U.S. Laws All Secretly Changed To Enable Mass Genocide


From Dr. Jane Ruby Show.

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane talks to legal analyst and super sleuth, Katherine Watt who discovered the slow kill of American laws and the U.S. Constitution and how it is legalizing tyranny, genetic damage, and takeover of America under the guise of public health and Team Enigma’s Sasha Latypova returns with more startling findings from Judicial Watch’s FOIA on Moderna, revealing how the DOD is using Fauci’s created company to execute an American Domestic Bioterrorism Program. Don’t miss the 3rd segment where Dr. Jane shows you how a new term, “Medical Countermeasures” was created to shield all criminals from accountability. It’s not just in your imagination!

Watch the full show and support Dr. Jane – become a premium subscriber: https://redvoicemedia.net/ruby

FULL SHOW: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/06/u-s-laws-all-secretly-changed-to-enable-mass-genocide-and-dod-is-using-pfizer-to-kill-americans/

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