A lot of people have asked me for an update to my original 18 reasons article.
Many have asked if I’ve changed my stance now that the jabs have been available for longer.

I wish I could say that in the seven months since writing that post, that world events (and vaccine effectiveness) convinced me I was wrong.
That definitely did not happen.
I stand by all my original 18 reasons.
Now I have additional concerns about these jabs…many of which I find even more alarming.
Quick aside: For anyone seeing the title of this article and feeling like it’s not relevant because you already got the shot…
…can you give me one minute?
I promise:
I’m not your enemy.
This article is relevant to you.
I’m serious about understanding your perspective too.
I’m going to say at least two important things you strongly agree with.
If you make it to the end and still disagree with me, that’s ok.
Maybe in reading what’s below you’ll understand why so many people are leery of these shots.
Even better, maybe you and I can model some constructive dialogue together—at the end of this post I’ll even offer an invitation to talk with me directly if you think I’m missing the boat.
With that in mind, let me attempt to start this post with a couple of things we agree on…
1) We all want covid to go away!
I, like you, am beyond tired of this topic.
I hate the division it brings, the lives it is claiming, and the political football it has become.
2) We all want a return of our freedoms.
As I see it, the challenge with ending covid is we differ so fundamentally on what that will take.
Where one side sees compliance as the path back to freedom, the other side sees resistance as the only way to truly be free again.
Unsurprisingly, both sides are exceedingly frustrated that the other side doesn’t “get it.”
We say with contempt: “If you people would just do your part (i.e. think like me), all of this will go away.”
My friends (on either side of this discussion), the idea that one side is going to fold, is not going to happen.
So, instead of anger, avoidance, or snide comments on social media…
Come, let us reason together.
Bridging this chasm of perspective will require a lot of difficult conversations, and probably a herculean level of grace, deference, and a willingness to look for where we might be wrong.
That’s our gap, so let’s face it boldly and with humility.
May a better way start today.
My hope is that you’ll consider this post as the next step in an ongoing conversation.
To that end, if you’re inclined to comment, please do.
The rules of engagement are the same as they are for my other posts:
You must be respectful and treat others the way you want to be treated.
You have to logically present an argument not just post a link.
You can’t use labels (anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, blind sheep, etc.) – labels are divisive and intellectually lazy. Let’s do better.
Agree or disagree with me, if I see you break any of the rules, your comment will be deleted.
All right, enough with the long introduction.
Without further ado, here is why I’m more against these so-called “vaccines” than ever.
If ever there was an obvious example of willful determination by our public health officials to believe in something despite all evidence to the contrary, these injections are it.
Remember that “95% effective” story we were sold?
What a misplaced hope that turned out to be.
While we could look at compelling evidence of failure from the most vaccinated nations and states in the world (Vermont, Maine, Colorado, the UK, Wales, Chile, Seychelles, Ireland, or Mongolia), let’s just stick with the most glaring example of the utter failure of these shots—Israel.
With the belief that Israel would be the shining example of how to get back to normal, Netanyahu sold out his entire country in an exclusive contract with Pfizer.
Israel is a shining example all right, but not for vaccine effectiveness.
What am I talking about?
I’ll leave it to Dr. Peter Doshi (editor of the British Medical Journal—BMJ) for the mic-drop article about this ridiculous, efficacy sham.
Here is the inconvenient data of what Doshi calls “The elephant named ‘waning immunity’.”
In early July 2021 Israel reports the vaccine was 64% effective.
By late July 2021, Israel reported the vaccine was 39% effective.
That’s a major drop in less than a month.
Curious about the efficacy rate after that?
Me too…but Pfizer supposedly doesn’t have any data past six months into their trial—i.e. March 2021.
Um…how long have these trials been going on?
And that prompts another important question:
How could the clear signals of dramatically-waning immunity lead to a “full FDA approval”?
Side note: I’ll discuss the “full-approval” ruse shortly.
For now, let’s set aside that approval issue…
(and set aside 1. The reality that the un-injected, human immune system remains 99.9% effective at beating covid, and 2. The Lancet article that says the absolute-risk reduction a jab confers is a whopping 1.3% decreased risk at best)
…and stick with the mainstream narrative.
Given the waning efficacy, what sense do these shots make, and why in the world are they the only way back to normal?
One would think (in light of such concerning data) that world leaders would admit they picked the wrong (exclusive) strategy and at least give us more options besides mandating increasingly-worthless shots for a version of a virus that scarcely exists anymore.
Don’t hold your breath.
Here’s why…
Predictably, instead of admitting the painfully obvious, ending the jab program, or pivoting to other treatments, Israel (and now the CDC) is doing the opposite:
Now the double-jabbed get to rejoin the “unvaccinated” group.
If you’re not TRIPLE jabbed, your vaccine passport is (or will soon be) invalid.
Not only that, Israel is now gearing up for their FOURTH shot.
Let that sink in…
The first and second shot didn’t work, the third isn’t working either, so let’s plan for four?
Um…remind me the definition of insanity again.
Apparently so…
“This is our life for now, in waves” said Salman Zarka, Israel’s chief covid-19 officer.
Here’s my question: Where does this jab treadmill end?
Do we really think they can outsmart nature and “booster” our way to zero covid?
