Full Moon Reading 16 April 22
Last darkness before the Dawn
By Katharina Bless
This is a reading with the real star constellations, an accurate analyze of what is happening in the world right now. This Chart is made for London, the division between East and West.
You can find the reading here:
Here the image of the full moon constellations:

For those new to my readings, please check out the latest Introduction because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology and my previous reading in my blog page:
A guide to Life’s Pilgrimage and the Soul’s Path of Evolution
You can follow my Silver Dove Network at Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/R-WDl0W6mqMGFiAz or you can reach me there: @KatharinaBless
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**SkyView Astrology (outer circle) works with the real star-constellations. Western/Tropical Astrology (inner circle) has nothing to do with the stars anymore and their 1˚ Aries is 28˚ apart from the true star constellations, the Vedic/Indian system is 6˚ degrees different.
SkyView Astrology does not tell you who you are, but shows the time quality and blueprint/road-map of one’s life. It also is no fortune telling tool and can’t predict the future since you have the innate ability to co-create your life within the curriculum you have chosen for this incarnation. Once you know how, you can change your life and time line.
The dates of the transition of the sun are based on the guidelines of IAU (International Astronomical Union).
Katharina Bless is Author of “SkyView Astrology – Applying the real Star Constellations to our Life’s Journey and Soul Evolution” and “Flower Healing Power” book one and two and “The Secret of the Abundance Box”. She lives in Chiang Rai, Thailand. If you are interested to have a personal reading or life coaching, you can contact me through my blog page or at Telegram.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Great comment Nestor !!
Not sure 100% on board, but:
Absolutely wonderful.
Thanks for the reading.
Yes…blah blah blah.
Here's an idea for you:
the Moon is damage control.
Earth has suffered numerous catastrophes (such as the violent end to the Bronze Age) and humanity has had its Mind (our OS) electroshocked more than once by collisions from interplanetary plasmasphere interactions, when vast electrical bolts hit earth, scorching the land, causing earthquake, melting stone (see Tanis).
YOU are electrical being. YOU are plasma recording of Mind as software in a wetware biobot enclosure called a "person" or "body."
Guess what? YOU are a virtual person in the Mind of Deity. Life is a MPG, Multi Player Game. But it is the "Lord" or Master Pool of Mind who inhabits the thing "you" call "you."
The Moon was not always here, it is recent.
We are of Saturn which was our God Star once.
The Moon is a control sedative so we can bumble on despite our PTSD from electro-shock.
All of this astro BS is a projection of God Mind
Yes you are changing, morphing, being altered in consciousness.
We are all players in an "online multi-player" game. the Game is not really REAL.
You will be respawned, beborn, reincarnated, recycled, you are a leaf on the palengentic Tree of Life.
Get over yourself. This persona you think is "you" is only temporary for the Ride.
Enjoy the Ride.
Your true nature is El-elctrical plasma Consciousness.
you will know Life on and on and on, so Enjoy.
Enjoy being "killed," enjoy playing Level by Level Game, ever reaching for the Brass Ring, for the Fruit of Life, for the IDEA of some "immortal" you.
LOL is Life. Lila. Playfulness.
Forget Biden, Trump, Putin…they are all actors to make the Game more exciting.
IT is all Bullshit. The Bull of Heaven.
Cycles rule all. We are in a compost phase as the Old lame post stone age model of fearful humanity propitiating before vengeful "godz" is running out.
Get ready for new ET Mind, "you" are Everywhere in Cosmos.
this is all Bullshit for babies.
DIE…to your model of little me-me-me self. WAKE UP. YOU are the ONE everywhere, Who is playing this Game.
Relax… it's ALL a DREAM!! But wow! the VR F/X are pretty good ….right?
have a laugh…no one really dies. We just learn to play new parts.
See you down the Road!