After nearly 60 straight nights of violence, business owners in Portland are sick and tired of riots. But as their stores go under, the coastal media treats the rioters to glowing coverage and city authorities do nothing.
Portland is a liberal stronghold, and as ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests fizzle out around the country, anger remains at boiling point in the Oregonian city. The protests there have not been all banner-waving and slogan-chanting affairs though. Instead, droves of ‘Antifa’ types have laid siege to the city’s Justice Center for almost 2 months, tearing down barricades, lobbing fireworks, setting fires and stabbing each other.In articles published every few days, these store owners, barmen and restaurateurs describe how the riots have driven them to the brink of bankruptcy. One clothing store manager told Oregon Live on Saturday that within days of coronavirus restrictions being lifted, he reopened his family’s store, only to watch rioters trash the premises in late May, days after the killing of George Floyd kicked off the season of unrest.Most of those involved in the riots would probably say they’re fighting police brutality or fascism, or something of the sort, but besides those injured in that fight there are other victims of the unrest – local business owners have repeatedly complained about the riots to the local media.
Other business owners told the news site that the city’s usually vibrant downtown is “desolate,” with tourism down and even locals giving the city center a wide berth. One bar owner shut down his watering hole in early July, after closing out one day with only $18.75 in sales.

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We are seeing a 180 degree turn around by the fake news media and Democrats on the subject of federal “stormtroopers.” Back ’92 and ’93 when federal jack-booted fascist thugs from the ATF and the FBI and the US Marshalls were murdering Randy Weaver’s wife and son in north Idaho and mass murdering Branch Davidians near Waco Texas, the corporate news media establishment and the Democrats on the House Government Oversight Committee just blamed the victims and did everything that they could imagine to get the attention off the mass murderers. .
If you look at the way they are dressed for combat you can see these people are rioters not protesters treat them accordingly!