Even more concerning, do we really think rushing out a (mandatory, one-size-fits-all, liability-free) jab every few months never risks producing (another) harmful product?
Did we forget how wildly ineffective (often as low as 10%) the annual flu shots are?
Did we forget that “fully approved” drugs (that were actually studied for years) frequently get pulled from the market—hello Vioxx, Celebrex, opioids, etc?
Are we really going to embrace the idea of a no-exceptions, twice-annual (or multi-annual) “immunity membership,” sacrament, I mean passport, in order to live our lives?
But here is a concerning situation, and a super-uncomfortable reality we have to face…
Mindbender alert: Could it be that it’s actually the vaccinated who are keeping covid going?
For those who want to get bogged down in the country-by-country stats, knock yourself out, (there are 68 countries in this study) but to not get too bogged down here, let’s observe the high-level, repeated pattern.
The more vaccinated a country (or state) becomes, the more there is a corresponding surge in covid deaths, and the surge is typically higher than the natural, pre-jab peak.
I could throw a bunch of graphs and headlines at you but suffice it to say they tell this story…

Regardless of how you want to look at the data, the bottom line is this:
The jabs are completely failing to make quantifiable difference in covid when compared to countries with low uptake rates.
The conundrum I see for anyone who still wants to believe in these shots is that you either:
Have to swallow the dissonance that the shots are ineffective and necessary…
Explain the data by saying the shots are working and the reason the death count is so high is because too many deaths are being mis-labeled as covid deaths, or…
Believe that we didn’t get everyone on the globe vaccinated fast enough—which (even if everyone wanted it) would be logistically impossible given how fast the virus mutates.
Whichever way you go, the narrative/vaccine solution doesn’t work.
What’s worse, it appears those who take the shot are becoming super spreaders.
No wonder the CDC re-masked us and even revised the definition of a vaccine.
No wonder other nations are barring Israelis from entering their country.
How could this be happening?
Let’s geek out on the science for a hot second…
Not only is data pouring in about how ineffective these shots are, it appears they are actually pressuring the virus to mutate.
It’s not like vaccine science didn’t see this coming.
If you read my original 18 reasons article you may remember I mentioned Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche—one of the most respected vaccine scientists on the planet.
He put his entire (impressive) reputation on the line when he raised the alarm, called for an immediate pause to the covid vaccine program, and asked for public debates among his peers.
Did you catch those debates?
Of course, you didn’t—Geert was vilified and the debates never happened.
Yet, Dr. Vanden Bossche is starting to look like a prophet, or at least an insightful and refreshingly-honest scientist.
Here’s a quick recap of three of his predictions so far.
He told us that vaccinating people in the middle of an outbreak would:
Accelerate the virus’ ability to mutate: Hello Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc.
Inevitably produce vaccine-resistant strains: Hello new surge in infections.
Train the immune system to fixate on ONE specific piece of the original SARS CoV-2 virus (the spike protein) and thus be non-responsive to future variants.
Never mind the first two problems…do you see the significance of Geert’s third point?
An immune system that is non-responsive to future variants, is a body that can be defeated by future versions of the common cold—thus his warning of a potential for a mass-casualty event.
Has Geert changed his tune now that we have several months of data?
Nope…he’s doubling down.
In another recent interview (with Robert Malone, the inventor, or some would argue co-inventor, of the mRNA vaccine), Geert went into more detail on the science of why these jabs are so potentially deadly.

You can click here to watch that interview.
(UPDATE: Dr. Vanden Bossche just made another plea to not vaccinate against Omicron.)
Appreciate for a second that these men are at the top of their field.
They are titans of the vaccine world, and both men are calling for an end to the covid “vaccine” program, not only because it is mathematically impossible to inject our way out of covid, but because they know it is becoming increasingly deadly to attempt to do so.
Bet you didn’t hear that from Fauci.
I’ll leave the last word on this one to Dr. Vanden Bossche.
He said that what we are doing is so dangerous for humanity that he called for us to…
By that he is calling for a new baby boom to replenish the earth with a reservoir of unvaccinated people who can actually fight future coronaviruses and save our species.
Let that sink in for a second…
If you don’t like that perspective, take it up with Dr. Vanden Bossche, or Dr. Robert Malone, or this Nobel Prize winner—all three men are saying the same thing.
I’m just the messenger.
If that perspective has you a tad freaked out, keep reading…I won’t leave you there, but we need to see how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Not only do these jabs have the potential to make the immune system non-responsive to future variants of the coronavirus, there are at least three other major problems.
FIRST, it is now becoming clear these shots, at least temporarily, turn off your immune system’s ability to recognize friend from foe.
Part of the mechanism of action (for which a Nobel Prize was awarded) is that these injections cause the “toll-like receptors” of our immune system to not attack foreign mRNA.
Toll-like receptors are the gatekeepers that empower the immune system to do things like:
Recognize native vs. foreign mRNA
Distinguish healthy cells from cancer cells
Put viruses in check so they remain dormant
Can you see why that might be a problem?
Say hello to the possibility of the return of aggressive cancer and the opportunity for dormant viruses to remerge.
Maybe you even know people this has happened to?
SECOND, we were told the injected spike proteins would stay hyper-local in the shoulder and thus the immune system would surround the enemy, learn its ways, clean up the injection site, and humoral (memory) immunity would confer protection.
