Ascension Connection Call with Pam Gregory -Tuesday June 14


The Ascension Connection Invites You to a Public Zoom Call

Tuesday, June 14, 2022
6 pm UTC/GMT, 7 pm London / 8 pm Paris
US 11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern

 With Guest Speaker, UK Astrologer, Pam Gregory

Energies ‘building to a crescendo’ in late 2022, says UK astrologer

By PFC volunteer Roger Guttridge

Astrologer Pam Gregory believes 2022 is a key year in Earth’s long-awaited transition to the Golden Age – and she’ll be explaining why at Prepare for Change’s new Tuesday Ascension Connection Call on June 14.

Pam, whose worldwide following on YouTube, Facebook and her website ( numbers half-a-million, says 2022 is the most intense year in what she calls the ‘big battle’.

‘I’m looking at 2022 as the real year of the tipping point,’ she says. ‘There will be a lot of intensity. We’re going to see a lot of breakdowns of systems and chaos and turbulence but it’s necessary. If you are putting new kitchen cupboards in, you have to smash down the old ones first and it’s a mess. And this is really the process we’re going through. My sense is that the second half of this year is going to be more intense than the first. There are various peaks – end of July-early August, building to a crescendo in the last three months of this year. It’s going to be very big in the US and whatever happens in the US is going to ricochet across the rest of the world. For instance, if it came out publicly that there was a question mark over the legitimacy of the US government, what would that mean for the legitimacy of other governments? It’s a very big year.’

Pam says one of the dominant aspects this year is Saturn square Uranus – ‘Saturn past, Uranus future; Saturn “control, for your safety, do as the government tells you;” Uranus “Sod that, I’m a maverick, I’m free, I’m an individual, human rights etc.” Another big aspect is Pluto grinding its way through the last three degrees of Capricorn and its job is always to unearth the shadow side of that sign. And Capricorn is about governments, institutions. corporations that have supposedly had power over us = top-down organisations. It will throw up corruption in the leaders and the organisations themselves in order that that is revealed and purged. Various other things are reinforcing the same theme.’

Another key aspect is that Pluto will start to move into Aquarius in March 2023 and will stay there until 2044. ‘It doesn’t move fully until December 2024, when we will see quite a shift,’ says Pam. ‘What I want to emphasise is that we can choose how these energies manifest because we are co-creators. So many people are sleepwalking into less positive expressions of that Pluto in Aquarius. Looking down the timeline, Pluto in Aquarius can be hyper-rational, hyper-scientific, dystopian, transhumanism. Control by technology is the literal translation of the symbolism. Or it can be a resurgence in human rights, freedoms, unblocking of creativity, new technologies that are beneficial. But we choose.

We are the co-creators in this. Astrology is the modelling clay, and we decide what we are doing with the clay. I really want to help people step into this role as co-creators and not merely say to me, “What’s going to happen, Pam?” I say: “Here is the energy. What do you want to do with that energy? What do you want to happen? Do you want to sit back and play victim? Or do you want to become co-creator? This is the shift we have to get into. More and more I’m trying to shift people from that kind of fated aspect of astrology. Pluto in Aquarius is about the power of the people. That’s what we are starting to see with various groups such as Stand in the Park, the People’s Health Alliance, Prepare for Change. Groups are popping up all over the place and that is grassroots-up power of the people. That is Aquarian energy. We’re done with top downs. This is grassroots up. How do we grow a new society? And that’s what’s happening right now.’

PFC’s June 14 Ascension Connection call will begin promptly at 6pm UTC/GMT, 7pm London, 8pm Paris, 11am US Pacific, 2pm US Eastern but those who wish can show up 15 minutes early for an informal chat before starting.

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The purpose of the Ascension Connection call is to connect with others and create a cosmic community of like-minded individuals. The calls provide a safe space to share opinions and experiences on higher dimensional topics and are intended to empower people to create a new, harmonious society with love, well-being, unity, and balance.

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