Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

It’s Your Funeral – Amazing Polly
How sad that amazing Polly’s video is taken down. I’m almost sure she’s been right on track and sharp as a pen-knife, in her report and commentary. Revealing too much of the truth. Alas, I guess we shouldn’t allow ourselves to get used to it, I suggest. Let’s not grow calluses and accept this censorship as a given fact.
It’s great to see so many initiatives in the virtual world, finding ways to bypass and avoid it. Who’s going to be the winner in that race? The enemy gets smarter too, see? Or it may not need to, due to its knowledge of technology more advanced than we’re able to think of.
I can imagine that we would benefit, at some point, from using landlines that function when the internet is down, and crystal radios, in order to keep in touch. I’m always intrigued by that old fashioned way of communicating, like morse-code, and where I live there’s a neighbour who uses a crystal radio.
Here’s a link to what crystal radios are about and how to build them:
Oh the Drama, So why was Molly’s video pulled, because the silliness of the funeral or because she was actually exposing the Real Culprits of WW2, Joseph Stalin. I say the exposing the real culprits!
What the Video is showing is how easy it is to Manipulate people. I have No Sympathy for those who do Not Exercise ‘Their Free Will’. Molly is showing how Poland found themselves in the Pickle they were in, in the first place with The Red Terror coming out of USSR under Stalin. Technically Poland was a major instrument in Provoking WW2, they were used by Churchill. Churchill did Not come & rescue them, as promised in the ‘Polish – British Common Defense Pact’. On September 17th, 1939 Soviet Union invades Poland from the East, The Soviets massacred 10,000 Polish officers after Marshall Smigly abandoned his army.
I found Trumps speech horrid, due to the fact he was speaking of a war that never should have been fought. “The Americans , Poles & Nations of Europe” didn’t Value Individual Freedom & Sovereignty of Germany! What’s amazing to me is watching you all scratch your heads wondering “but what did we do wrong, were we not the hero’s of old…”
When you think about it, funerals have all too often been conducted in fear because the people at the funeral are afraid the individual spirit will return to terrorize them. If they let the spirit terrorize them when in a physical body, now is the time to say no to that fear and send it back “Return to sender”
Today that same undefined (having let someone abuse and control) fear is experienced as an undefined, not yet known dictator’s presence, as though that dictator had the right to do what he/she desires to do. The word is ‘NO I will not live my life to serve an evil ego.’ “Not what you will do, but what I return to you (not violence, but a returning of the thoughts, fear and any and all negative energies.) The price is too high and I shall not live my life in fear and terror of what could happen. I decide how I shall live my life, who and what enters it!!!”
It is time we empower ourselves to think and feel clearly, not what we have been programmed to do.
And just to add coming from the outskirts of London: while police stand outside Morrisons supermarket in Wimbledon backing up security guards and their enforcement of wearing masks, crimes are not being investigated as the police are too busy. My friends are having their garage repeatedly broken into, my boyfriend’s exhaust pipe was vandalised and cost him nearly £2,000 to replace, but it’s not anyone’s responsibility any more because of Coronavirus. My friend is becoming agoraphobic, and my Mum’s neighbour is too scared to visit her, but it’s OK for a police helicopter to hang over our gardens, even though we’re not doing anything wrong, and real crimes are being carried out elsewhere.
Hello Jovita Kaunang. I understand it must be frightening to be in London now. I’ve lived almost 5 years in Britain, in the S. West, the countryside. For reasons that you describe here, the surveillance and enforced “security” measures, and your garage broken into, the car damaged as well, even on the outskirts of London, I’ve felt for quite some time, that city-life isn’t the safest condition to live in.
In general, I’ve witnessed draconic decision-making in Britain, in all sorts of ways, in the Government and Town councils, especially those councils with long term sitting fossilized members who dismiss citizen’s complaints, unless that citizen has significant influence in the community. Just as an example of decision-making or the lack of it.
At any rate, I wish you strength and safety as far as you’ll be able to create, supported by those who are near you and loved.