As it turns out, the logic of that first assumption makes as much sense as having a peeing section in a pool.
In what’s called a “biodistribution study” Japanese researchers found the spike protein (which is toxic) was able to travel through the entire body—including across the highly-sensitive, blood-brain barrier.
The highest concentration of these spike proteins was actually found in the ovaries.
Perhaps this explains why in Pfizer’s own study (see page 67) they acknowledged there is a risk for pregnant women (via “inhalation and skin contact”) if exposed to someone who has had the vaccine.
Might that explain the reports of menstrual, fertility and miscarriage issues in women?
We know scientists have been working on vaccines that spread like a disease.
THIRD, these jabs also contain the instructions to turn your cells into spike-protein factories.
Not only is the spike-protein what opens the cell wall to allow the virus inside, these spiky bits (whether from covid or from the jab) cause your cells to begin manufacturing a protein that can cause blood platelets to stick together—hello blood clots.
Do you see the obvious problem with these shots not staying in your arm—i.e. escaping capture by the immune system and replicating all over the body?
With the right trigger, cells all over an injected person’s body might not only simultaneously become a spike-protein factory that thickens the blood, but can also cause the immune system to start attacking any cells that make the spike protein.
Hello potential micro clots (found on a D-Dimer test) as well as potential auto-immunity.
Side note: As I detailed in 18 reasons post, science already knew about this phenomenon (of body-wide inflammation) from all the animal studies in the previous 20 years of attempts to make coronavirus vaccines.
Those experiments ended with body-wide inflammation that overwhelmed the test animals.
Should we be surprised then that in the first autopsy (of a human who died after receiving the jab), this same phenomenon is exactly what was found.
Given this was a known potential side-effect, where is the “spare-no-expense” money for doing as many autopsies as necessary to confirm if this is what’s happening for those who die after being injected?
Why is it left to private, brave pathologists like this one in Germany and this one in Idaho, or this one in Michigan (who risk their careers) to do the autopsies and report their (troubling) findings.
Can you see now why Geert Vanden Bossche, and over 12,000 other doctors and scientists signed this petition to stop the jab program, and over 59,000 signed this one?
If all these doctors are willing to buck the system, maybe it’s because they are seeing…
It would be one thing if these jabs were just a big, ineffective dud, but unfortunately that’s not what we’re dealing with.
As you might imagine, given the mechanisms mentioned above, these jabs are, by orders of magnitude, the most harmful products ever to be labeled a vaccine.
In fact, it should give anyone pause that all vaccines injuries in the last 30 years combined don’t equal the carnage we’ve seen in 2021 alone.
This graph says it all…

But wait you (might) protest, aren’t those numbers skewed because no other vaccine has been used this widely?
Good question.
The answer is no.
Here’s an adjusted graph to account for that objection.

No matter what way you may want to pivot the data, the graph stubbornly looks the same.
This would explain why the covid jab has killed more active-duty military than covid has.
This would explain why funeral-home directors (like this brave one) are reporting an excessive amount of mortality (business) from families whose loved ones have taken the jab.
In short, we’re vastly over-counting covid cases and deaths, and vastly, intentionally, dismissively, undercounting death and adverse reactions.
What am I talking about?
Ready for another doozy?
In a sworn affidavit, a CDC whistleblower said the numbers for covid-jab adverse reactions are under reported by at least a factor of five.
For context of how egregious this is, in 1976 the US pulled the plug on the rushed H1N1 vaccine after a few-dozen reported deaths.
A few dozen.
How many more deaths do we need to see before we end this jab program?
And it’s not just the death counts that are being ignored, it’s also…
Of the countless examples I could use for this one, I’ll stick with three.
FIRST, check out this website for Vax Long Haulers.
This not a website of people who are anti-vaccine.
It’s a site of people abandon by the medical establishment who just “want to be heard.”
With over 800,000 adverse events reported to VAERS, this sad, “six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon,” means that if you don’t yet know someone injured, sickened, or killed by these jabs (like I do), you likely will soon.
Yet, in a telling example of cognitive dissonance, you likely also know (or will know) people (including medical professionals) dismissive of verified, debilitating adverse reactions because that would either be too uncomfortable to contemplate, or they never thought to correlate the obvious.
If you’re in favor of these shots, please help me understand why we should be trusting of efficacy and dismissive of harm when the products are still in clinical trials?
That seems like the opposite of a reasonable approach.
SECOND, some want to argue that the VAERS database is simply reporting correlated cases, not confirmed injuries or deaths.
While that’s not entirely true (it takes time to confirm them all), let’s just assume it was:
With over 18,000 correlated deaths and 800,000 correlated injuries, where is the will to “warp speed” the hiring of as many people as necessary to get through the backlog and confirm the safety data?
We had $4B+ dollars spend on promoting the vaccines—never mind the cost to create them.
Where’s the spare-no-expense mentality for an effective tracking system?
Why did OSHA quietly tell businesses (who require their employees to get the jab) that OSHA will not enforce the law that requires companies to report adverse reactions to the jab?
Think about it…we are bombarded with headlines about cases and death, but we willfully turn a blind eye to all information about harm from the jabs?
THIRD, perhaps nothing typifies this flagrant disregard for safety more than the ridiculous, unconscionable use of these jabs for children.
