choose to believe that they will be ‘saved’ simply by attending church. So, instead of working with and worshiping what lives within – the God/dess – they become cross-worshipers, who worship the minister of their church, out of fear and ignorance.
I had a friend tell me that he was hired to photograph a wedding and was told by the minister of that ceremony “You should be afraid of me.” (My answer would have been, I do, I fear your arrogance and ignorance!)
When this author early on states “clearly Protestants get some things right.” I knew this was going to be a waste of time! I mean, I have to laugh out loud that He makes such a claim or suggestion, that they get some things right. LOL and surely those things they get right match up with what He believes, feels is truth and makes sense to Him. Actually, that statement by this author is as far as I went thus far…..it seems this author is the authority on Truth and has all the facts to back up His truth….which we really know are “opinions”! You see, the only thing you get from any and all churches is opinions. Nothing more! They read and study and memorize some ancient writings that somebody decided to have us all believe were important or carrying truth. The people who swallow all this crap from the church and the old writings know nothing whatsoever about the authors, their agendas, biases, claim to fame, desires, desires for power or how corrupt they were or may have been. And yes, of course, money plays a role for sure! All this points to the Truth that the old writings are not from God or the One Source or Divinity. Every church has their own opinions you see. All of them!….Yet nobody running ANY church was around in the days these writings in that book were gathered up, edited, flavored, doctored, imbued or left out! We are now a World full of everyday people who can speak for God! This is a fact! Just go outside your house, to the store, post office, workplace, garbage dump….anywhere! I will get back to this article to SEE just where this author is coming from and where He is going…..
Interesting, I was just thinking the other day how nice it would be for there to only be One (True) Christian branch. I don’t like Evangelicals because they support Zionism, I don’t care to go back to Catholic Church because it is run by The Vatican & The (UN) Holy Sea, I tried many other branches in the last 5 years & they were all going against the writings of Romans first chapter & collaborating with LGBTQ.
The argument against Protestantism is fair, as were the off-hand remarks towards Catholicism. Yet the author maintains the a priori assumption that Orthodox Christianity is soundly God’s revelation. I do not agree with or consent to that assumption, faulty as it is. God’s revelation in Christ is lost to the ages, due to all of those religions, but may always be found by the sincere. The point then, is to decide if you want to know and will be that sincere person.
People from institutionalized organizations help the lazy and insincere.