Full update: Vaccine tourists flock to America to receive vaccine DEATH shots, while the CDC bribes dating apps to attach vaccination badges and “super likes” to dating profiles
Today’s podcast covers “vaccine tourism” where people from Mexico and even Taiwan — which is its own country, not a territory of China — are flocking to the United States to get free death shots that are misleadingly labeled “vaccines.” Many people in Taiwan, Mexico and other countries have been brainwashed into thinking America’s vaccines are somehow better, not realizing that even in America, the vaccines are engineered as depopulation weapons to exterminate the human race through infertility and spike protein deaths.
Thus, the very people who think they’re picking up “freebies” from America are about to find out they’re dead wrong. Literally.
At the same time, the CDC is bribing nine dating apps, using part of its $1 billion propaganda slush fund to push vaccine brainwashing onto the public. So now, dating apps are allowing vaccinated individuals to show special vaccine badges, as if someone being old, fat and saggy will suddenly be more attractive if they’re shedding spike protein. (“Oooh, baby, that vaccine badge is so hot! Wanna bump and grind some spike protein?”)
Japan is targeting the elderly with covid vaccines because they need to exterminate a few million of them in order to keep their own government solvent and end social benefits to the elderly. So they’re pushing hard to get covid bioweapons injected into everyone 65 and older.
Brain-dead Biden and war criminal Fauci have teamed up with a cringe-worthy transsexual “glam” model to push yet more covid vaccines, as if videos featuring creepy LGBT morons are somehow going to instantly make people love the idea of being injected with experimental vaccines. Then again, anyone dumb enough to think men can get pregnant and women have a penis is probably also dumb enough to take the vaccine death shot, too. So it’s only fitting. (Would a “lipstick on a pig” comment be out of line here?)
And in Canada, creepy vaccine predators are now ensnaring young children into getting vaccinated by offering them free ice cream. This is apparently allowed under Canadian law, which says parents have no role in parenting, and children are the property of the state. If you thought the ice cream trucks cruising down child-filled neighborhood streets were creepy, the government of Canada just upped the ante on child predators. Soon, Canadian government child predators will be chasing young kids down the street with a syringe in one hand and an ice cream scoop in the other, screaming, “It’s yummy! Don’t you want some ice cream, little boy?”
There’s much more in today’s full Situation Update podcast, found at
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Any article that refers to Biden as brain dead and fauci as a war criminal has to be taken with a grain of salt. Biden is a fucking machine when he goes into shark-mode and has more warcrimes under his foreign policies belt than I care to count. Fauci on the other hand is an American Medical Lobbiest and has done nothing outside of what you would expect of a man in his power to do.
I disagree with the way he went about the mask issue but Americans are capital driven jerks and wouldve completely depleted them in order to make a couple of bucks. As for the foreign founding to labs its kind of like – DER. Most governments contribute to fund foreign research, its also contributed through country exchange academics.
I would like to join a group here in NA but I refuse to use Fakeboo as I call F/B. The spying, the collection of personal data & the selling of that data to brokers here in all of the USA is off the charts & rampant. I read it is like a 300 billion dollar industry, most of it originating in India. Our "elected officials" of course do nothing. I selectively sign up for a few sites like yours, very selectively. – Did a little research & read as alt's – Diaspora, Mastondon, MeWe, Minds, and Vero but have not looked into them.