In case you like lists, here are 10 red flags that reveal the FDA’s shady and “preposterous junk science” used in the approval for kids.
Here’s the short version:
Children incur a higher risk of injuries and death from the vaccines than from covid.
For brevity, I’ll stick with the easiest example of a flashing-red-light-safety-signal among children, myocarditis—i.e. swelling of the heart that produces permanent heart damage and sometimes death.
That’s not something healthy adolescents randomly experience.
Yet it is happening at shockingly-high numbers of kids given these jabs, especially boys (age 12-17) who are four to six times more likely to be hospitalized for myocarditis than covid.
Check out the expected vs. observed (in red) incidence of myocarditis after the covid injections.

Look closer and you’ll note this data collection stops at the end of Day 6!
Who knows how many injuries go unreported because they showed up outside one week?
It’s info like this that caused Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland to pause Moderna’s shot.
Yet, the FDA just approved the shot for kids age 5-11?
Seriously…who is following the science and who is not?
One would think if the US government wanted to build confidence in these injections (and the entire vaccine program) they would have at least withdrawn the shots for children.
Instead, despite black-and-white evidence of more harm than benefit, the CDC blatantly says “the potential benefits outweigh the risks.”
According to what data CDC?
Are you blatantly lying, incompetent, or both?
The only thing we can follow is the money, because there is no good logic or science to justify the ongoing jab campaign, nor, in light of the above, can it be fathomable to take away people’s freedoms and livelihoods if they refuse an ineffective, risky product.
If you need further evidence of an agenda, look no further than…
If you were trying to take comfort in the jab’s safety because of the “full-approval” status, brace yourself.
This may be the ugliest black-eye the FDA has ever had.
For starters, there is no fully-approved covid jab available anywhere in the world.
Wait, what?
Yeah, the approved “Comirnaty” shot won’t be available until 2023 or 2024.
Wait, but isn’t the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) jab the same as the approved jab?
They’re the same…but different (see footnote 8 on page 2).
How different?
We don’t know.
Even US Senators can’t get the FDA to answer that question.
Good, I think that’s the point.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, just get your darn (outdated) shot already!
Come on…surely, there must be pages and pages of publicly-available data behind the approval.
The FDA has formally asked to wait until 2076 to fully release the data.
What’s more, the FDA is currently being taken to court because they broke the law and won’t show the data they relied upon to approve the shot.
You can’t make this stuff up.
If you care to wade through what seems to be intentionally-confusing semantics, read this.
I’d love to believe in these jabs, but someone please explain to me:
How the heck does Pfizer know what strain of covid might be around two or more years from now that they can already have a fully-approved shot ready?
Why Pfizer redacted 22% of the ingredients (see pages 6 and following) in their new “approved” vaccine and the FDA had to be FOIA-ed to make that ingredient public.
Why Pfizer hid from the public that they used aborted fetal cells in the production of their vaccines and we only found that out because of a Pfizer whistleblower.
Why, in approving the shot, did the FDA skip public comments and the regular VRBPAC meeting—you know that supposedly-third-party, oversight, review-board that weighs in on full approval.
Meh…that’s too much red tape for something we want to forcibly inject into everyone.
So much for the scientific, transparency pledge the FDA told us about.
Informed consent? Ha!
Foxes guarding the hen house?
Help me out, I don’t know any other way to see this.
It appears the full-approval was simply a ruse to give cover for mandates…and of course allow Pfizer go through the backstock of all the expiring vials that will go to waste without coercion.
Oh, but it gets worse…
Then there’s this.
After a study of a whopping 329 healthy people (including 12 people over 65), with no control group, and after following these healthy people for “over two months” Pfizer had the audacity to ask for full approval to give a third shot of the same formulation…to all adults.
Instead of skipping another advisory-council meeting to review the risk/benefit of approving another shot of the same dud, the VRBPAC committee did meet this time.
After a full-day, open-for-public-comment period, and after hearing doctor after doctor say things like this and this, they overwhelmingly (16-2) voted to not approve the booster shot.
Yet, leave it to absent-minded Joe Biden to say afterward that the booster program is going forward “as planned” (um…serious question here, Joe…planned by who?).
What was Joe talking about?
Shortly after the 16-2 vote, his CDC director overruled the FDA advisory committee (ACIP) and approved the booster shot for “those at high risk, and the elderly.”
Is it just me, or is “risky underlying health problems” a pathologically-vague category.
“Yeah, we’re um, following the science and, and it, it, basically says, uh whoever thinks they need a booster can get one.”
Cool…love the hard science, CDC.
Never mind the boosters are failing in Israel, or that the European Union and the W.H.O. both recommended against boosters, I’m sure North American humans are different.
Do you see what’s happening here?
They are asking us to all take our place on the vaccine treadmill of outdated, all-risk, no-benefit shots that seems to be spreading covid, injuring us, crashing our immune systems, killing some of us, and creating future versions of the virus that currently don’t exist.
What could possibly go wrong?
It is sheer coincidence that two, top FDA officials resigned after the booster debacle?
After reading this article, it sure doesn’t seem like coincidence.
Maybe there are people who have a conscience still working at the top of the FDA.
Maybe not?
My concern is…who are we left with after these resignations?
Tony Fauci’s henchmen?
