President Trump’s Partnership with Prime Minister Modi could wipe almost $1 Trillion Dollars off Big Pharma’s books


By guest contributor C. Harrison-Smith:

It would appear that President Trump has not forgotten the Pharmaceutical Industry’s role in the attempted Impeachment of the president. The president’s pact with Prime Minister Modi of India is already paying off. By partnering with India and introducing Ayurveda Medicine to Americans, President Trump has wiped out almost $1 Trillion dollars from Big Pharma!

According to new research released by the American Diabetes Association, the total costs of diagnosed diabetes has risen from $245 billion in 2012 to $327 billion in 2017 which represents a 26% increase over a five-year period. Depending on the patient’s insurance, the monthly cost for diabetes medicine can cost anywhere from 0 dollars to $500 per month.

According to US News, cholesterol-lowering drugs Praluent and Repatha may cost as much as $12,000 per year — for life. High Cholesterol drugs account for 17% of all healthcare costs. Direct medical costs related to Cardiovascular Disease were $278 billion in 2013. Indirect costs related to Cardiovascular Disease were $172 billion in 2013.

According to the Cancer Action Network, Americans spent more than $87.8 billion on cancer related treatments.

Amla, or Indian Goose Berries, has been proven to be more effective than the leading diabetes drug and cost less than $5 for a one month supply of the dried powder, of which only ½ teaspoon is needed per day.

Amla vs. Diabetes

Healthy Cholesterol | John Douillard’s LifeSpa

Amla treats cancer very effectively.

Amla vs. Cancer Cell Growth


The Cost of Diabetes

The Cost of Diabetes Medication

The Cost of Cancer

Groundbreaking Specialty Drugs Come With High Costs

Trump suggests without evidence that pharmaceutical industry could be pushing impeachment probe

“Carpe Diem!”, Seize the day!

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  1. Hi,
    There is an Ayurveda clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Ladd. Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of medicine. Its been on this Earth for thousands of years.
    Thank You.

  2. Excellent! Its about time p-harm-aceuticals are being exposed for what they are – toxins with terrible side-effects. Each of us is very capable of healing ourselves with natural herbs!

    • Hello Dhara Wood, I agree with your comment much. It seems that this enormous attack on our health, now and in the last 50 or more years, is backfiring in the end. It’s as I always feel about it, there’s a wisdom of life, moving into place whenever life is disobeyed and abused, putting an end to schemes and lies.

      I was stunned, with my ears to the ceiling, when I heard Dr. Judy Mikovits talk about the time of Britain’s World Empire status, with people living in extreme wealth, paying doctors for remedies unheard of still, but already tinkered with in the cellars of what would grow into the pharmaceutical industry later.

      Such extravagant remedies were vaccines, based on experimental practice, used for patients who were able to pay for them. A treatment from the doctor, to keep a person alive, knowing that money came flowing from that same person.

      But that’s not the point, really. The point is, that Dr. Judy Mikovits said, in the end “That has caused enormous bedlam”. As far as I understand the word “bedlam”, to me it seems that this deGENEration, in wealthy British people, might be at the root of what still could affect their offspring, the GENErations living in Britain to this day.

      So very often I’ve felt as if something is wrong, as in an abomination, in many British citizens’ presence. First, I assumed it was the drinking and drug abuse, and then I felt it was a mind program in full swing in Britain. Due to the presence of the Tavistock Institute.
      But hearing about the vaccines applied to British ancestors, gosh! It’s maybe all 3 in 1?


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