Given the obvious failure of the jab, you’d think the medical establishment would at least be open to any and all treatments that might prove promising.
You’d be wrong.
Remember a few months ago when the media couldn’t stop talking about how bad covid was in India, and how we all needed to look to them as reason to take the jab?
Have you noticed they aren’t talking about India anymore?
Curious as to why?
It’s because India embraced Ivermectin and wiped out covid.
The same thing happened in Japan and throughout several countries in Africa.
Why aren’t we celebrating (and replicating) that wonderful success?
Why are we being told that Ivermectin (a drug used in humans for decades, proven safe in over 63 trials, a drug that even won a Nobel prize), is no longer safe—it’s now a risky “horse de-wormer”?

Why are fabricated stories (in the Rolling Stone and on MSNBC) about emergency rooms overflowing with people who overdosed on Ivermectin, not being publicly retracted?
Why is Dr. Peter McCollough who 1) has an unassailable reputation, 2) used to believe in these jabs, 3) has successfully treated hundreds of covid patients with a multifaceted approach and 4) is the most published doctor in the world on covid…being ignored, smeared, sued, and censored by the medical and tech establishments?
Why are any number of treatments that average about 85-90% effective for overcoming covid not standard protocol in all hospital in the US?
Why are we denying early (read “any”) treatment to confirmed covid cases, and for those who don’t get better when untreated, admitting them to hospitals (where germs congregate) and then using highly-ineffective and deadly treatments like Remdesivir and ventilators?
Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of the CDC or FDA, we had doctors who actually treat covid patients making recommendations?
Folks, there is ZERO sense to what’s happening…only dollars, deaths, and fear.
Now, lest you think I only listen to doctors who once believed in these “vaccines” but have come to not believe in them…let me introduce you to Dr. Hooman Noorchasm.
He, as far as I know, still believes in these jabs.
BTW, he’s the only doctor I’ve seen make a respectable, and respectful argument for them.
Yet, even with his belief that these shots have a place, he acknowledges:
Whereas the Pfizer jab has been shown to wane in efficacy in two months, natural immunity is equal or better in all the studies I can find.
In case you don’t believe me here is a list of 81 studies, with links…happy scrolling.
Noorchasm says we have to acknowledge natural immunity is not only superior to vaccine-induced immunity, but is clear justification to avoid the jab altogether.
Think about it…we don’t vaccinate for any other infection one has recovered from.
Why then are we forcing these shots on the naturally recovered?
Noorchasm isn’t alone in being flabbergasted at the blind eye for natural immunity.
Scott Gottlieb, former head of the FDA (who is currently on the board of advisors at Pfizer), says we have to bring natural immunity into the equation of who needs these shots.
And you may have seen that Project Veritas totally busted three (I imagine now, former) Pfizer scientists who acknowledge what I just said above—natural immunity is better.
As Noorchasm laments, Biden (who Noorchasm voted for) is destroying confidence in the entire vaccine program and tearing our nation apart by mandating these shots and refusing to make allowances for natural immunity.
Natural immunity is, and always has been, better.
As great as science is, it can’t improve on nature.
Why then can’t the naturally infected (like me) opt-out?
But there is another concerning reason to allow the naturally infected to opt out.
In the above mentioned interview, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche talked about the problem of regressed immunity.
As he discusses, see if this sounds familiar, the jab causes the immune system of previously naturally-infected people to become deer-in-the-headlights blind to any version of covid that doesn’t have the original, un-mutated, spike protein.
It would make sense then that an Israeli study confirmed that you’re 13 times more likely to get a breakthrough infection if you get the jab.
It would also explain why another Israeli study showed that 40% of new covid patients were vaccinated – compared to just 1% who were previously infected.
But, let me drive home the important point.
The deeper problem is these jabs are showing signs of damaging the immune system.
According to this study, the vaccinated appear to have a “total immune system degradation of 40% of their immune-system capability.
In other words, the shots appear to regress overall immune function, significantly.
Part of what makes the idea of regularly “boosting” the immune system problematic is the potential for a phenomenon called “immune exhaustion.”
How common is that phenomenon?
That’s still TBD, but is not the potential for wearing out our immune system (via boosters) a good enough reason to argue for safety trials longer than “over two months”…and with more than 12 people over the age of 65?
Ugh…none of that sounds like an argument to get in line for these shots.
While I could give several more scientific reasons I’m declining the jab, I hope I’ve made my point on that front.
Instead of belaboring the science, I want to ask…
Have I presented any fair questions so far?
Do I sound like a crazy person?
To anyone still clinging to the mainstream, covid narrative, I have a sincere question for you:
No one (with any integrity) argues that vaccines (or drugs) do not come without risk of harm.
The moral conundrum I see for people who believe in mandating these injections is this…
…where is the acceptable line of “minority harm”?
It’s inevitable that some minority of people will be harmed by these shots.
How much harm is too much, and who gets to decide that?
Given that these jabs are connected to dramatic evidence of harm, is it not fair to suggest that where there is a risk there must at least be a choice?
I know I won’t convince everyone that the CDC willfully hyper-inflated the covid numbers or that the jabs are dangerous—so here’s the deal: I’m fully prepared to lose those arguments.
I’m hoping there is one thing we can agree on—there should be no mandates.
If someone wants to get the jab after knowing everything I laid out above, I’m fine with that.
I’m not fine with coercion, “vaccine passports,” or discriminating against people based on their medical information—that’s segregation is it not?
Can we agree here?
If not, what’s your ethical, alternative suggestion?
If you can grant that I’ve asked some fair questions, please indulge me for my next few reasons.
Allow me now turn my attention away from science and toward some recent, readily-verifiable history that puts this covid nonsense in context.
To say this pandemic has been in the works for a while, is an understatement—I went into great detail about some of the wizards behind the covid curtain in this post.
Today, for brevity sake, we need look no further at this plan-demic than a quote from 2015.
Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth Alliance, and proposer of terrifying things like the…
“Release of Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles and Aerosols of ‘novel, chimeric, spike proteins’”
…had this to say about how to make money by creating a massive uptake of vaccines:
Until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored.
To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis…we need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical counter measures (MCM) such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine.
“A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process.”
…quoted on the NIH website – Feb 12th 2016
We could keep following “science,” but let’s follow the money shall we.
As I touched on in my original 18 reasons article, most people have heard by now that…
There was illegal “gain-of-function” research going on in China using bat corona viruses.
The most probably origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is via the Wuhan lab–i.e. it either escaped accidentally or it was intentionally released.
Thanks largely to a FOIA document dump of Anthony Fauci’s emails, and now in this letter, even the NIH admits that Fauci not only illegally-funded that research through Peter Dazsak (quoted above) but that Fauci also lied to Congress about doing so.
To cover their tracks, Dumb and Dumber (I mean Fauci and Dazsak) created a fraudulent study to spread a narrative that the virus was of natural origin, not lab created.
That narrative held for a while, but eventually even mainstream media couldn’t hide the lab-leak probability when the former head of the CDC (Robert Redfield) said he believes it came from the lab—a move that apparently led to him getting death threats.
Why are Tony and Peter not in jail? I covered some speculation about that in this post.
For now, let’s stay focused on some hard evidence?
Look no further than…
Another piece of verifiable, shocking, and damning evidence of Fauci’s crimes can be found in the patent record.
Since 1999, over 4,000 patents have been filed on coronaviruses.
123 of those patents cover every aspect of what is supposedly “novel” about SARS-CoV-2.
The entire virus (as well as the antidotes and means of detecting the virus), received patents long before covid-19.
Wait, you might say…how can someone patent a living organism, isn’t that illegal?
That is correct.
The patented spike protein that these jabs are based on is a synthetic, computer-generated, chimeric (DNA combined from different species), lab-created concoction.
And, wait for it…there are countless more variants available to be used.
Am I being too cynical to ask if the agenda is simply to wear us all down with an endless stream of variants until those in power have accomplished a desire goal?
It sure seems that way.
If this sounds too hard to believe, click here, or here to watch Dr. David Martin of M-CAM International recount this entire patent history, who financed the patents, Fauci’s role, and all the relevant patent numbers you can look up yourself.
If you prefer to read this history, you can see it all laid out here.
You can also check out this book, this book, this book, or this book for a much deeper detailed history of these crimes against humanity.
Your day is coming Tony.
For now, here is another disturbing piece of information that has come to light…
Forgive me if I’m being overly skeptical, but consider what we discussed above:
The FDA actively discourages people from taking Ivermectin for covid.
The FDA won’t release the data they relied upon to approve the Pfizer jab.
Pfizer and the FDA have blatantly redacted ingredients inside these products.
The patent record tells us about various kinds of nanotechnologies that have been created for use in vaccines—including bizarre self-spreading vaccines, or vaccines that spread like a disease
As you might imagine, any scientist qualified to look through the microscope would be curious to see if he/she can find other ingredients hiding in these shots.
Check out what else has been repeatedly identified in these jabs:
Graphene oxide has been found in all four major injections—thus creating a long list of potential health problems (never mind the long list of ethical problems), and wouldn’t you know it, GO is already patented for use in coronavirus vaccines.
Bizarre, alien-looking, self-aware organisms that appears to be (or behave like) freshwater hyrda (a self-replicating life form that is almost impossible to kill), are repeatedly showing up under the microscope. What???
Perfectly-formed, linked discs are also showing up under the microscope…do we even know what they are? Would this patent for what sounds like some sort of RFID, neurological-obedience technology in vaccines have something to do with it?
Seriously…read the patent linked above and see if having information read from inside your body and sent to a server doesn’t sound way too “big brother.”
Maybe we can take comfort in the fact that, due to contamination, there was a massive recall of 1.6 million doses of covid jabs—similar to contamination in non-covid vaccines?
Maybe (hopefully) what’s being found in these covid jabs is simply explained as contamination?
…Or maybe this is something we weren’t supposed to find?
In case you haven’t put the pieces together of where this kind of tech could go, consider that there is a massively organized, well-funded, transhumanism movement (fresh off a three-day conference in Spain—Oct 2021) dead set on “building back better” by integrating and controlling humans via technology.
Maybe this isn’t what it appears, but whatever is going on isn’t giving me warm fuzzies…
Regardless of how present nanotechnologies are in these shots, given how shady the FDA has been, I’d argue this isn’t the time to “believe the best” or put blind faith in these liability-free jabs?
I’m going to stick with a hard no on these so called “vaccines.”
OK, let’s step back from the microscope and patents and look at a different repeated pattern…
If you’re still clinging to the mainstream covid narrative, please explain…
Why nearly every nation approached covid the same way—with the suspension of their respective laws or constitutions?
Why, in a coordinated fashion, has free speech become massively suppressed, and “misinformation” is now a euphemism for “anything-that-contradicts-Tony-Fauci.”
Why businesses and houses of worship were forced to close without due process of law as required by the 14th amendment?
How the Nuremburg Code, that prohibits coercion, became irrelevant and now we face government-sponsored ultimatums requiring us to give up our body sovereignty?
Why are executive orders, or I should say, executive-order-by-press-conference (i.e. there is no existing employer mandate) treated as if they are laws when they are not?
Is it a sheer coincidence that four world leaders (Haiti, Chad, Uganda, Maldives), who rejected the covid narrative, were targeted for assassination within a matter of months?
I suspect I have a better chance of winning the lottery every day than all of those things happening without puppeteering…and I don’t even buy lottery tickets.
If our elected “leaders” can force us to give up our rights, and coerce us to take ineffective and dangerous product …what other unethical lines are they willing to cross?
What if someone with evil intent is (or becomes) in charge of forcing us to take the next booster, or the next one, or the one after that?
Do we really think Pharma is immune to organized crime?
Is Pharma ever going to accept liability for future vaccines, or will they forever be liability free?
Yet, beyond what has happened so far, I’m actually more concerned with…
If I can’t convince you that ethics or real science isn’t in favor of these jabs, maybe seeing how quickly tyranny is spreading can get us on the same page?
Here’s the dystopia that’s spreading like wildfire:
We live in a world where:
We are unable to apply basic cost/benefit analysis and instead we’re told to embrace any measure that will fight covid.
Your favorite local businesses may have to close because not enough customers are willing to comply with a vaccine mandate.
The most credentialed doctors we have are being labeled as terrorists and systematically silenced when they speak any contrarian information.
The people who are arguing for your freedom are put on the terrorist watch list—um, “opposite day” anyone?

We live in a world where you can be implanted with a microchip that’s connected to your personal ID and bank account, and all your personal information is sent to the cloud.
That’s already happening by the way.
Think about it, if everything is trackable, everything is instantly censorable or punishable.
We live in a world where your government can force you to check in within five minutes of being texted so they can use facial recognition and geo-locating to make sure you’re where you’re supposed to be.
That too is already happening, by the way.
We live in a world where hospital systems, and one country after another admits to using covid to test the effectiveness of propaganda on its citizens.
We live in a world where a whole country can take away your ability to travel if you don’t submit to participating in a these experimental jabs.
We live in a world where your government can arbitrarily draw new, nonsensical quarantine boundaries you must stay within, and force you to travel to (for example) an approved grocery store that is miles away even though there’s one across the street.
We live in a world where unclean people, I mean unvaccinated people, are so intolerable they are not allowed to buy food.
We live in a world where police in a “free country” can:
Sneak up behind you and body slam you in the streets for not wearing a mask
Shove elderly women to the ground and pepper spray them.
Fire tear gas and rubber bullets at peaceful protests.
Don’t think it’s happening, watch this:

We live in a world where some think it’s ok for parents to be forcibly separated from their children due to covid.
We live in a world (in Washington DC no less) where children are allowed to get vaccinated without their parent’s knowing it.
…and we live in a world where our leaders can seemingly do these things without consequence.
Even the reliably-covid-friendly publication The Atlantic says developments like the above are trading away too much liberty.
Can I ask an honest question…
Does this look like progress, or does it seem perhaps a slippery slope to tyranny?
Is this the world you want to keep living in?
Don’t think it could get any darker, brace yourself:
Here’s another question I think is fair…
Should we be unconcerned that governments in the US, UK, and Australia have things like:
New detailed plans for “quarantine camps” or “green zones” where “infected” people can be isolated for as long as the authorities deem necessary?
Companies are asked to submit proposals for government contracts to provide innovative solutions for “temporary body storage service”?
Massive, privately-run new mega-prisons…with crematories next to them? Here it one on Google Earth in case you want to see it.
Job posting on the US Army website for internment/resettlement specialists?
Government training courses for how to isolate and quarantine people in rural areas?
Do we want to blindly believe this is really all about a virus and nothing else?
Or that this infrastructure couldn’t be used for evil?
To me this sounds like a…
Now, I can hear some of you saying:
“Oh, come on, they would never…”
“I’m sure there’s a good reason…”
“I can’t believe they would…”
“Why would they…”
I admit, maybe (hopefully) I’m connecting the wrong dots…but is there any chance you’re being too trusting?
Have you ever wondered (like I have) how the German people allowed the holocaust to happen right under their noses?
How many times do you think they rationalized and turned a blind eye to what they saw?
Could it be that your failure to imagine evil is your limitation?
Let’s zoom all the way out…
Stanford professor John Ioannidis, possibly the most respected epidemiologist on the planet, has crunched all the numbers from around the global and found that infection-survival rate from covid is well over 99%.
Here are the survival rates by age:
Age 0-19: 99.9973%
Age 20-29: 99.986%
Age 30-39: 99.969%
Age 40-49: 99.918%
Age 50-59: 99.73%
Age 60-69: 99.41%
Age 70+: 97.6% (non-institutionalized)
Age 70+: 94.5% (institutionalized and non-institutionalized)
Folks that’s the same as it looks every cold and flu season.
Are we surprised that people who catch a cold near the end of their life might die?
Now, I know for some people (my own dad included) covid can be rough, even deadly, but so can so many other types of illnesses.
Are we going to accept being locked down and jabbed into oblivion every year?
How much overreach has to happen before we all say “enough”?
If we can agree on freedom of choice…can I ask for your help to talk to your friends?
If you’re hesitant to say yes, may I push the issue a bit further?
“I’d submit to you, that when you fail to say something, you become complicit with what is happening.”
Whether you got the shot or not, we need you.
You can reach your friends and family in ways I can’t.
What you want to look back on ten years from now and be proud of yourself for doing?
Look, I know these conversations are hard.
These blog posts are hard.
I’d still rather write about something else, but I’m committed to the fight.
I can’t fight every battle, but I can fight with my words and thereby do my best to help you find yours.
What about you…where can you join the fight for freedom?
And that leads me to my final reason…
I don’t want to live in a world where human rights are trampled by those who lust for power.
I don’t want my kids to grow up living in fear or without basic freedoms.
I reject the new religion of public health.
I will not comply with these jab mandates…ever.
As Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty, or give me death.”
Amen Patrick…thank you for fighting for us all those year ago.
Now it’s our turn to stand.
I will fight for my freedom, my precious children’s freedom, and your freedom.
Who’s with me?
The simple math is we win this battle if enough of us stand up and say “no.”
Peaceful non-compliance is still the path forward.
We give no ground.
They can’t march down every street and arrest all of us.
Let’s face it, it’s going to be a bumpy ride the next several months, but…
Here are the cool things that can happen after you commit to speaking out and saying no:
Instead of being afraid, you start looking for solutions.
You start to realize you are not alone.
You feel a sense of purpose.
I truly believe we will win this battle for freedom.
The time is ripe for a rebuilding an ethical version of all the systems that currently are trying to enslave us—governing, banking, education, journalism, social media, healthcare, medicine, food production, entertainment, energy…all of it!
By building better systems, local systems, we make the tools of global predators, irrelevant.
If we all get off Facebook, or turn off the major news networks, they go away.
If you’re an innovator, start innovating.
If you’re a support person, start supporting people and companies that need support.
Want (or need) a new job, check out this job board, or this job board—no jab required.
To keep the conversation going, in the weeks and months ahead, I plan to blog about:
What I’m learning about how to help the vaccine injured.
What I’m learning about the systems we’re born into that are enslaving us.
My efforts to opt-out of those systems and where I’m going instead.
Courage is not the absence of fear—it’s feeling the fear and doing the right thing anyway.
Courage is also contagious.
Go make a ruckus where you can and watch how it attracts new friends and freedom fighters into your world—your new community is one courageous step away.
When things feel dark, take a break, hug someone, and get out in nature.
At the very least, find something to make you laugh—I like this and this.
Think about it…what an awesome time to be alive!
We get to fight the most epic battle in history…and we get to be on the winning team.
We have truth on our side.
We have the winning arguments.
May we all find our courage to live and speak the truth.
Until next time my friends, stay curious, and stay frosty.
Let’s go win some hearts and minds.
We got this,
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Re "Given the obvious failure of the jab, you’d think the medical establishment would at least be open to any and all treatments that might prove promising. You’d be wrong."
Ok, let's THINK now. What does that fact that "you'd be wrong," in conjunction with similar evidence, mean really? What does it point to? What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that?
Here's the answer, here's what that ULTIMATELY means…
It means that a cartel of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS dominate and control everything (big businesses such as allopathic medicine, governments, etc.)….
And psychopaths are NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore you better RE-learn what a psychopath REALLY is (see linked source above).
But rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains…
Christian nice stitching together of both sides. We are all on the one side and that is the side that holds that everyone is equally valuable. I don't want to address your points, I want to address your criteria for commenting. To me, freedom of speech is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. I rarely use caps so you know I mean it's of the utmost importance. Talk to me about it if you want to know more. To the point – your saying you will act as judge and jury as to say you will delete anything not to your liking is committing censorship. If freedom of speech is most important, then why are you exercising censorship? You are deciding what we can or cannot read. You are deciding what is polite speech. You are making a unilateral decision about free speech. Some think that if they own the site, they can set the rules. This is a dangerous belief system because there is nothing, nothing, more important than upholding free speech. And that means we will hear some speech that is offensive. However we must address that with rational speech, not no speech. No speech is for douchebags which all censors are. If we don't like facebook and google censoring us, then we must not commit censorship like facebook and google do. That makes sense, doesn't it? Love the way you handled the article overall though and got people together – that too is of the utmost importance! Bravo!
Excellent article!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you for putting this out there 🤩
What a great article. The massive amount of work that went into this is obvious and I thank you for the great work you do. I make an effort to get this information out every day despite being criticized and cancelled by friend and foe alike. Is it worth it? You bet! And I encourage others who have been reluctant to stand up for what they truly believe, to do so now, and just ignore the flack that comes your way. It's way less harmful than you realize. The greatest harm to you is not standing in your own truth.